Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sweet Corn Butter Chat in Microwave | Easy and Quick Snack for Kids

Konda and Chinnu love corns in all forms. Be it the Indian version or the Sweet corn dishes. I found that Konda especially loves this Chaat made with Sweet Corn. Recently when we had taken her for dinner at a restaurant, she only eat this sweet corn chat most than the other dishes that were on the buffet. She was going oo, aa over such a simple dish that I had to make it back home for her more often.

When I took for vegetable shopping last week, the first thing that she picked up was this pack of corn nibbles. She said I should be getting her this every week. When I made it for them over the weekend, it disappeared before I could even say anything. I just tasted one, imagine just one. They skipped their lunch for this.

Making this in microwave is very quick and easy.

Microwave Sweet Corn Chat:

Sweet Corn kernels - 1 pack
Chat Masala - 1 tsp
Butter - 1 tsp
Salt to taste

How to make Sweet Corn Chat

Wash the corn kernels. In a microwave safe bowl, take the corns, add water just enough to cover it completely. Microwave for 6 -7 mins.

Drain the water, add the chat masala, salt, butter to the cooked corns. Mix well and micro again for 1 -2 mins depending on how done the corn is.

Serve it hot.

Notes: When you are serving for adults, you can sprinkle red chili powder, garam masala, pepper powder for more spicy chat.

This goes for the MEC : Potluck Party

Enjoy and Happy Ganesh Chaturthi!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Siru keerai Chutney | Tropical Amaranthus Chutney

For the final day of the BM Edition 8, I thought I should post this chutney that Athamma makes with the Amaranthus or Siru Keerai as we call it. Mostly we make it as pappu or stir fry. For a change she wanted to make it as a chutney. It went well with steaming Rice.

The last two weeks was wonderful with me trying out new condiments. And for the mela I am sure I am going to get loads of them which will be great add on to our regular meal. 

I hope you enjoyed these two weeks of marathon. Let's check this simple recipe.

Ingredients Needed:

Siru Keerai / Amaranthus - 1 bunch
Onions - 1 medium
Tomatoes - 1 medium
Green chilies - 2 -3 medium
Garlic - 3 cloves
Turmeric a pinch
Salt to taste
Oil - 2 tsp

How to make Siru Keerai Chutney

Wash and chop the leaves fine.

Heat a pan with oil, saute the onions till brown. the add the washed green leaves, add green chilies, chopped tomatoes salt and turmeric powder. Cover with lid and cook till the leaves are cooked.

Check in between to make sure all the moisture is evaporated.

Remove and allow to cool.

Then grind this in the mixer with garlic.
Serve with Rice

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#8

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Red Bell Pepper Tomato Chutney | Roasted Red Capsicum chutney with Tomatoes | Step by Step Recipe

The other fantastic new add on in chutneys is the Red Bell Pepper Tomato Chutney. to my list of chutneys Even though one might think that the Red Bell Pepper / Capsicum varies from the green with its colour, you could be wrong. I found the taste very distinct to be different. I made this for dinner on Friday along with the Garlic spread for the Masala Dosa and the combination literally rocked.

Knowing that I particularly wanted the red bell peppers for this chutney, I went for vegetable shopping on the way back home. I wanted to drop Konda at home, but she wanted to tuck along. So she came and I remembered that I was thinking I should take her along the next visit so that I can show her all the vegetables. She was a great help with the bag, covers, plus non stop questions on what each one was. To make it even more fun, the shop keepers had written something and stored something different in the boxes. So you can imagine how it must have been. Each one she reads and says what's this Amma, they are calling Mangoes as Cucumbers! The questions went on and on. I managed to show her all the different varieties we have and how one has to pick up each vegetables. I am sure it will be hard for her to get everything at one go, well many trip to go.

Ok I decided that I am in love. Well before hubby dear reads this and panics, let me confess it's with Cumin. I tend to add this to everything these days. And this chutney was not spared. I guess it gave the chutney an all together nice flavour.

Every time I take the camera to click each step, especially if it's supposed to be a simple recipe, Athamma voices that it's too simple for such elaborate steps to be shown. Well I had to remind her that I get emails saying that these are very helpful. So even if that meant I am spending more time doing a simple one, or dancing cross legs trying to juggle with both hands, I hope somebody benefits from these!

Step By Step Picture Recipe

 I wanted to add those green chilies to the chutney, instead added chili powder.

Red Bell Pepper Tomato Chutney

Ingredients Needed:

Red Bell Pepper - 1
Garlic - 3 cloves
Tomato - 2 medium
Red chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder a pinch
Curry leaves few
Coriander leaves few
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Oil - 1 tsp
Tamarind extract - 2 tsp

For Seasoning:

Oil - 1/2 tsp
Mustard Seeds + Urad dal - 1/2 tsp
Curry leaves few

How to prepare Red Bell Pepper Tomato Chutney

Wash and chop the bell pepper into chunks. Heat a non stick pan with 1 tsp oil.  Add the peppers and sauté on high flame. Add the chopped garlic, curry leaves also to the pan and sauté well.

Remove and add chopped tomatoes, salt, chili powder and turmeric. Then add coriander leaves. Cover with lid so that the tomatoes get soft faster.

Once the tomatoes are cooked well, remove and allow to cool.

Then take everything in a mixer, add tamarind extract and blend to a smooth paste. Add water if required.

Heat another pan with oil, add mustard, urad dal and curry leaves. When the mustard splutters, add it to the chutney.

This was a delicious dip for the garlic spread masala dosa. I am sure it tastes great with idlis also.

This goes for my Condiment Mela.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#8

Friday, August 26, 2011

Garlic Chutney spread for Masala Dosa ~ 101 Dosa Varieties | How to make Garlic spread ~ Step By Step Recipe

 Since the time hubby dear changed his pattern of lunch and breakfast, I really have a serious problem of finding a chutney will that stay good till afternoon. I have already said chutney at home is always groundnut chutney. But if you don't make the chutney properly, there is a serious problem it getting spoilt. Earlier when we use to make chutney in those hand stones, the chutneys that are made with raw ingredients, stay good even till evening.

However, using the mixers or blenders makes the chutney spoil due to over heat from the motors. It meant I have to make a chutney that stays good, yet something that is not repeated everyday. I decided on tomato chutney and using various combination with it. I send mostly tomato or onion based chutneys, sometimes alter with coriander/ Mint chutneys.
I had this chutney for garlic paste that's used as an add on for Masala Dosa. I had to make it, so decided to make dosas for dinner. We always have standard menus at home, makes life really easy for me to plan well. So Saturday breakfast is always Ven pongal / Kara Pongal. In which case, we will have excess dosa batter that needs to be used up, as Sundays are always either Pooris / Appams. So I alter with either Dosa / Ragi Mudda for Friday night dinner.

Having decided as Dosa for night, I thought I had the perfect chance to try this garlic spread. I love garlic and so naturally this spread was very much liked.

I made Red Bell Pepper Tomato Chutney for the side. It was delicious to say the least!

Step By Step Picture Recipe

Before I get to the recipe, here's an easy way to quickly peel garlic from its skin,

Soak the garlic in water for a while and press it down on its head. It will easily shed its coat.

Garlic Chutney | Garlic dip | Garlic spread for Masala Dosa

Ingredients Needed:

Garlic - 2 whole pods (I used the all the garlic as shown in the picture) 
Urad Dal - 2 tsp 
Red Chili - 4 
Oil - 1 tsp 
Salt to taste

How to make Garlic Spread or Garlic Chutney

Soak the garlic in water for 5 mins, peel the skin.

Heat a non stick pan with 1 tsp oil. Chop the garlic and sauté in hot oil Simmer for 5 -7 mins, while you keep stirring in intervals. Roast till the garlic turns soft or brown. Remove to a plate.

Add urad dal to the pan, no need to add oil. Sauté well. When the urad dal starts browning, you can remove to the same plate.

Then add dry red chilies. Quickly saute in hot pan, if you notice there is no need to add oil for this also. Once it's browned on all sides, remove and allow it to cool.

Once all the ingredients reach room temperature, take them in a blender and add salt and blend to a smooth paste. If the mixer you use is not small enough to blend this to a smooth paste, you can add little oil to aid it.

Notes: If you are planning to preserve the spread for a day or so, it's advised not to add water. Else if you are planning to finish off the entire batch in one go, you may add some water to getting the smooth paste.

Once this is ready, proceed with spreading the dosa. When the dosa is cooked on both sides, spread 1 tsp of this spread on top and roll the dosa over to serve hot!

As optional you can add tamarind if you prefer.

Other Dosas in 101 Dosa Varieties
101 Dosa Varieties on Cooking 4 all Seasons

This goes for my Condiment Mela.

Update: Sending this to Herbs and Flowers - Garlic started by PJ and hosted by Vardhini @Zesty Palette

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#8

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Baingan Ka Bharta | How to make Baigan Ka Bhartha ~ Seasoned Roasted Eggplant Relish | Step By Step Recipe

With the way chutneys are made at home, you would assume that Baigan Ka Barta to be a common dish. At least if not called by the same name, in our own native language. However it is not so common, not because we don't like it, it's simply not a vegetable that I make so often. Also when I had checked it for an exact meaning on is a dish that has always been in memory for me to make. Daddy loves brinjal and I like it too in most forms.

We do make chutneys with it, though not so frequently. Imagine I never made the chutney myself. I know how it is made, so it was quite a surprise when my cousin sister wanted me to make her Baigan Ka Barta with those huge eggplants they get in San Jose. This is what I made for them at about 10.30 in the night during my visit to SFO last year. Yes I have been meaning to use the pictures I never came around posting on this. I thought it was really high time I use the picture, even though we make the dish at home.

Even if I have to say it myself, the chutney was lip smacking. When I first came to know about Baigan ka barta, it was in a Sanjeev Kapoor show. Then I realized that as always there are million ways one makes the baiga bartha. The simplest of the chutneys that we make is also referred by the same name. Some add aloo to the dish, some puree the baigan. Well the way you make is your choice!

I was really taken in by the market place I went in and was so happy seeing those green, fresh produce. We picked up these huge baigans for the barta. We returned home at about 10 or so and it was nearly half past ten when I decided we are going to make it. It was delicious with just steamed rice and ghee.

Ingredients Needed:

Brinjal / Eggplant - 1 large
Onions - 2 medium
Tomatoes - 1 big, finely chopped
Cumin Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Ripe Red Chilies - about 7-8
Garlic cloves - 3
Coriander leaves - 1/4 cup chopped
Curry leaves few springs
Oil - 2 tsp
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder a pinch

How to make Baingan Bharta

Wash and wipe the brinjal well. Coat the outer surface with oil and then it's ready for roasting.

Roasting on the gas cooktop is the most easily and best method you can do to achieve that charred and smoky effect.

So take the greased eggplant and place it directly on the burner., keep the flame on low.

Keep turning the eggplant and make sure all the sides are exposed to flame. This takes about 5 - 6 mins, depending on how big is the brinjal.

Once the brinjal is cook you will notice that the out side will start to look charred and you will get that smoky smell, and way would that the brinjal will almost go in or "cave in"

When the brinjal is roasted well, allow it to cool. Then remove the stem and the outer charred skin. You can either mash it or add it as such.

In a non stick pan, add oil and cumin seeds. When they start to splutter, add onions, curry leaves, garlic. Keep stirring till the onions turn colour.

Then add chopped tomatoes, Add salt, turmeric and cover with lid. Next add the roughly mashed eggplant. Stir well and simmer for 5 - 7 mins.

Using a wooden spoon, mash everything together. I removed at this stage and allowed it cool for blending it further so that it tends to be spicy.

So once it's cooled, take it in a blender/mixer, pulse it couple of times. It should be coarse and not very finely blended.

Notes: Please note that I used ripe green chilies, which are not mostly very spicy. Though the chutney ended up being spicy, you should reduce if you are either using green chilies/ dry chilies.

You can also grill the eggplant for making the bharta or Roast in your oven. I have not personally followed this method. I always felt stove gives the best results.
This stayed good for a week when refrigerated. 

This goes for my Condiment Mela.


Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#8

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pudina Chutney | How to make Mint Chutney in Microwave | Step by Step Recipe

Chutney at home is always Groundnut/ Peanut chutney. At Amma's place depending on what she makes, she also makes Coconut Chutney along with Groundnut Chutney. So you can understand when I say that I grew up assuming that one will always serve coconut chutney for Adais, Pesarattu etc. But with Hubby dear, it has always been Groundnut chutney for anything. Since he is my premier customer for these dishes, I end up thinking I better make sure I make something he eats. No point in making something else and again wondering if he will like it or not.

One of my colleagues, who hails from Hyderabad, once told me that coconut chutney is a must at his place. Since then I always wondered how it is not prepared in hubby dear's native place. So you can imagine he has never a liking to this wonderful chutney! That meant  I only get to make only one chutney always. Anyway since the time we decided we are going to cut back on using so much of groundnuts, I then had the task of finding a substitute that's easy yet tasty to make. So in came Mint / Pudina chutney. I always pick up a bunch during my weekly shopping.

There are probably hundreds of ways to make this mint chutney. I make it about 5 different ways myself and today's post is one of them. This is the most easiest and simplest and even more simple because I made it in microwave. Tamilians call chutney as Thogayal, which is mostly not very thin but a thicker version and served with rice. And I also made the best by using the dals I roasted for the Molaga podi.

Step by Step Picture Recipe

Pudina Chutney | Mint Chutney

Makes : 1 regular cup of Chutney
Time : 5 mins for entire cooking.

Ingredients Needed

Pudina / Mint Leaves - about 3 handful
Red Chilis - 2 medium
Bengal Gram / Channa Dal - 2 tsp
Urad Dal / Black Gram Dal - 2 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 tsp

How to make Pudina Chutney

Wash and drain the leaves for a while.

In a microwave safe bowl add 1 tsp of oil and bengal gram. Microwave for 30 secs, if required for another 15 secs. It mostly starts smelling good at this stage, remove to a plate.

Next add the urad dal and micro for 30 secs, followed by dry chilies. At this stage you will see that the bowl will not have any oil left behind, so it's almost like dry roasting the chilies.

Remove and allow to cool. Add salt and blend in a mixer. First run the dals, followed by mint leaves.

Add water for everything to run smoothly.

Remove and microwave for 1 -2 mins depending on how much water you added. You can even add few drops of oil so that the raw smell leaves completely.

Serve with any tiffin or rice as a side.

Sending this for both my events  Condiment Mela & MEC : Potluck Party.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#8