Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Avarakkai Paruppu Usili | Broad Bean with Lentil Dry Saute | Step by Step Recipe

Today we are starting the second group of the Blogging Marathon. I decided to do one theme a day. Well next couple of days are hectic and I really don't think I have time to make same theme for the week. I know I often repeat this, but days are really passes off fast. I almost think that planning the breakfast, lunch and dinner occupies major part of my day. I know my colleagues tease me that with the number of dishes I make, it's only natural that time passes off quickly.

I know I enjoy making and more than that planning it well ahead to get it completed on time. Since the school began for the boys, I have made it a point to ask them what they want. It's been a repeat request the entire week. I have managed to work around that. I know I ought to work on a proper menu and give them option.

Coming to the recipe today, I decided to post a speciality dish from Tamil Nadu, Parrupu Usili. As a kid there was a time when I used to look forward to attend wedding specialty for this dish. It's quite common to make this with Toor dal and of course there are different ways. I have already posted two methods to make it. While those are easy to make, this method of steaming and grating seems to be the most authentic method or at least that's what is claimed.

One can make this parrupu Usili with different vegetables like Beans, Cluster Beans, Banana Blossoms, and Indian Broad Beans. today I will be sharing a recipe made with Broad Beans.

Step by Step Recipe for making Parrupu Usili

Broad Beans Paruppu Usili

Soaking Time : 30 - 40 mins
Preparation Time : 10 mins
Cooking Time : 30 mins

Ingredients needed:

Bengal Gram - 100 gms
Broad Beans - 150 gms
Red Chillies - 4 - 5 long
Salt to taste

Mustard seeds + Urud dal - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves few
Asafetida a pinch

Method to prepare.

Soak Channa dal in water for 30 mins.

Chop the broad beans to fine pieces. Microwave for 7 mins.

Drain water from the channa dal and grind along with red chillis and salt to a fine paste without adding too much of water. Divide into small balls and steam in a greased plate in a idli cooker for 10 - 15 mins.

Once it is cooled, grate into a fine powder.

Heat a kadai and add mustard, curry leaves. Once it splutters, add both the dal mix and cooked beans. Cover and cook in sim for 10 mins. Stirring frequently to ensure it doesn't get burnt. Sprinkle water if it gets dry.

It takes about 5 -7 mins to get done.

Serve with sambar and steamed Rice.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#6

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