Saturday, February 5, 2011

Blogging Marathon - 7 Day Marathon!

As most of you expressed, the Blogging Marathon was a huge success albeit little stressful on doing it for 31 days. So I decided it is going to be for 7 days and especially based on a theme. Since this is going to be the first time I am doing, I wanted to make sure we get this right. Blogging has to be fun and it ought to set well with the blogger. Meaning if one finds really hard to meet the theme or even post on time, it defects the purpose.

In such cases, a relaxed theme and a self dictated one will always get the blogger all set and done. I am going to suggest few themes and those participating can choose one of the theme.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:

Will have to post on all 7 days without fail
Should follow the accepted theme all 7 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 7 days.
Should link up to all the bloggers who are part of this session
Should actively give feedback on others post.

Any one of the Theme that all of us can take will be:

Rice Dishes
Kid friendly Recipes
Street Food (Yes, I am being very selfish here and hoping this forceful marathon will make me cook for my own sake..:))
Specialty Regional Cuisine (Like making special dishes from Maharashtra etc, as dear PJ is hosting an event)
From other blogs

Special Choice (One dish from all above daily) - This choice will be only for this time.

Marathon will begin on 9th February and go on till 15th February. Please email me if you are interested. I will respond with the details that are required.

Last date to email me your interest will be Februry 7th IST as I will have to send the details to all the participants.

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