Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Extending Blogging Marathon #3 - 7 Day Marathon Group 2!

Yes you read it right, I am announcing not because I didn't get 12 bloggers, but because I got so many whom I had to say to because I decided on only 12. I hated myself to say no. I know I sound funny but bloggers who have been on this group know what I mean. 

It was extremely fun doing this and I felt awful rejecting them. Infact flat 30 mins time I had 10 bloggers signed up and next 2 happened pretty soon. I had to immediately update the blog, still some wrote saying they want to join in.

So after a day of confused state, not sure how I am going to do this but yes I am going to have another group formed for all those wonderful folks who rushed in to say they want to be part of this. Those of you, who have already sent a mail I have included you. Rest if you are interested, please send me an email with your blog URL to by 3rd noon IST.

The Themes are going to be the same as mentioned.

The second group will start the marathon a day later, meaning it will be 4th March to 10th March

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