Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blogging Marathon # 4 - Update

I know I am late updating on the Blogging Marathon # 4. But I have been down to do much about it. Finally I sat down deciding on the group. I wanted to do this with three different groups each having about 10 bloggers.

Below are the details of the bloggers who will be blogging non stop for 7 days in the following mentioned week

4th  - 10th April

Srivalli - Diabetes Diet/Management
Champa  - Diabetes Diet/Management
Harini - Diabetes Diet/Management
Kalyani - Kid friendly recipes
Usha - Seven Days of Soups
Priya Suresh - 30 Minutes Meals
PJ - Diabetes Diet/Management
Anusha - Seven days of Cakes
Sowmya - Seven Days of Soups  
Shylaja - Kid friendly recipes
Veena - Kid friendly recipes

11th Apr - 17th

Bhagyashri  - Seven days of Cakes
Monika - Seven days of Indian Bread
Rujuta - Diabetes Diet/Management
Divya - Kid friendly recipes
Padma - Seven days of Indian Bread
IIa - Seven Days of Soups
Archana - 30 Minutes Meals
Smita - Seven Days of Soups 
PJ - Diabetes Diet/Management
Kamalika - Diabetes Diet/Management

18th Apr - 24th

Pavani - Seven days of Indian Bread
Jayasree Satish - Seven days of Indian Bread
Smitha - Diabetes Diet/Management
Priya Vasu - Seven days of cakes
Kamalika - Diabetes Diet/Management
Cool Lassi - Kid friendly recipes

Vaishali - Seven days of Preserves
Priya Mahadevan
Gayathri Kumar

I will try to do at least two posts with the other groups, if not all days. With the way things are with me, I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Suma, Kamalika, PJ and Champa will be doing another week each.

I am still thinking of doing this edition in a different way. Will update if I finalize on that.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kadala Curry with Coconut Pulao | Kids' Lunch Box

Ok it may not be the best of the pictures I captured, what with the last minute rush to send Konda to school and get the boys ready too. Even if I am only cooking and packing the kid's lunch box or feeding their breakfast, it invariably gets late. Since I was doing the weekly menu plan for Konda, I had to follow this recipe that I had put it.
As you see it was pretty long back that I did this. I had to click a picture at the last moment, seconds before it was packed off, naturally you can see it wasn't very presentable. But Konda came back asking for this again in the evening. And boys did the same. So it goes to prove that pictures may not speak volumes of the taste it actually has. Well I know that's a stupid analogy! I know I will have to replace the picture sometime. Until then make this for your kids and enjoy!

Boys vacation is on full swing and we are at our wit's end to know how to keep them occupied. Guess I could do with lot's of advice on that!

Coconut Pulao was almost the same way I did previous. Except I added some mint leaves and more coriander leaves. 

I know Kadala Curry is a famous combo with Kerala Puttu. I like it paired with chapathi, though with pulao it tasted great too. This is not that spicy as I otherwise make it. Since it was packed for Konda's lunch it was mild in spice.

Kadala Curry with Coconut Pulao

Brown Chickpea / Kadala - 2 cups
Onions - 1 medium
Tomatoes - 1 medium
Ginger Garlic paste - 1/2 tsp
Cloves - 2
Cinnamon - 2"
Cardamom - 2
Fennel seeds - 1/4 tsp
Red chili powder - 1 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder a pinch
Coconut paste - 2 tbsp
Salt to taste
Oil - 2 tsp
Coriander leaves

Method to prepare:

Wash and soak chickpeas overnight. Pressure cook till it is tender.

Heat a non stick pan with oil. Add all the whole spices, saute well. Then add finely chopped onions, saute till it turns brown. Then add the tomatoes, salt and cover. Cook till it turns mushy.

Then add the chili powder, coriander powder and turmeric powder. Simmer for 5 mins.

Finally add the cooked channa, mash some with spoon for thickening the gravy.

Add 1 cup of water along with coconut paste. Bring to boil and simmer for 10 mins, garnish with coriander leaves.

There are many ways to make it but this is the simplest one if you are planning to pack for your kid.

I mixed this kadala curry with Coconut Pulao and packed her lunch. Makes a easy lunch and very tasty at the same time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blogging Marathon #4 - 7 Day Marathon!

It's time for another edition of Blogging Marathon!

Last time when I said I will make it with first 12, it got filled up within minutes. And I had to create another group with 17 members. Then I even got requests from other bloggers who saw it late and wanted to be part of this group.

So this time I decided to give a week's time for everybody to check in and sign up.

Based on the interest already shown by bloggers, I decided to split the members into 3 groups.

Each group will be doing the Marathon one week.

4th  Apr - 10th
11th Apr - 17th
18th Apr - 24th

Based on the total number I will equally split the members into these three groups.

The final date to send me an email will be 28th March IST.

Once again I would like to thank Champa for her valuable inputs and thoughts in brain storming on this topic.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:

Will have to post on all 7 days without fail
Should follow the accepted theme all 7 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 7 days.
Should link up to all the bloggers who are part of this session.
Should actively give feedback on others post.

Any one of the Theme that all of us can take will be:

30 minutes meals (This should be a complete meal, not just one part of the meal. Meaning if make a curry, you got to make roti/Rice along within 30 mins. Exception can be with Dosas, where fermentation may not be possible. But then again you can make instant Dosas etc. Best options will be One pot meals.)

Kid friendly Recipes - It is mandatory that the dish you post was approved or liked by a kid. The kid can be your own, niece/nephew, neighbouring kids or even you liked it as a kid. But you should describe how the kid enjoyed. Well it makes it easy for me to tell my kids that other kids liked this dish!

Seven days of Indian Bread (with any flour) - This has to be those special ones and not the regular chapati or roti.  Some examples are Kulcha, Rumali Roti etc. You can't mix in mint or spinach and call it spinach roti.

Diabetes Diet/Management - This theme should have more details on how one can make a diet fit for a diabetic. Naturally this information must come from a reliable source. You can have the option of posting a recipe or talking about how one can manage things better if you have a diabetic at home. Basically this post should help somebody learn new ways to manage their lifestyle. I hope the condition that it should come from a reliable source deter people from taking this.

Seven days of Cakes

Seven days of Soups

Seven Days of Preserves (Condiments like Sauces, Relish, Spice podi etc basically any dish that has longer shelf life)

I hope most of you will be willing to select the tough theme and do this challenge!

Please email me if you are interested. I will respond with the details that are required.

Last date to email me your interest will be 28th March IST, as I will have to send the details to all the participants.

Please spread the details if you want your friends to be part of this marathon.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gobi (Cauliflower) Manchurian Dry | Step By Step Recipe

Gobi Manchurian conjures up fond memories of many occasions. Athamma loves Gobi Manchurian and the way she says sounds so musical most times that hubby dear teases her with that. She used to live in a typical southern town where you would think Gobi Manchurian must be alien. But on the other hand it was very famous and she used to enjoy that during their walks. Every time we hear that, hubby dear chuckles thinking how that local chef would've twisted the recipe beyond recognition. Not that this has an origin to claim. I guess each place has come up with a recipe that they can very well claim as theirs.

This is also the only dish by which I can get Konda to eat cauliflower. She loves the one we order at our club. And since the time Champa announced Restaurant recreations, I was planning for it but could never get around making it. Since cauliflower is in season now, I thought I should make the best and make this at the earliest. I finally made it this week and I was trilled when Konda said I was the best cook. She claimed this was more tastier than all that she has eaten till now. 

She is not so free in giving complements unless it really merited. Of course same goes to hubby dear. It is very hard to please him and even this didn't meet his expectations as he said it wasn't as spicy as it should be for him. So I took his share and sauteed with more green chilis and served again. I don't think any other recipe can be so forgiving as this. I tasted the spiced dish and it really gave the kick!

Most restaurant might add egg to the batter for the crispy texture, but you can make it the same way by including rice flour. As always I ended up making this after coming home from office, by which time boys were waiting for me. I was hoping it was one of those days when they will leave me alone by sitting and watching. It turned out that they were interested in seeing how I was going to make. 

Imagine a hole of a kitchen with two adults and two 4 year olds, all geared up to see how I was going to fry the florets. And their endless questions, which never quench with a simple yes or no. I got to explain every small thing in detail. But though I end up getting frustrated by the pressure that I have to get their dinner ready, they managed to sit at a place for a moment. Athamma finally said I was not to exert myself like this. 

Well I felt it was worth the trouble when Amma said it was awesome and with my colleagues liking it so much. More than anything I would go to any lengths to get Konda to eat and say that..:)

Step by Step Pictures for making this.

Wash and cut the florets into bite size ones. Soak in lukewarm salted water for 10 mins, drain.
Spring onions that brightens up the whole thing..
Have the spring onions finely chopped, Ginger-Chilies paste ready.
For the batter - All purpose flour, Corn flour, Rice flour, Soda and salt along with chili ginger paste.
Batter ready for dipping.
Best way to fry the florets is by using a spoon. This way your hands are free to do other things.
Heat a pan of oil for deep frying. Fry on both sides and drain them on a kitchen towel.
For the sauce, heat a pan with 1 tsp oil, add finely minced garlic.
Then goes the Ginger Chili paste, you can use Chili sauce if you have.
 Then add the onions from the spring onions.
 Next goes Ajinomoto, Salt, Soy Sauce. Saute well.
Cook till the onions are done.
Then add the fried Manchurian to the sauce, saute well. Since this is a dry version, you don't require to add water or make more sauce.

Finally add the greens from the spring onions. If you prefer spicy Cauliflower Manchurian, add green chilis to the pan while you are sauteing.

Gobi Manchurian Dry ~ Cauliflower Manchurian Dry

Ingredients Needed:

For the Cauliflower:

Cauliflower florets - 4 cups
All purpose flour - 2 cups
Corn Flour - 1 cup
Rice flour - 2 tblsp
Salt to taste
Ginger - Chili paste - 3 tsp*
Oil for deep frying

*Increase more if you prefer spicy florets

For the Manchurian Sauce:

Oil - 1 tsp
Garlic - 4 cloves
Spring onions  - 6 big bulbs
Soya Sauce - 3 tsp
Tomato Ketchup - 2 tsp
Tomato Chili Sauce - 2 tsp
Ginger Chili paste - 2 tsp / Chili sauce - 3 tsp
Salt to taste
Ajinomoto - a tiny pinch (opt)

Method to prepare:

For the Cauliflower Manchurian dry

Wash the cauliflower in regular water and chop them into bite size florets.
Then soak in lukewarm salted water for 10 mins. Drain them once done.
Take the flours in a bowl, mix all of them together, along with salt, ginger chili paste. Slowly add water to get a dropping consistency batter
Heat a pan with oil. Once hot, gently drop in the florets using a spoon and fry on both sides.

To make the Manchurian Sauce

Heat a non stick pan, add oil. Saute the minced garlic, then add onions. Fry till the onions turn colour. Then add the soya sauce, tomato ketchup, tomato chili sauce, ajinomoto, salt and simmer for 5 mins.

Then add the fried Manchurians to the sauce and saute well on high.

Just before serving, add the greens of the spring onions and serve.

  • This is typically one of those recipes for which you end up adding more flour for the batter based on how well the florets get coated and fried. Also you end up tasting for crispiness after frying one floret for testing.
  • AjinomotoIndo Chinese dishes ought to have this, it will not alter much if you omit.
  • You can increase the spiciness by adding green chilis, it's all your choice.
  • You can make both at different times and serve together by heating it just before serving if you feel the work is too much for one sitting.

Sending this to Priya for Kid's Delight, themed on No Egg/No Butter, Ghee/No Sugar .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Appam ~ 101 Dosa Varieties and Announcing Kid's Delight next theme

I love Appams, it was no wonder that I jumped in when Amma said she has another version of doing it. Making Appam has an added advantage as my kids love Appams along with Tomato Kurma. This version of Appam was the breakfast for Sunday and kids jumped with joy!

Coming to the Kid's Delight event, I am happy to announce that Priya Mahadevan is hosting the next edition of Kid's Delight, themed on an a very interesting one named as No Egg/No Butter, Ghee/No Sugar . Do check in her page and send her your creations.

Please check out the Round of Restaurant Recreations hosted by Champa.

Ingredients Needed:

Raw Rice - 2 cups
Coconut Milk - 1 cup
Coconut Water - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 tsp (opt)
Salt to taste
Cooking Soda - a pinch

Method to prepare:

Fermenting the Coconut Water

We normally add sugar to the coconut water for mild sweetness to the appams. You can avoid this if you want. This is done along the same time you soak your rice, about 4 -5 hrs.

Grinding the batter

Soak the rice for 4 -5 hrs and grind to smooth batter in a grinder.
To the batter add fresh Coconut milk to the batter.
Let it ferment overnight.

Just before making the appams, add soda.

Sending this to Priya for Kid's Delight, themed on No Egg/No Butter, Ghee/No Sugar .

Monday, March 14, 2011

Suruttai Poli - Rolled Poli | Indian Cooking Challenge for February | How to make Suruttai Poli Step By Step Recipe!

While I talking to Nithya, I happened to ask her why she was no longer taking part in ICC, she sheepishly confessed that she was forced to miss it 3 times, she can't take part. Now that was really very surprising to me as I did tell her that the rule is just there, critical things that happen can't be avoided right, everybody is most welcome to join us once they are able to.

She was happy and in lieu I asked her to get her Mom suggest a recipe that is traditional and will be great for us to attempt. After all I wasn't about to let her get away that easily right. She very promptly sent the recipe. Yet again she posted way ahead of time as she didn't realize she didn't schedule the time, well I might just excuse for her beautiful pictures.

As the name suggests, Suruttai means rolled up and poli of course refers to the sweet poli that we regularly do. Though it resembles only there and the process is completely different. 

But instead of Sweet poli that we make, this resembles Kajjikayalu which has the same ingredients  but a completely different method and way to make.

Step by Step pictures for making Suruttai Poli

For making the Sweet Powder

Get the Fried gram, sugar, grated coconut and broken cashew nuts ready

In a small pan, heat the ghee and roast the cashew nuts first, when they start turning colour, add the grated coconut and quickly stir them. These tend to get browned very quickly.

Meanwhile, grind the fried gram and sugar to a powder. if you wish you can make this coarse or very fine.
Once the done, mix the coconut cashew fried mix to the powder and mix well using a spoon.

To make the Dough or Pappad

In a bowl, take the all purpose flour/ maida, add salt. Slowly add water and knead to stiff dough.

Allow it to rest for 10 mins. I didn't do this as I was in a rush. But I suggest you do it as it will be easy to roll up out.

Once done, roll them to a thin disc as you would regularly do with rotis.

I thought it will be pretty to have an even shape, so using a lid cut them into equal discs. You will have to roll these quite thin so that they don't puff up as pooris. When you have all the polis rolled out, allow them to rest for them to dry up. But of course, I allowed them to rest only the it took to get the oil heated up.

Ok here's where Murphy's law acted in. When normally you would expect your pooris to puff up, they would not and when you want them not to, almost all would! Well I tried not to get them puff up. I pressed down using a fork, still some did puff up..:)

Remove to a plate, here where the tough part comes in. You got to immediately work on it.

Place a spoonful of filling and immediately roll them inwards on both sides. This part is tough to handle when you do it with no help. And it will be hot. Plus the fact I made them small puris added to the difficulty in rolling them fully

Suruttai Poli Recipe


For making the sweet filling:

Roasted Gram / Putnala Pappu / Pottu Kadalai - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Cashew Nuts - 20
Cardamom powder - 1 tsp
Coconut, grated - 1 tblsp
Ghee - 1 tsp

Method for filling:

Powder the roasted gram and sugar together to a coarse or little smooth powder. Chop the cashew nuts into tiny pieces.

Heat a pan with ghee, roast the cashew nuts till they start changing colour, then add grated coconut. Take it down immediately.

Mix all these together in a bowl and keep it aside.

For making the Papad (appalam):

Maida / All purpose flour - 1 cup
Salt - a pinch
Oil - for frying


In a bowl, take the flour, add salt, combine well. Then slowly add water little by little and knead to a stiff dough. It should be of a poori consistency. Let it rest for 30 mins.

Pinch out small balls and roll them out as thin as possible. The discs should be thin and you can press with fork to make sure they don't puff up.

These appalam can have small bubbles here and there but should not puff up totally. After you roll them into circles spread them on paper and leave it aside for ten mins.

Heat a kadai with oil just enough to deep fry. Gently drop the disc into the hot oil. Remove when the poli is almost done but not turned colour. They should be flexible and should not turn brown or crispy.

Once you remove them from oil, immediately spread the filling on the papad and roll it tight and keep it on a plate with seem side facing down.

The rolls would be soft when made, but would become crispy once they are allowed to cool.

The challenge in making this sweet is the speed in which you work with rolling the fried papad and handling it while it is still hot.

Notes: Since I cut them into small discs it was hard to use more than 1 tsp of filling. But if you make it bigger you would use up all the filling.

Kids were around when I made these and before I could even utter a word, all of them wanted those poorispooris without the stuffing. 

By the time I maneuvered and got to clicking these pictures I was exhausted. The pictures didn't come out well nor was I getting ideas in placing them better. I gave up. Will be making them again for a better presentation. You can check out how pretty Nithya has clicked them!

To all my ICC members, please link your Suruttai Poli post to Mr. Linky.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bread Pakoda with Aloo Masala Stuffed | Potato Stuffed Bread Fritters | Step By Step Recipes for Kids' Lunch Box

While I was going through my file to determine what else I can plan for Konda's lunch. Off late it has become kind a routine. Then I was going through the menu ideas that my GDM friends shared, one of them mentioned they do these pakodas. Well how very interesting I thought. Because one would always associate these to be served as snack or for evening tiffin. Now why would a kid say no for such delightful dishes being packed for lunch.

After my ideas for sandwiches, I thought I should do with the lunches too and am working on that. Meanwhile I was able to do this right way, almost immediately after I had the inspiration. Guess what more, this can be a breezy thing to get done, if you have a leftover masala on hand. While I strongly never accord to send anything leftover for her lunch, when it is sufficiently cooked, there should not be a problem

I was so happy when Konda came back to say not only she loved it, her friends enjoyed it too. Guess she didn't get to eat much of it herself. I made a note to self that I should pack more of such stuff.

I remember Amma making Bread Pakodas, funny how I never came around posting our yummy Bread pakodas. When Amma gets to make Pakodas, she has an array of vegetables and other things for pakodas, bread being an integral part of it.
Interesting how stuffing this makes it so delicious for kids. To make it more healthy, I pan fried these pakodas, though two were deep fried. Bread absorbs so much oil that it's just so hideous. And shallow fried pakodas tasted just as well.

Step by Step pictures

Get the besan batter ready

On one of the slice, spread the masala,
Press the other one on top and press well for it to get sealed.

Diagonally cut the bread and spread the besan batter on top. Grease a pan and cook on both sides.

Aloo Stuffed Bread Pakodas | Low Calorie Lunch for Kids

Ingredients Needed:

For the Batter

Chickpea flour / Besan - 1/2 cup
Cooking Soda - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Red Chili powder - 1/2 tsp

For Pakodas

Potato Masala - 2 tbsp per sandwich
Bread Slices - 4 nos
Oil for shallow frying

Method to prepare:

Take the flour, salt, chili powder and soda in a bowl. Add required water to get a thick batter.

Spread potato masala on the bread. Cut diagonally into two halves. Spread the batter on top and sides

Heat a pan with 1 tsp oil. Place the pakodas and cook on low flame for it to get done. Flip on the other side and cook till it is done.

Serve with ketchup.

Deep frying this will get it more oily that can be avoided when packed for kid's lunch

Quick and Simple Lunch Box recipes for Kids

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kids Lunch Box - Ideas for Sandwich fillings

Konda loves sandwiches. She can live on them for all three meals. There was a period when she was so crazy about Dosas. she would want Dosas for all three meals, then next year it got shifted to bread. It had to be with bread all the time. As with most south Indian families, I get to hear this sentiment being expressed often. Comments such as she eats only bread and nothing else. Somehow breakfast for elders at home, always meant eating Idlis, Dosas, Pongal or at least Pooris. But never anything with bread. One eats bread only when not keeping well. I have given up explaining that bread is recommended diet during illness because it is so healthy.

Anyway cutting the story short, I decided I would at least make it very filling and wholesome to avoid such complains.

With my boys, they eat their breakfast at school, so it will anyways be either dosa, aloo paratha, poha. Since Peddu loves Cheese Sandwich and Jam, I send that for him, while Chinnu takes Dosas with Sugar. Yes he is so fond of the sugar combo, I know it's bad to give in, but well I guess they will grow out of it. Also the amount of energy spent will balance that empty calorie going in.

When it comes to Konda's weekly menu, I try to mostly plan her meals. I always stock bread as it's easy to get her eat this. But when she plans a menu, she makes sure she eats. While Nutella, Cheese spread and Jam are her favorite fillings for bread, I also make Cheese toast, aloo stuffed, Paneer stuff for her bread fillings.
I decided that I should collect some ideas and try them myself. These ideas are collected from various sources, GDM members, recipe clippings. I thank them all for saving Moms in distress..:)

I often get emails from readers asking for menu help and ideas, I thought sharing these ideas on the blog will help many others.

Please do share your idea, if it's not already listed here.

Kids love food served in different shapes. I think they love those heart shaped, circle shaped ones. So you can cut out using cutters and make them sandwiches.

If you want to make a bunny, you can use carrot for ears, raisin eyes etc

Vegetarian Fillings

Sweet Fillings:

Peanut butter Jam
Peanut butter with some banana rings and little honey.
With Buttered bread slices with Honey, Banana slices
Toasted Bread with butter and Jam
With Nutella, Banana rings
Lightly grilled apple slices, honey and cottage cheese
Condensed milk

Savory Fillings

With Buttered bread slices with a layer of green pesto sauce and slices of tomatoes and cucumber
With Buttered bread slices with Hummus, Tomato, Cucumber slices, Salt and pepper if required
Cheese, Tomato, Cucumber
Cream Cheese with sautéed vegetables
Hummus, Grated Carrot, Cucumber
Tomato, Mozzarella, Avocado
Plain cheese sandwich
Potato cheese sandwich- Potatoes cubed very small and sautéed with little salt & pepper.
Carrot sandwich (Grated carrot sautéed with salt, chilli powder, onion)
Cheese, Cucumber with Salt and pepper
Cheese, Tomato  with Salt and pepper
Cheese (pepper jack) and mustard
Butter, Garlic spread, Italian herbs and cheese
Green Chutney with Cucumber
Green Chutney with Cucumber, boiled potatoes
Garlic chutney
Mint chutney
Garlic relish, hummus
Sautéed Onions, Green Chilies and salt
Cheese with sautéed onions, chilis.
Grated Cheese, Chili Flakes and salt
Pizza Sandwiches

Non Vegetarian Filling

Cheese and Ham
Turkey and Cheese
BLT sandwich
Turkey, Lettuce and Mayo
Turkey, Cheese, Tomato and Cucumber
Butter/hard boiled egg,
Butter/scrambled egg
Tuna melt
Ham and cheese/salami and cheese
Egg salad
Eggs and cheese
Turkey slices and cheese with ketchup
Leftover Chicken
Shredded Chicken
French toast
French Toast Sandwich.

Club Sandwiches

Layer of pesto on one slice, a layer of sun dried tomato spread on another. A few tomato slices, and some greens, and a slice of pepperjack cheese. grill and wrap it in foil.
Butter/Green Chutney/Ketchup/Cheese slice
Boiled Potatoes, Grated Beets, Cucumber, Green Chutney

Leftover Subjis

Aloo Sabji
Rajma Masala
Channa Masala

Basically all vegetable curries can be stuffed if you sauté them dry, spice them up a bit and stuff between.

The sandwiches can be served plain, grilled, toasted on pan, or sandwich maker.

We now have a wide variety of cheese spreads seasoned with spices available. They make a great filling for a quick bite.

I think I covered almost everything, but then you never know. I would love to know and expand this list with more ideas I may have missed out here. Please do share them.

Other Quick Recipes for sandwiches fillings - Ideas for Sandwich Stuffing

Ideas for Kid School Lunches | Weekly Menu Recipes | Ideas on Healthy Snacks for Kids


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Navaratna Onion Uttappam | Multi Grain Crepe with Onions ~ 101 Dosa Varieties | Diabetes Diet Food | Step By Step Recipe

I was thinking I should make it a habit to post Diabetes Diet regularly yet I go back not doing it. Still Athamma makes sure she plans for something herself. One of the main course we think about is breakfast as I always feel that is one meal that really boasts us through the day.

We tried out this tasty dosa with Navaratna meaning 9 different grains, though some were not in grain form. Being a Diabetes diet, it ought to cater lot more with the fiber, protein and other essential minerals plus have a low glycemic index. You can check the Glycemic Index of Different Foods that normally are used in our dishes.

For another version of dosas with multi lentils, check out Kadambam Dosa

Today is the last day for the Blogging Marathon Group 2, it was fun having so many bloggers joining me in this run.

Soak all the grains for nearly 12 hours.

Grind to a smooth paste and let it rest for 30 mins before making the dosa.

Heat a tawa and spread out as you regularly do for dosa

Top the Uttappam with finely chopped onions, coriander leaves

Once it gets cooked, flip over the other side, simmer till the onions are browned.

Navaratna Onion Uttappam.

Ingredients Needed

Soaking Time : 12+ hrs
Fermentation time : 30 mins
Preparation time for each : 5 mins

Chickpea / Kabuli Channa - 50 gms
Raw Peanut / Ground nuts - 50 gms
Urad dal - 50 gms
Dried Soya beans - 50 gms
Black eyed beans - 50 gms
Black Chickpea / Black Channa - 50 gms
Whole Moong Dal / Pesulu - 50 gms
Bansi Rava - 50 gms
Rice / Rice flour- 50 gms

Green chilis - 2 long
Ginger - 2"

For topping
Onions, finely chopped - 1 medium
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp

Method to prepare:

Wash and soak all grains together for over 12 hrs. Change the water if required in between. Grind to a smooth batter along with green chillies, ginger.

Allow it to rest for 30 mins.

Note: The amount of rice used is not more than what is prescribed for a diabetic. But if you want to avoid it completely, you can do so. The dosas/uttappams will turn out still soft and not very crispy. If you want to serve others at home a crispy one, add Rice flour instead of whole grains once you have the ground batter.

Heat a tawa, grease well and spread out the uttappam as you would regularly do. Top it with onions, cumin seeds and coriander leaves. Cook for couple of mins, then flip over the other side.

simmer to low and continue cooking till the onions are browned.

Serve with chutney of choice.

This is joining Supriya who is having a month long celebration of Dosa.

Group 2
30 Minutes Meals:Priya Mahadavan, Pavani,
Seven Days of Salad: lla, Divya Vikram,
For Ongoing 7 Events: Priya Suresh, Suma Gandlur, Harini,  
Kids Friendly: Vatsala, Jay, Kamalika
Seven Days of Rice: Veena Krishnakumar, Priya Vaasu, Padma Rekha,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kanchipuram Dosa ~ 101 Dosa Varieties

Kanchipuram Idlis are my favorite, especially since Amma makes a special Kanchipuram Idli Podi for it. The spice powder that gets prepared for Kanchipuram Idlis are different from the regular podi she makes and that makes it all the more interesting one to make. When I had made this idli for Hubby dear the first time, he was so much taken in by that dish. Though the preparation time is no less than the usual idlis, it still made lot of difference to his liking as he normally doesn't like the plain, bland idlis he says. Though I can eat idlis all three times a day.

When I was discussing with Amma that I haven't taken up my 101 Dosa Varieties, she suggested this Kanchipuram dosa. I knew right away that this was another delicious version. I have no clue if this is a part of the Kanchipuram town or why this has that name. All I know is, we liked this a lot and Konda especially who doesn't like anything in her dosa, actually wanted those other items removed and given to her. She is still not got into the habit of eating onions or other ingredients added to Dosa batter.

Today is the final day for the Group 1 bloggers doing the Blogging Marathon. It has been another fantastic round. I will be doing another post to join the Group 2. I hope you all enjoyed as much as we did.

Kachipuram Dosa

Raw rice - 200 gms
Par Boiled Rice - 200 gms
Urad dal - 100 gms
Methi / Fenugreek Seeds  - - 1 tsp
Curds / Yogurt - 100 gms


This is done after it is fermented

Whole Peppercorns, broken into half. - 1 tsp
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Bengal Gram - 1/2 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves few leaves

Added as such

Onions - 1 medium
Green Chilies - 1 long

Method to prepare:

The batter
Wash and soak the rice along with methi for 2 - 3 hr, grind as you would do with the regular dosas

Once the batter is ground, mix in the curds to the batter and ferment overnight.

The Seasoning

Heat oil, saute all the whole spices, add to the batter. Add finely chopped onions and Green chilies as such

Heat a tawa, grease with oil. Spread out one ladle ful of batter as the regular dosa, Simmer, cover with a lid and don't flip over.

Serve with Chutney and Sambar

The dosas are very soft and has a wonderful taste with the sour coming from the curds.

This is joining Supriya who is having a month long celebration of Dosa.

Check out the bloggers doing the Marathon along with me..
Group 1  
30 Minutes Meals: Gayathri Anand
Baked Goods: Monika,
For On Going Events: Gayathri Kumar, Usha  
Kids Friendly: PJ, Savitha, Smitha, Veena Aravind  and me
Rice Varieties: Champa, Divya, Padma

Group 2
30 Minutes Meals:Priya Mahadavan, Pavani,
Seven Days of Salad: lla, Divya Vikram,
For Ongoing 7 Events: Priya Suresh, Suma Gandlur, Harini,  
Kids Friendly: Vatsala, Jay, Kamalika
Seven Days of Rice: Veena Krishnakumar, Priya Vaasu, Padma Rekha,