Friday, February 12, 2010

Quick Macaroni in Tomato Sauce, Diet Program Day 5

Even  with all the planning that I do, it is quite funny that I face a day where everything goes wrong. Well I realize there is a limit to what one can plan. Anyway that is part of life and I should gracefully accept and move on. Today being Shivaratri, I was busy making the Gugulu or the mixed lentil Salad that is offered as prasadam. This kept me so busy that I failed to get the boy's lunch box ready on time. Rasam takes about 5 mins, but even that cost me so much in terms of tension.

Anyway that again goes to show do things first that are required first. Konda wanted those Chocolate Pancake for breakfast and I made this quick Tomato Macaroni that she likes for lunch.

There is no recipe at all. You just add as you make it. Boil Macaroni in lots of water along with 2 drops of oil. When the Macaronis are done, drain them in a colander. Heat a pan with 1/2 tsp oil. Toss the boiled Macaroni to it and swirl so that oil is well coated. Add Tomato Sauce as required, which is normally about 2 tsp, Salt and pepper for taste.

Cook on high so that this gets coated well and done. You can add grated cheese, onions and so many based on what your kid eats.

Coming to my diet, I am almost settled with the food that I eat, don't feel hungry at all anytime except of course early mornings.

Work at office was too hectic and that prevented me from eating on time. Everything got postponed to the next slot. still it didn't matter much.

Here's my schedule today.

7.00 - 7.10 -am - Warm up
8 am - Coffee with biscuits
10.00 am - 1 slice of bread
11.15 am - 1 bowl of Veg Soup with 2 Breads slices
12.30 pm Buttermilk
2.00 pm Lunch - 2 pulkas, Dal with Greens, Radish with split yellow moong dal
4.30 pm - Mixed lentil salad
8 pm 1 toasted bread, 1 dosa..:(
10 pm Water melon

Today being Shivaratri, it is traditional at home to make Ulavala Charu with Dosa. Though I didn't make Amma made and sent it to me. I just couldn't say no..

I haven't started walking still, hopefully I should be starting it soon.

I have started feeling very normal, which is very good. Now if only I start on that walking..

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