Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Diet Program ~ Day 2

What seem to have been a tiring day, I finally hit the bed at 12 am, coming back to edit few details again. Which resulted me in getting up only by 6.30 am. After that it was a mad rush to get the cooking done. This week has been kind of low on Konda's menu plan. Monday went off and today also seem to have gone in a spade. I know I need to plan from tomorrow. When I woke her up asking what she wants. She so sweetly said you plan, I don't know. The day had the promises of a beautiful one in making.

We hurriedly went through the process. I was actually happy with the way I finished the dishes. Comparing to yesterday I have been more cheerful from internal. Didn't feel tired. Maybe the feeling yesterday was more to the fact that I actually started on a strict one.

Some thoughts to share before going into what my schedule was.

I have been asked how I managed this kind of a diet for so long. Actually there were days when I never touched Rotis too. Maybe when you do it for a while you get so used to it that you forget that. Remember I was on this diet since Oct 2008 for over 4 months and then have managed to be on some sorts since then. And I have cooked and posted many dishes since then, which I never tasted on most occasions.

Sounds incredible? But very true, the thoughts that helped me pass through these, were those grueling pain that attacks me when I have to sit down to feed my kids. This was when they were still infants. Then as they grew up, their demands to sit next to them on ground. That was a hercules task. Until then I never knew it was such a task even.

Later after just few weeks into this regime,  that amazing feeling that encompassed me when I could finally sat  down and not feel anything.

Yes those were enough to me, not to touch any of those that were to be avoided.

Another thing I used to do was to, mingle with my colleagues, enjoy seeing what they ate and compliment on their fine taste. When they offer a bite, politely tell them that I am on a diet. That sure gets a wow wow, well that motivation was well enough to put you back on path. And, it also achieves the purpose of them not offering it again to you. So, you being you, won't feel like reaching out to those tempting Onion Pakoras, which are common accompaniment in our luncheon!

Do try these and let me know if they work for you..:)

My schedule today was:

6.30 am - Ajwain 1 tsp & warm up exercise
6.45 am - Coffee with biscuits
9.30 am - 1 Chikoo/ Sapota
10. 15 am - 1 bowl Veg Soup with 3 brown bread slices
11. 30 am - 1 glass butter milk
12. 45 pm - 1 Carrot
1. 10 pm - Lunch - 3 Pulkas, 1 cup Amarnath stir fry, 1 cup Gerkins stir fry, 1 cup Drumstick Sambar, 1 small cup Rasam.
2 pm Climbed the stairs two times (As per Lataji's note..:))
3 -4 pm Lemon Juice
5.30 pm - 1 small Orange
7. 30 pm -  Chickpea salad
10 pm - 2 slice of bread.

I know lunch was heavy. I should reduce the pulkas to 2. I normally share with colleagues.But I ended up eating alone. I wanted to start on swimming but will be going from tomorrow.

I drank almost more than  2 liters of water, hoping to increase it. Feel stupid visiting the restroom so often!

Tomorrow I will be reducing the pulkas further down and increase salads. I didn't eat any fresh salad these past two days. You may be wondering why I am eating Chikkos and Orange. Well father in law has come down and with him brought along a huge pile of these. Those chikkos which are called the Pala sapota are my favorite ones. And even for a diet I won't miss them!..:) After all it is a fruit so will plan to walk it off soon.

How about those of you who showed interest to join me. Where is the update, are you going to update your blog or do it different. Would really love to check on the status and see how each of us are progressing!

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