Monday, June 20, 2011

Eggless Banana Pancake Recipe | Quick and Easy Recipe for Kids

I am not sure if I will be able to make those cinnamon rolls that I have been planning ever since I thought I will take up mini bites. I had to come back home early as I was not feeling well. After couple of hours of rest, I was alright. Still it was pretty late to venture into making anything that might take beyond 10 mins of work. Reading what I wrote myself, I know it feels such a sloppy story, but it's a fact that a life of food blogger is pathetic at times..:)

Imagine telling your kid that you made those delicious pancakes for the blog and not for her! Konda was enjoying the treat and asked if she would get another serving, this time chocolate flavoured. I said I will make them again for her later. I was feeling so terrible saying that to her. Anyway I will make up to her soon I decided.

So these were those detectable eggless Banana Pancake drizzled with Condensed Milk and season with Cinnamon.

Sending this Champa for Kid's Delight themed one Mini Bites.

Did you see that Condensed Milk dripping from the Banana Pancake? It was yum!

Eggless Banana Pancake with Condensed Milk and Cinnamon.

Ingredients Needed:

For the batter

All purpose flour/ Maida - 3/4 cup
Ripe banana, puree - 1/2 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup (more if required)
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt a pinch
Sugar - 3 tsp
Butter for cooking the pancakes.

For Garnishing

Condensed Milk - 3 tsp
Cinnamon powder - for sprinkling on top

Method to prepare:

To make the batter:

In a bowl, take the flour, mix in salt, sugar, baking powder.
Puree the banana, add immediately to the bowl. Mix well to make sure you get a lump less batter.
Slowly add in the milk and get a smooth batter. Rest it for 5 - 7 mins.

Heat a non stick pan, drizzle with butter. Pour a small ladle of batter over the hot pan. Simmer the flame and cook over low flame to make sure the pancake gets cooked well.

Meanwhile take the condensed milk in a microwave safe bowl. Micro for 30 secs.

When the pancake gets done, flip on the other side cook till it's golden in colour.

Transfer to a plate, pour the hot condensed milk on top, spread well and sprinkle Cinnamon powder on top

Serve hot.

Since the batter didn't rest for long, the pancakes will not turn out crispy. So pour little thick pancakes and cook over low flame for it to get done well.

Make sure you flip it with care.

The hot condensed milk with cinnamon tastes heavenly with the sweet banana pancake.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#6

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