Saturday, August 6, 2011

Blogging Marathon #8 - 7 Day Marathon!

Blogging Marathon enters into the 8th edition. I really appreciate the support and participation from the BM regulars, I am sure I will not be as motivated as I am, if not for their support.

Since the 6th edition, I have created a separate page for Blogging Marathon. Once I get all details I will up updating this page. Bloggers taking part in this marathon need to just link back to this page.

Twist in this Marathon will be: One can do two themes together as 3 & 4 posts. Meaning one theme for 3 days, another theme for 4 days.

If you are doing two weeks, then you get the advantage of doing two themes for the second week also.

If you want to know how the Blogging Marathon started, read the first edition.

So the 8th edition will 16th  - 22nd August and the second group will start on 23rd - 29th August.

Please email me at latest by 13th August along with your theme.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:
  • Will have to post on all 7 days without fail

  • Should follow the accepted theme all 7 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 7 days.

  • Should link to the Blogging Marathon page.

  • Should actively give feedback on others post.

Other rules will be mailed to the individuals.
Themes for this edition are the following.
Seven days of cooking without Fire for Kids (Say no to Stove and Oven) : This is purely meant to motivate me to cook Kid Friendly dishes, of course naturally goes for the Kid's Delight Event. It is assumed that you already have boiled milk and set curds..:) Just in case you want to make Milkshake and yogurt based dishes.
Veg sandwiches, Breakfast/Protein bars, Ladoos, Juices, Milkshakes, Fruit/Veggies Smoothies, Home made muesli, Fruit Chats, Salads, Fruit Skewers, Trail mixes. Many thanks to the BM group for sharing their ideas with me.

Seven days of Microwave Cooking: I am having a party with Microwave dishes, so will surely look forward to making them and also getting dishes from fellow bloggers. So if you make them, be sure to send them for MEC. I am not restricting to only one theme, can be any theme, any course.

Cooking with Five or less ingredients - Oil, Salt and tempering ingredients can be considered as one if required.

Cooking in bulk - Show us how you will cook and store. Show us tips on how you will manage cooking in bulk. If you are used to making huge number of ready use chapatis/ rolled out chapatis, or if you make onion-tomato puree, whatever that you make in bulk for later use or a ingredient that comes handy in cooking can be under this.

Nawabi Khana - Check out Nawab on Wiki for an idea of all the states that included into this category. Basically all that rich food served to the Kings and queens of yesteryear.

Cooking from scratch: Like if you want to make Pizza, you will have to make from the dough and complete the whole cooking process. Want to make Sandwich, well make the bread yourself..:)

Seven days of Condiments: All those sauces, jams, spice powders, can be part of this. It can be spicy or sweet your choice. Update: Even papad, vadams fall under this category. Spices as such are not a condiment, but surely spice powders as in gun powders, they can surely be termed as condiment.
Those interested can opt to run both the weeks. 

Please spread the details if you want your friends to be part of this marathon.

Let's gear up for another non stop blogging!

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