Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gobi (Cauliflower) Manchurian Dry | Step By Step Recipe

Gobi Manchurian conjures up fond memories of many occasions. Athamma loves Gobi Manchurian and the way she says sounds so musical most times that hubby dear teases her with that. She used to live in a typical southern town where you would think Gobi Manchurian must be alien. But on the other hand it was very famous and she used to enjoy that during their walks. Every time we hear that, hubby dear chuckles thinking how that local chef would've twisted the recipe beyond recognition. Not that this has an origin to claim. I guess each place has come up with a recipe that they can very well claim as theirs.

This is also the only dish by which I can get Konda to eat cauliflower. She loves the one we order at our club. And since the time Champa announced Restaurant recreations, I was planning for it but could never get around making it. Since cauliflower is in season now, I thought I should make the best and make this at the earliest. I finally made it this week and I was trilled when Konda said I was the best cook. She claimed this was more tastier than all that she has eaten till now. 

She is not so free in giving complements unless it really merited. Of course same goes to hubby dear. It is very hard to please him and even this didn't meet his expectations as he said it wasn't as spicy as it should be for him. So I took his share and sauteed with more green chilis and served again. I don't think any other recipe can be so forgiving as this. I tasted the spiced dish and it really gave the kick!

Most restaurant might add egg to the batter for the crispy texture, but you can make it the same way by including rice flour. As always I ended up making this after coming home from office, by which time boys were waiting for me. I was hoping it was one of those days when they will leave me alone by sitting and watching. It turned out that they were interested in seeing how I was going to make. 

Imagine a hole of a kitchen with two adults and two 4 year olds, all geared up to see how I was going to fry the florets. And their endless questions, which never quench with a simple yes or no. I got to explain every small thing in detail. But though I end up getting frustrated by the pressure that I have to get their dinner ready, they managed to sit at a place for a moment. Athamma finally said I was not to exert myself like this. 

Well I felt it was worth the trouble when Amma said it was awesome and with my colleagues liking it so much. More than anything I would go to any lengths to get Konda to eat and say that..:)

Step by Step Pictures for making this.

Wash and cut the florets into bite size ones. Soak in lukewarm salted water for 10 mins, drain.
Spring onions that brightens up the whole thing..
Have the spring onions finely chopped, Ginger-Chilies paste ready.
For the batter - All purpose flour, Corn flour, Rice flour, Soda and salt along with chili ginger paste.
Batter ready for dipping.
Best way to fry the florets is by using a spoon. This way your hands are free to do other things.
Heat a pan of oil for deep frying. Fry on both sides and drain them on a kitchen towel.
For the sauce, heat a pan with 1 tsp oil, add finely minced garlic.
Then goes the Ginger Chili paste, you can use Chili sauce if you have.
 Then add the onions from the spring onions.
 Next goes Ajinomoto, Salt, Soy Sauce. Saute well.
Cook till the onions are done.
Then add the fried Manchurian to the sauce, saute well. Since this is a dry version, you don't require to add water or make more sauce.

Finally add the greens from the spring onions. If you prefer spicy Cauliflower Manchurian, add green chilis to the pan while you are sauteing.

Gobi Manchurian Dry ~ Cauliflower Manchurian Dry

Ingredients Needed:

For the Cauliflower:

Cauliflower florets - 4 cups
All purpose flour - 2 cups
Corn Flour - 1 cup
Rice flour - 2 tblsp
Salt to taste
Ginger - Chili paste - 3 tsp*
Oil for deep frying

*Increase more if you prefer spicy florets

For the Manchurian Sauce:

Oil - 1 tsp
Garlic - 4 cloves
Spring onions  - 6 big bulbs
Soya Sauce - 3 tsp
Tomato Ketchup - 2 tsp
Tomato Chili Sauce - 2 tsp
Ginger Chili paste - 2 tsp / Chili sauce - 3 tsp
Salt to taste
Ajinomoto - a tiny pinch (opt)

Method to prepare:

For the Cauliflower Manchurian dry

Wash the cauliflower in regular water and chop them into bite size florets.
Then soak in lukewarm salted water for 10 mins. Drain them once done.
Take the flours in a bowl, mix all of them together, along with salt, ginger chili paste. Slowly add water to get a dropping consistency batter
Heat a pan with oil. Once hot, gently drop in the florets using a spoon and fry on both sides.

To make the Manchurian Sauce

Heat a non stick pan, add oil. Saute the minced garlic, then add onions. Fry till the onions turn colour. Then add the soya sauce, tomato ketchup, tomato chili sauce, ajinomoto, salt and simmer for 5 mins.

Then add the fried Manchurians to the sauce and saute well on high.

Just before serving, add the greens of the spring onions and serve.

  • This is typically one of those recipes for which you end up adding more flour for the batter based on how well the florets get coated and fried. Also you end up tasting for crispiness after frying one floret for testing.
  • AjinomotoIndo Chinese dishes ought to have this, it will not alter much if you omit.
  • You can increase the spiciness by adding green chilis, it's all your choice.
  • You can make both at different times and serve together by heating it just before serving if you feel the work is too much for one sitting.

Sending this to Priya for Kid's Delight, themed on No Egg/No Butter, Ghee/No Sugar .

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