Sunday, February 7, 2010

Diet Plans and Weight Loss Program for healthy Life!

What started a year and few months before, starts again for me. Interim I have been little relaxed and more flexible to my self and well being. Now it's time for another beginning.

I know I wrote lot of my resolutions yet this was not mentioned. Those were work related yet personal too.
I have made lot of progress towards what I wanted to do. Like recording what comes to mind or some events that seem important end of the day. Beginning this year, I made my mind to experience every day in the most possible way I can. These 37 days have been good in ways I may not have even done my last year. I have made lot of progress in many areas.

Though one main aspect that I wanted to talk about was the goal of getting healthier and loosing more weight. If you must know, obese and I are twin sisters. There I said it. For many years I have been touchy on the word. Most common I know. I am the most affable and approachable person you can meet, if I may say so myself. Yet though I won't show it, I do get affected when somebody teases me on that. During teens there were many reasons for wishing to be obese, those reasons best not said. Yet it became the bane of my life.

Later I wasn't even bothered about them.

Fact is, in the end, I suffered. Though I was obese, I was the healthiest and very flexible person because of my physical activities. Being a Badminton player helped me being fit as a fiddle. 

After marriage, child, everything stopped and after my twins the problem had become worse. Until one fine day I was told I shouldn't sit down due to my severe knee pain. I managed, just about somehow. Finally after a year, I decided I had enough and got on a diet and a program that was meant to take care of the excess weight. And become more healthy. The first week felt I was in heaven! The feeling continued for many months.

I lost about 33 lb/ 15 kgs in the first 4 months. then slowly got down further 2 -3 kgs in the next 2 months. I reached a plateau at two different stages, which I managed well. At this stage Athamma had an accident which prevent me from following my diet and everything went for a toss. This was in April 2009, after which I have maintained my weight and health to great extent.

Because I have never express well, how really elated I was when I finally fit into my first jeans during last Diwali. That motivated me like nothing else. But in recent days, I have been laxer and the weight seem to have gone up. Plus no exercise of any sort. Since the new year beginning I have been thinking I should start on my diet regime, I have been postponing. yesterday when hubby dear mentioned that it looks like I have gained weight when I wore my jeans, I knew I had to start this right away. 

You may wonder what will happen to my ICC or Cooking 4 all Seasons! No worries, I will be posting regular recipes there as I cook for the rest of the family. This blog and plan is only for me and me alone.

The diet I followed was a Diabetic Diet, charted with consultation with my father, who is a doctor and a dietician. Finally the diet I arrived and followed was mostly what I have formed of my own with their advise.
This past one year I have shared my diet with friends and helped them some gain back their spice in life. When few blogger friends have been asking about motivation to start a diet plan, I decided publishing this. My plan was to declare what I eat and update with progress, along with recipes .
The diet works mostly for people following Indian food. Since I only cook Indian food, I know only about them them.

The diet that I am going to follow is more or less a Diabetic Diet, since that diet is the most healthiest diet one can follow to become fit. But again as I said few items may change. So please don't conclude this covers everything.

Somewhere during mid of last year I came across Kay's blog, where she tracked her plan. I felt I should have tracked mine too. Now I get another chance to do exactly that!.

I am going to list out the general things that have to be kept in mind, plus the foods that need to be avoided

  1. First and foremost, never to fast or feast. Or stay hungry without food.
  2. Spend atleast 15 to 20 minutes eating your food. This applies for drinking liquids also.
  3. Drink atleast 2-3 liters of water. This helps flush out toxic and prevent headaches.
  4. Exercise or walk for 30 - 40 mins everyday.
  5. Never get emotionally tensed. Be occupied in some activity mentally and physically. This helps a lot in your weight loss and path to healthy life.
  6. Forget about Sugar!
  7. Use only about 2 tsp of oil for cooking per day.
Foods to avoid
  1. Cereals like Rice, Corn, Maida/APF, Noodles etc.
  2. No sweets or desserts
  3. Chocolates and ice creams, yes I know its depressing but really no!
  4. Bakery and pastries.
  5. Aerated beverages and soft drinks, and Hard drinks too..:))
  6. Fruits like Mango, Grapes, Jackfruit, chikko, Banana, etc. Though I have reserve against this list.
  7. Root vegetables like potatoes, yam. colacassia. Rest of them can be had in limited amount.
  8. Deep fried foods, yeah I shouldn't even say the name out!
  9. No Dry fruits, this again will be revisited.
  10. Fruit Juices.
Starting from tomorrow, I will hop on this. Will try update what my diet was during the day, along with the recipes that are already on my blogs. New recipes will have to wait. Will post them as and when I get the chance.

If you are interested to follow, you are most welcome. I can do with group support and cheering! Do drop in a word in the comment section.

Disclaimer - This diet has worked for me, but I am not a dietician, nutritionist or a medical professional nor am I trying to play one here. If you want to follow these, please consult with your doctor or a dietician. Follow this diet at your own risk.

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