Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Banana Ragi Paniyaram ~ Wholesome Breakfast dish for Kids!

After two days of managing the breakfast and lunch for Konda, I knew I had to get some plan done. Else it's a question of going back to the old ways of being so pressed for everything. As things would have it, though last night everybody at home slept pretty early, I was lost with thoughts to update. Finally I decided to update the menu and internet gave up on me!

So I decided I might as well take the gift that was offered on plate. Result was I got up early this morning. First thing I did was to write down what I can do for the next three days. As promised, I searched the entries that are sent for the Kids Delight - Wholesome Breakfast and selected couple of them that I can do right away. Infact showed the entries to Konda, who was mightily pleased that her needs were the first thing to be done.

Before that I have some exciting news to share, my Gulab Jamun Recipe for Indian Cooking Challenge has been nominated for Best ‘Culinary’ Post in Avant Garde Bloggies Awards - 2009. The polling will begin in a week's time. Please do vote for me!

Champa's Banana Ragi Paniyaram was the most simplest and easiest dish I could make right away. So proceeded to do right then. I was impressed with the easy list that was on the recipe and how quickly I could get this done. I halved the recipe and had this ready in flat 10 - 15 mins. That is really very quick!

They had the perfect honeycombs and a grate taste. I simply loved it. Konda liked it a lot at the beginning seeing how it looked and even the initial taste. but when it got little cold, she was able to taste the ragi, which she said was tasting different. Maybe this requires acquired taste. But still I know kids will love this. Thank you Champa.
Banana Wheat Ragi Paniyaram

Preparation Time : 5 mins
Cooking Time : 10 mins
Makes : 6 paniyarams

Ragi Flour / Finger Millet flour - 1/4 cup
Wheat flour - 1/4 cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup or less
Banana - half of a big one
Milk - 1/4 cup
Cardamom a pinch
Cooking Soda a pinch
Oil for cooking

Special Utensils - Paniyaram pan / Aebleskiver Pan


Method to prepare:

Mix the dry flours separately along with the cardamom powder and Cooking soda.

In a bowl, mash the banana well. Add hot milk. Ensure there are no lumps. Then add the sugar and mix again.

Then add the flour and mix well. Meanwhile have the pan on stove, so that it is hot when the batter is ready.

When you are done mixing all the flour into the banana mix, try beating it with spoon or fork as this process will let air into the batter.

When the pan is hot, sprinkle drops of oil over it. With a spoon, pour the batter into the moulds. Sprinkle oil drops over the top and cover with the lid.
Cook till it is done, using a spoon or a knife turn it to be cooked on the other side too.

I served this hot with Chocolate Sauce and Banana slices. It was really a great combo. The honeycombed paniyaram soaked the sauce and made you lick your fingers for sure!



Mash the banana well and use hot milk as that will aid in getting the sugar mixed well.
Beating will enable the air going into get the paniyaram bowl out.
Adjust the sugar based on how sweet the banana is. This can also be served with milk.

Will be back with the next breakfast dish! Till then enjoy.

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