Friday, August 26, 2011

Garlic Chutney spread for Masala Dosa ~ 101 Dosa Varieties | How to make Garlic spread ~ Step By Step Recipe

 Since the time hubby dear changed his pattern of lunch and breakfast, I really have a serious problem of finding a chutney will that stay good till afternoon. I have already said chutney at home is always groundnut chutney. But if you don't make the chutney properly, there is a serious problem it getting spoilt. Earlier when we use to make chutney in those hand stones, the chutneys that are made with raw ingredients, stay good even till evening.

However, using the mixers or blenders makes the chutney spoil due to over heat from the motors. It meant I have to make a chutney that stays good, yet something that is not repeated everyday. I decided on tomato chutney and using various combination with it. I send mostly tomato or onion based chutneys, sometimes alter with coriander/ Mint chutneys.
I had this chutney for garlic paste that's used as an add on for Masala Dosa. I had to make it, so decided to make dosas for dinner. We always have standard menus at home, makes life really easy for me to plan well. So Saturday breakfast is always Ven pongal / Kara Pongal. In which case, we will have excess dosa batter that needs to be used up, as Sundays are always either Pooris / Appams. So I alter with either Dosa / Ragi Mudda for Friday night dinner.

Having decided as Dosa for night, I thought I had the perfect chance to try this garlic spread. I love garlic and so naturally this spread was very much liked.

I made Red Bell Pepper Tomato Chutney for the side. It was delicious to say the least!

Step By Step Picture Recipe

Before I get to the recipe, here's an easy way to quickly peel garlic from its skin,

Soak the garlic in water for a while and press it down on its head. It will easily shed its coat.

Garlic Chutney | Garlic dip | Garlic spread for Masala Dosa

Ingredients Needed:

Garlic - 2 whole pods (I used the all the garlic as shown in the picture) 
Urad Dal - 2 tsp 
Red Chili - 4 
Oil - 1 tsp 
Salt to taste

How to make Garlic Spread or Garlic Chutney

Soak the garlic in water for 5 mins, peel the skin.

Heat a non stick pan with 1 tsp oil. Chop the garlic and sauté in hot oil Simmer for 5 -7 mins, while you keep stirring in intervals. Roast till the garlic turns soft or brown. Remove to a plate.

Add urad dal to the pan, no need to add oil. Sauté well. When the urad dal starts browning, you can remove to the same plate.

Then add dry red chilies. Quickly saute in hot pan, if you notice there is no need to add oil for this also. Once it's browned on all sides, remove and allow it to cool.

Once all the ingredients reach room temperature, take them in a blender and add salt and blend to a smooth paste. If the mixer you use is not small enough to blend this to a smooth paste, you can add little oil to aid it.

Notes: If you are planning to preserve the spread for a day or so, it's advised not to add water. Else if you are planning to finish off the entire batch in one go, you may add some water to getting the smooth paste.

Once this is ready, proceed with spreading the dosa. When the dosa is cooked on both sides, spread 1 tsp of this spread on top and roll the dosa over to serve hot!

As optional you can add tamarind if you prefer.

Other Dosas in 101 Dosa Varieties
101 Dosa Varieties on Cooking 4 all Seasons

This goes for my Condiment Mela.

Update: Sending this to Herbs and Flowers - Garlic started by PJ and hosted by Vardhini @Zesty Palette

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#8

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