Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Eggless Banana Chocolate Chip Mini Muffin with Flax Seed | Step By Step Recipe to Make Banana Bread

 Today is the last day of Blogging Marathon Edition#6. Time surely flies, especially when it is Blogging Marathon Time. I know I sound so boring, but life surely is hectic, even if I repeat this often. This edition has been really very tightly squeezed and what with the idea of pairing two bloggers to cook from each others blog. All my BM posts have been cooked just before posting, so you can imagine the haste the entire process has been. For all the planning I normally do, I know I end up being hard pressed for time so much. Still I have enjoyed the entire two weeks of blogging and our discussions.

I am working on the next theme already, hopefully it's should be even more interesting.

For the last day I got myself paired with Cool Lassie and I checked her collection of Egg replaced Cake/ Bread and found the first post I saw to be most appealing. It's Easy Eggless and Moist Banana Walnut Bread. I thought I should make this over the weekend but couldn't do. And I have been planning to use Flax seeds for a long time and since have two packs of flax seed powder. But I never came using it. It's also nearing it's shelf life. So got some ripe banana last night and knew I will have to get up early to make this. I wanted to send this for the kid's snack box.

Since my kids don't like any nut in their food, I had to skip walnuts. Then I saw that my all purpose flour was not enough. So made this even more healthy by adding more of wheat flour. Added chocolate chips to please the kids. Well I know all my bakes have these chips, it surely excites the little ones.

Finally when it was baked, I was so excited seeing how well it has risen. The taste was exceptionally good. Very moist and soft. I know next time I am going to make this as a loaf or a cake. I halved the recipe from what CL mentioned. This yielded me 12 mini muffins, 4 big muffins. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration CL!

But making this in mini size is always good to serve kids.
Sending this to Champa for Kid's Delight themed on Mini Bites

Step by Step pictures for making Banana Muffin

Dry Ingredients

Whole Wheat flour -  3/4 cup
All purpose Flour / Maida - 1/2 cup
Baking powder 1 & 1/4 tsp
Baking Soda - 1/4 tsp
A pinch of salt

Wet Ingredients

Sugar - 1/2 cup
Flax Seeds - 1/2 tbsp
Hot Water - 1 & 1/2 tbsp
Butter, melted - 1 tbsp
Oil - 1 tbsp
Curds - 1 tsp
Ripe banana - 2 big ones.
Vanilla essence few drops.

Method to prepare:

Shift all the dry flours in a bowl, keep it aside.

Pulse the banana to get the puree

Add the hot water to the flax seeds and keep it aside. It will foam after a while.

In a bowl, take the sugar, add flax seed mix, banana puree, butter, oil, curds, vanilla essence. Mix well.

Pre heat the oven at 170 degree C

When the oven is ready, line the muffin tray with liners.

To the wet ingredients, add the dry ingredients and mix well. There is no need to beat or mix fast.

Spoon into the cup to half full. Bake it at 170 degree C for 15 mins. Then reduce to 155 C and bake for 5 mins.

The big muffins had to be baked at 170 degree C for 20 mins and then at 155 for 2 mins.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#6

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