Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mini Cinnamon Rolls with Chocolate Glaze | Step by Step Recipe to make Cinnamon Roll

There are times when you tweak a recipe so much that you never can relate to the original idea that you got you going.This is what happened to the cinnamon roll that caught my fancy a while ago, when I happened to land in this blog. I was on search for mini servings when I was doing the BM last week. Ever since then I have been planning to bake these rolls and made Paneer at home and used it up for various other things.

Finally yesterday I had no option but to use the paneer and make these rolls as I had decided on Mini Bites for today's post. This recipe calls for cottage cheese and I read up on cottage cheese. The cottage cheese that's made in US is different from the Indian Cottage cheese that we call as paneer. But I thought if I am going to use it right away it shouldn't really matter. Guess I was wrong as I never got to use the paneer right away.
I also realized it wasn't my day to bake, as I forgot to add the important ingredient, sugar to the base. So ended up sprinkling castor sugar on top, thus creating another new recipe, even if I say so myself. Whatever  it is, the final end product was delicious and I had Peddu telling me that I will have to make it again tomorrow. And Konda wanted this packed for her snack to school. I can't ask for anything less. Best was the fact that I made these as mini rolls that the kids were able to eat on their own.

Sending this to Champa for Kid's Delight themed on Mini Bites

Step by Step picture Recipe:

In a bowl, take the flour, crumble the paneer, add curds,
 Add melted butter and mix well

 Mix into a soft dough and pinch out small balls.
 Roll out after dusting it with flour
Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar
Melt the chocolates by microwaving for a min.
 using a spoon press the chocolates well. Make sure you keep an eye, else it will get burnt.
 It should become a liquid.

 Spread out the chocolate on the roll.
 add chocolate chips
 Roll into a rope
 Cut into small rolls
 Grease a muffin pan and place them inside. brush on the top with milk/butter
 Bake at 170 degree C
 Remove and allow to cool
Glaze with chocolate sauce and castor sugar

Mini Cinnamon Rolls / Cinnamon swirls 

Ingredients Needed:

For the base:

All purpose flour - 1 cup
Paneer / Indian Cottage Cheese - 1/2 cup
Butter - 2 tsp
Curds - 2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp

For the topping

Castor Sugar/ Brown Sugar - 1/2 cup
Melted chocolates - 3 tbsp
Chocolate chips as required
Cinnamon powder - 1 tsp

For the Glaze

Chocolate Sauce
Castor Sugar

Method to prepare:

Pre heat the oven at 170 degree C.

To make the base

In a bowl, take the flour, baking powder, pinch of salt, add crumbled paneer, melted butter, and curds. Mix well. This should be enough to get you a soft dough. Else if required you may add water/milk. But mostly it should not be required

Divide into small balls, dust well with flour and roll out into a long oval shape base.

Melt the chocolate, spread on the top, sprinkle chocolate chips. Dust with castor sugar and cinnamon powder.

Starting from one end, slowly roll over, rolling it tightly to form a rope. Cut into small rolls, these look more like a swirls. Bush the top of the rolls with butter.

Grease a muffin tray, place these rolls in it and bake for 15 - 20 mins at 170 degree C. Depends on your rolls for how long it will take to get cooked.

Once it's done, rest it for 5 mins, then pour chocolate sauce over the rolls and dust with castor sugar.

These become a great dessert to enjoy!

While I was still making it, Chinnu came to ask what I was making. When I told him that it was a roll, he very sweetly asked me to make him a chocolate cake. When this was done, he didn't want to taste it even. I literally forced him to taste, after one bite, he wanted one more. But I guess he still had his heart on a chocolate cake. Well it will be just that soon...

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#6

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