Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Diet Program ~ Day 7 & Day 8!

With all the calories that went in during the day off, I might as well start all over again! What can I expect to follow when I had scheduled the Kachori making on this day? For all the will power one might profess, I am sure he/she can't ignore a tempting, pretty puffed up kachori can pose, right.

But I am really really happy that I ate just two. That I tell is you, takes lot of will power!..:)

And no yielding to temptations, I packed off most to parents home. I was elated that they loved it. Yes the pleasure knowing that I could please my parents with a Kachori, was more than what stuffing all that myself can do. With Konda saying she expects me to make this everyday, I saved whatever was left for her snacks.

The day was too hectic, and with the eating that happened, I skipped the dinner with what? Not sure.

Anyway I couldn't post on the day, so here's an account of what I followed on Monday

7. 30 am - Coffee with biscuits
9.30 am - 1 slice of bread
10.30 am - 3 slices of pineapple with 1 bowl of Pomagrante.
11.30 am - Buttermilk
12.30 pm -  1 carrot
12.45 pm - 2 pulkas, Sorrel leaves with Black Eyed peas dal, Bitter gourd in curds stir fry Buttermilk.
3.35 pm - 1/2 cucumber
5.30 pm  1 small orange
8.30 pm 1 parotta with Paneer Butter Masala.

I convinced myself that I need the protein!

No Lemon juice and soup today.

My Tuesday Schedule was this

7. 30 am - Coffee with biscuits
10.30 am - 3 bread slices with Veg Soup.
11.30 am - Buttermilk
12.30 pm -  1 cucumber
2.15 pm - 3 pulkas, Paneer Butter Masala.
3.35 pm - 1 bowl Watermelon
5.00 pm  1 small serving of peanuts
5.45 pm 1 small orange
 8.45 pm 2 bread slices bread with subzi.

No deviation today and that feels good.
No Lemon juice and today.

Looking forward to a week of good behavior!

I am so glad that Jayasree joined this diet. Hope she can continue, would like to know how others kept at it!

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