Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eggless Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Chips | Step By Step Recipe

After my venture with those delicious short cakes, I wanted to make something else right away. Though the recipe is very similar, I modified slightly and used more proportion. Not sure what but these sure came out differently. I want to record all the experiments so that I can resort to whichever proportion I need when the situation arises. 

I baked these in a bread loaf and it very much looked like a bread to me, like those tea cakes or sponge cakes texture. Maybe I need to increase the proportion of corn flour next time, but the cake sure came out moist and soft. I added quite an amount of chocolate chip and it tasted heavenly in each bite. 

One thing I love baking in convection mode is the way the entire house smells heavenly. Nothing beats a fresh cake being baked.

I couldn't wait for this to get cooled. Imagine Konda saying it tasted great, I loved seeing her expression change, Chinnu of course sniffed his nose. He doesn't like anything else but a chocolate flavour. If he had his way he would have removed all the chocolate chip from this. So didn't show him the tin. I delicately sliced the cake into small pieces. Each went into the snack box for the next day.

Athamma was again saying I should bake those chocolate biscuits as the boys like them a lot. I was much too involved admiring this cake, nodding absently that I will bake them soon.

I had the day off today, but I took off saying I have work. Kids were busy with their new pack of sketch pens. So much so that an entire colouring book was completed and they hadn't budged from their spot.

Ok let me show you the steps in making this delicious cake!

Shift the flour with Corn four, Baking soda, Baking powder.
Measure 1/2 cup of curds
Melt the butter.

Add all the wet ingredients to the flour, mix well.
Finally add the olive oil.
Add in as much as Chocolate chips you want, if you are like me, you will add quite some!
Grease and dust the loaf pan with butter and flour. Pat the pan down so that excess flour falls off.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
Pat the pan down so that the batter spreads well. Don't spread it with spoon, cake will not rise well.
Top the batter with more chocolate chips
Pre Heat the oven before baking the cake at 185 degree C for 25 minutes
Don't open the door between the first 15- 17 mins. Insert a tooth pick in the center to check the doneness.
When the toothpick comes out clean like this, you know it is almost done. Bake for the rest of the time for more complete baking.
Allow it to cool in the oven for 5 mins, before taking it out.

Again let it cool completely before you slice it.

Eggless Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Chip

Flour - 1 cup
Corn Flour - 1 tbsp
Icing Sugar - 3/4 cup
Baking Soda - 1 & 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp

Curds/ Yogurt - 1/2 cup
Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 2 tbsp
Butter - 2 tsp
Milk - 1 - 2 tbsp

Chocolate Chips - as required
Vanilla Essence few drops

Extra flour and butter for dusting

Method to prepare:

Butter and dust the baking pan. Gently pat it down to remove excess flour from the pan.

Shift the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Melt the butter, beat the curds. Add the butter and curds to the dry ingredients. Using a spoon/ fork gently mix the mixture. Finally add the olive oil

Add the chocolate chips to the batter and gently mix in well. Don't beat at this stage.

Pre heat the oven at 185 degree C.

Check consistency, it should be pouring, else add 1 tbsp of milk.

Pour into the prepare tin, tap the pan down for the batter to spread on its own. Don't use spoon.

Bake at 185 degree C for 25 minute. Don't check for done ness until the first 15 mins.

Use a toothpick to see if the cake is done. Insert the stick in the center and if it comes out clean, the cake is done.

Once the full time is done, allow it to cool in the oven for 5 mins, then remove and cool outside for a while.

Slice the cake into small serving pieces when it is completely cooled.

Was a great snack for Konda's School snacks

Check out my Blogging Marathon buddies in action! Priya Suresh, Jay, Gayathri, Monika, PJ, Priya Vaasu, Azeema, Reva, Ayeesha, Veena, Usha & Soumya.

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