Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Blogging Marathon #7 - 7 Day Marathon!

It's time for the next edition of Blogging Marathon! We are into the 7th Edition and I hope I get to enjoy this session with another wonderful set of bloggers. 

Since the 6th edition, I have created a separate page for Blogging Marathon. Once I get all details I will up updating this page.

If you want to know how the Blogging Marathon started, read the first edition.

We have run for 30 days, then 15 and then even 3 weeks. I then decided I can stick to specific dates, so that it becomes easy for all to remember. So from this month on, it's always going to be 

16th - 22nd
23rd - 29th

So the 7th edition will 16th  - 22nd July and the second group will start on 23rd - 29th July.

Please email me at latest by 13th July along with your theme.

Mandatory rules for this Blogging Marathon are as below:
  • Will have to post on all 7 days without fail

  • Should follow the accepted theme all 7 days, meaning if you choose one topic like Rice, you should post all rice based recipes all 7 days.

  • Should link up to all the bloggers who are part of this session/ link to the page that I will be creating

  • Should actively give feedback on others post.

Themes for this edition are the following.

Seven days of Crunchy Snacks for Kids : This is purely meant to motivate me to cook Kid friendly dishes, of course naturally goes for the Kid's Delight Event. When you want to make Milkshakes, it is assumed you have boiled milk. set curds.
Dishes can be Sandwiches, Bars, Laddos, Simple Chats with Biscuits. Juices, Milkshakes, fruit/veggies smoothies, Trail Mixes, Fruit Chats, Salads, Etc.

Seven days of Microwave Cooking: I am trying to get some microwave recipes done for the party I have for MEC. So make whatever you want in microwave and enjoy. I am not restricting to only one theme, can be any theme, any course.

Cooking from the back pack - All seven days you should cook a dish that you found on the back of a packet. Please try to be true to the recipe, unless until required. Mandatory requirement will be to post a picture of the packet showcasing the recipe on the back pack.

Seven days Regional Recipes - Yes we have been having this for the last couple of months. This time it is different in sense you can choose your own state. You will have to choose a state that you don't know.

Combo Meals - Can be anything that's served together always. Be it breakfast or meal. Showcase what you serve as a combo meal to your family. For example: Idli Vada Sambar, Parotta Kurma, Idiappam Kurma, or Biriyani with Raitha. It's enough if you post the picture of the dishes together, you can post one recipe for this, post the second recipe later, if you feel you are crowding the post with two recipes.

No butter Bakes for Diet - This has to be only baked dishes, preferably cakes, cookies, biscuits. Showcase how you replaced butter in the recipe. This is not for kids and only for dieting regime. I

Cooking from cookbook - Cook anything from a book. It will be great if you can cook from 7 different cookbooks, no other source allowed. It can be any course but only from a cookbook with cookbook details. If you have the link to their online store, you can give the link.

Those interested can opt to run both the weeks. 

If you noticed, I am not having the one theme a day this time for the second week. Let's try to get out of our comfort zone and cook up a storm!

Please spread the details if you want your friends to be part of this marathon.

Let's gear up for another non stop blogging!

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