Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chocolate Coconut Burfi ~ A twist to the Traditional Delicious Indian Sweet!

Coconut Burfi is one of my Amma's signature sweets. I have many of my friends asking for this special treat from her. Most times I request her to make for all special occasions. When I had made it for the first time some years ago for the Blogger meet, it again recieved the same response. 

Hubby dear loves coconut burfi too and whenever we have excess coconut at home, we end up making this. So when decided to take homemade sweets for our sils, he suggested we make this also. And I thought making a chocolate burfi will make it more interesting for the lil ones.

For sure, they loved this chocolate treat which gave a new twist to the already delicious sweet.

Chocolate Coconut Burfi Recipe

Ingredients Needed:

Grated Coconut - 1 cup
Cocoa powder - 2 tsp
Sugar - 1 cup
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Cardamom a pinch

Method to prepare:

Grate the coconut. Grating this when it is fresh is always best.

Add water enough to just cover the sugar and melt the sugar. Once you remove the scum, if any, bring the syrup to a boil. The syrup be of one thread consistency.

Add the grated coconut, cardamom powder, to the sugar syrup. Stir well so that it gets mixed fully! Keep stirring or else it might get burnt. You will know its done when the coconut starts coming off the pan. Add the cocoa powder at this stage, stir well again.

For more taste, you can powder some cashew nuts and add.

Grease a plate on which you are going to set this. Then once the barfi is done, pour on to the greased plate. Just tap the plate down, it will get set automatically. Using a greased spatula, spread on the top for a even spread.

With a knife, make horizontal lines and then do a cross line across to get diamond shaped Barfi. I have always see only diamond shaped ones. But this time had a square ones done.

And another one for my Kid's Delight ~ Chocolate Feast!

Check out my Blogging Marathon buddies in action! Priya Suresh, Jay, Monika, PJ, Priya Vaasu, Azeema, Reva, Ayeesha, Veena, Usha & Soumya.

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