Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Announcing Kid's Delight - Restaurant Recreation to be guest hosted!

Yes you read it right! I was most lucky in finding another blogger who is as interested in trying to find out dishes that our kids would eat without qualms!

Champa, who writes so well on baking basics has graciously accepted to guest host this event on her Blog

When I asked my blogging marathon friends on what they can suggest, Champa came out with this wonderful idea of creating Food that Kids love to eat at the Restaurant. Well it can be anything basically and not just from a restaurant. Like your kid might love a bread from a baker and you can attempt to recreate that at home and your kid didn't even know you made it. I know it's cheating but with picky eaters we got to be innovative.

So here's a chance for you to recreate all those dishes that your kids love eating out. You end up making it all so healthy right, so hurry up!

Event guidelines.

Linking back to my main Kid's Delight Announcement page and Champa's announcement page is mandatory

The entries will have to be Vegetarian, eggs allowed in baking.
But I would love to see some eggless baking as you know.

Please check out the rules if you have any doubt.

Send in your entries to by 15th March 2011.

Another major attraction would be getting volunteers to try out the entries submitted for the event. We have a group of volunteers who are willing to to try out some of the recipes that come in as an entry to this event. The volunteers can choose their entry and we will also choose something that our kid will want to try. So we are done, we will post the blog with a mention of the source. So, your creation will be appreciated more than once.
So if you like this idea, come join us!

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