Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blogging Marathon #6 - 7 Day Marathon!

What started as something to motivate myself to be focused has caught on so much with other bloggers as well. Blogging Marathon is into it's 6th edition and even when I thought I should give it a break, with so enthusiasm shown I don't have an heart to say no.
The highlights of each Marathon is of course, the support each of us show to other members. the discussions that happen offline. This time round I opened the forum for everybody to come out with different themes that they can think of. I was so happy seeing how each of them came up with their own list. I am sure I have enough to last many months to come.

Much thought and discussion has gone into this list of theme. I would like to thank all my fellow marathoners for help. I have only tweaked the ideas to suit the BM concept, which is basically trying to be innovative and consistent in blogging everyday non stop for a decided period. No archives fro the BM, most should or will be prepared the day before, which makes this BM more interesting.

Since I am starting this month little late, it's going to be only 2 groups. I am yet to decide on the number per group. But then again based on the request I get this month, I might create a new page for this Blogging Marathon and track all the participating bloggers. So check out for that.

The two weeks are going to be 16 - 22 June & 23 - 29 June.

Sometime back when I was thinking I need to create a logo for BM, I was just doodling and came up with this, I hope you like it, it's not really much of a logo though!

Please email me your interest along with your theme. Decide on the theme ahead and let me know in your email so that we can avoid the confusion later.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:
  • Will have to post on all 7 days without fail
  • Should follow the accepted theme all 7 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 7 days.
  • Should link up to all the bloggers who are part of this session/ link to the page that I will be creating
  • Should actively give feedback on others post.
Couple of new features introduced this month, which you can read further down. But first the themes!

Seven Days of shelf stable goodies for Kids (Anything that your kid likes or you liked as a kid)

Recipe less picture posts

Seven Days of Regional Specials (Cook dishes specific to one region/Cuisine. E.g., if you choose Andhra, it should be only Andhra special for all 7 days)

Seven Days of Picnic food - (e.g.: Sandwiches, Easy one pot non messy meal etc)

Seven different ways to use an Ingredient (For example if you choose carrot, showcase how carrot can be used differently in 7 ways, meaning as in Halwa, chutney, dosa, cakes, puddings, kheer, juice etc.) I am just giving carrot as it came to mind right away. I am sure you will know lot more ways of using this vegetable. But the ingredient can be anything not just vegetable. It can grains, fruits, vegetables, just about anything.

Seven different ways to replace Egg in Baking

Seven days of Mini Bites - Anything in mini size would fall under this. You can make Mini Appetizers, Mini Meals, Mini Serving Desserts etc. If you are making sweets, it can't be like those burfis etc, but you can serve a single serving pudding cups, individual set desserts.

Now comes another interesting aspect. For the last day of the Marathon, I will be pairing two bloggers who will cook from each other's blogs, picking a recipe that fits any one of the above listed themes.

Those interested can opt to run both the weeks. As a bonus, the second week can be one theme per day. But this is only for the blogger who wants to do both the weeks.

Please email me at latest by 13th June if you are interested.

Special thanks to Champa for helping me out with this post.

Please spread the details if you want your friends to be part of this marathon.

Let's gear up for another non stop blogging!

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