Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blogging Marathon #4 - 7 Day Marathon!

It's time for another edition of Blogging Marathon!

Last time when I said I will make it with first 12, it got filled up within minutes. And I had to create another group with 17 members. Then I even got requests from other bloggers who saw it late and wanted to be part of this group.

So this time I decided to give a week's time for everybody to check in and sign up.

Based on the interest already shown by bloggers, I decided to split the members into 3 groups.

Each group will be doing the Marathon one week.

4th  Apr - 10th
11th Apr - 17th
18th Apr - 24th

Based on the total number I will equally split the members into these three groups.

The final date to send me an email will be 28th March IST.

Once again I would like to thank Champa for her valuable inputs and thoughts in brain storming on this topic.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:

Will have to post on all 7 days without fail
Should follow the accepted theme all 7 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 7 days.
Should link up to all the bloggers who are part of this session.
Should actively give feedback on others post.

Any one of the Theme that all of us can take will be:

30 minutes meals (This should be a complete meal, not just one part of the meal. Meaning if make a curry, you got to make roti/Rice along within 30 mins. Exception can be with Dosas, where fermentation may not be possible. But then again you can make instant Dosas etc. Best options will be One pot meals.)

Kid friendly Recipes - It is mandatory that the dish you post was approved or liked by a kid. The kid can be your own, niece/nephew, neighbouring kids or even you liked it as a kid. But you should describe how the kid enjoyed. Well it makes it easy for me to tell my kids that other kids liked this dish!

Seven days of Indian Bread (with any flour) - This has to be those special ones and not the regular chapati or roti.  Some examples are Kulcha, Rumali Roti etc. You can't mix in mint or spinach and call it spinach roti.

Diabetes Diet/Management - This theme should have more details on how one can make a diet fit for a diabetic. Naturally this information must come from a reliable source. You can have the option of posting a recipe or talking about how one can manage things better if you have a diabetic at home. Basically this post should help somebody learn new ways to manage their lifestyle. I hope the condition that it should come from a reliable source deter people from taking this.

Seven days of Cakes

Seven days of Soups

Seven Days of Preserves (Condiments like Sauces, Relish, Spice podi etc basically any dish that has longer shelf life)

I hope most of you will be willing to select the tough theme and do this challenge!

Please email me spicingyourlife@gmail.com if you are interested. I will respond with the details that are required.

Last date to email me your interest will be 28th March IST, as I will have to send the details to all the participants.

Please spread the details if you want your friends to be part of this marathon.

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