Saturday, August 20, 2011

Masala Peanut Chat | Easy and Quick Snacks for Kids | Step by Step Recipe

This is another one of my favorite peanut based chats that we make for parties. We have always enjoyed this at our club and when we finally made it at home, we were surprised at how easily it can be done. This morning when I decided that I should make the best of my Saturday by making this, I told Konda that I wanted her help in making yet another dish.

She didn't show much interest in the beginning, but when she saw that I was willing to let her to most work, she was excited. Then she went ahead with clicking pictures. Most of the pictures for today's post are clicked by her. I see that she gets excited when I ask her to either help in the making of the dish or at least clicking pictures.

Boys agreed to eat it only because their sis was making it. But after one bite, they were asking for more. Infact what we make was not enough. So I promised to make it for them again.

Soak roasted peeled Peanuts/ Grounds in salted water for 5 mins.
Drain them
Take them in a bowl, add finely chopped onions.
Then goes the finely chopped tomatoes, finely chopped green chilies, coriander leaves
Sprinkle salt, chat masala, mix well.

Serve right away.

Of course I removed the green chilies when I served to the kids, but adults can have as such if desired. I was so happy that kids eat this along with onions, tomatoes which they normally never take.

This chat is also served at most places with puffed rice.

Sending this to Kamalika, who is hosting this month's edition of Kid's Delight, themed on No Fire Cooking for Kids.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#8

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