Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bombay Rava Idli | Upma Rava Idli | Simple and Quick Diabetes Diet

Breakfast being the most important meal of the day, one has to make sure they don't skip it. Most Diettian advice against rice based dishes. When you are on a diabetic diet, the usual idli and Dosa doesn't suit as it is again made with rice. So finding better options with wheat really helps.

This Idli made with Bombay Rava is another diabetes dish that is very quick and Diet friendly recipe. As we think of different dishes for a morning variety, this serves as a quick option. We just soaked the batter for 10 minutes for it to get ready.

Bombay Rava Idli

Ingredients Needed:

Bombay Rava - 1 cup
Hot Milk - as required
Soda a pinch
Salt to taste
Urad dal paste - 1 tbsp (opt)

Method to prepare:

In a bowl, take all the ingredients and slowly mix it with hot milk using a spoon. The consistency should be of pouring state as the regular Idli batter.

Allow it to rest for 10 - 15 mins. Check the consistency to make sure the rava has not absorbed all the milk, if required add little more hot milk.

Then pour the batter into greased idli moulds and steam as you would do with regular idlis


Add Urad Dal paste is optional. First time when we made this, we had some Urad dal paste taken from the regular Idlis. But we have checked it again to see if that really made any difference.

If you can make it without adding the Urad dal paste also. If you are grinding Urad dal at home, you can refrigerate it for couple of days.

Check out Diabetic Diet Menu for other Diabetes Diet

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Custard with Fruits | Fruit Salad with Custard Step by Step Recipe

Fruit Salad or Custard with Fruits is yet another blast from the past! This is one of those dishes I remember Amma making often during our school days. I am not sure since how long we had these custard powder available in our market, but it was during my high school that I first tasted it.

We lived in a colony and Dad used to arrange frequent get together with the colony folks. We used to meet ahead of the dinner date and plan. Then the aunties used to meet again to discuss the menu. Somehow I was always part of such discussions not really sure why. Guess most knew that I was always interested to be part of their discussion as much as they wanted me to be part of their discussion as well. Maybe it had to do with the fact that even then I used to listen to what they say while my friends would never want to do anything with aunties talks. I was most interested to hear how they cooked something, wanting to know more details.

Anyway the entire discussion would be so much fun, planning what each family will bring for the party. For the eve, we used to have loads of activities and all of us had so much fun. We used to plan games, singing etc and imagine all those aunties and uncles taking part in them. These parties used played to break the ice, and we start looking at the aunties, uncles in a lighter view. Thinking back, I realize I miss those occasions. It played a great role in forming memories and things I can now think back and feel happy. I feel bad that my kids don't have that kind of good memories for them to later think back.
Though Amma always opted to make biryanis or curries, Custard with fruits was one of those dishes that she used to opt along with a difficult dish. I was always there to cut the fruits and never trusted another one to do the job as neat as myself..:)

When I was wondering what to make for the last day of the BM#5, I had an option to share a dish I had already done or make something new. I preferred to make this vanilla custard with fruits. Konda had learnt to make this along with her friend K during this summer. K's mom took a cooking class for both of them this summer and taught them some simple dishes. When Konda made this first time, she was so excited and got her share of the portion for us to taste. Hubby dear thinking there was more, finished off the entire cup. He said it was so good that he didn't realize. So she made again for her daddy and rest of us. Knowing that she will love to make it again, I had got the packet for her. So I called her to make it. Seeing how we did it, she said she knew better and we let her make it.

Step by Step Recipe

Custard powder and milk
Boil the milk in a pan
Mix the custard powder in a bowl with milk separately

Mix well to form a lump less liquid
When the milk starts to thicken, add suger
 Bring the pan down, add the custard.
 Cook again to get thick custard.

Have the fruits chopped and ready when you want to serve the custard.
Vanilla Custard with Fruits | Fruit Salad

Ingredients Needed:

Milk - 1/2 lt
Vanilla Custard powder - 30 gms
Sugar - 3/4 cup


Apple, Banana, Grapes, Pomegranate, Papaya as required.

Method to prepare:

Bring the milk to boil. Simmer once it starts boiling. In a bowl take the custard powder and slowly mix with the milk to get a lump less liquid.

When the milk is still simmering, add the sugar and cook in high while you keep stirring.

After about 3 -4 minutes, the milk starts to thicken, remove from the stove, slowly add the mixed custard and combine everything well.

Again cook for 4 mins or till the liquid is thick enough.

Thickness of the custard is entirely on how we want to serve. Once done, allow it to cool and chill it.

When ready to serve, chop all the fruits and add to the custard and serve it chill.

Though the fruits is added along with the custard and chilled normally, I prefer adding the fruits before serving. This ensures you can store the custard as such and not spoil the fruits.  When you add the fruits, it's advised to complete the dish and not store further.
Always chop the fruits just before serving as apples, bananas tend to colour.

Sending this to Kid's Delight hosted this month PJ, themed on Cool Comforts

Check out the Blogging Marathoners doing BM#5 along with me

Curry in a hurry under 30 min: Aarthi, Divya, Jayashree, Kaveri, Pavani,  
Seven Days of Indian Sweets:Gayathri, Priya Suresh,  
Seven Days of Microwave Meals: Monika,  
Seven Days of Regional Specials:Harini, Vaishali, Suma, PJ  
Seven Days of Colorful Dishes Kid's Special: Kalyani  
Summer Coolers: Jayasree, Kamalika, Srivalli

Friday, May 27, 2011

Chocolate Pudding Recipe | How To Make Chocolate Pudding at home with Step by Step Recipe

I think chocolate in any form or name will sell in my house. My kids are really that fond of anything chocolate. When I planned to make Chocolate Pudding, you should see their excitement. They were clustering around me, trying to take a peak at the stove. And generally coming under foot. I had planned to make the pudding quite early in the morning, hoping I could take advantage of them still being asleep. But by the time I started they were up and running.

I always had a thing for chocolate desserts, now who wouldn't right! When we go for buffet, we skip the main course and plan for desserts. The sad part is, though they offer many varieties, most desserts will have eggs in them. So I will just admire the looks and settle down for a chocolate ice cream or vanilla. I have never tasted a chocolate pudding because I never came across an eggless version. Either people don't know how to make one or they simply didn't know if that dessert was eggless. I was vary to take chance and always skipped it.

When I planned the BM list for 7 days of Summer Coolers, Champa suggested I make Chocolate Pudding. She pointed the recipe she tried from Deb. Deb had adapted from Wednesday Chef , who in turn tried it from the original John Scharffenberger recipe. What a destiny that that this recipe has traveled such a long way to finally give me bliss!

My joy knew no bounds seeing that original recipe and landing in that site. Okay saying I was thrilled to bits doesn't really express much. Instead of starting with the recipe, I sat there transfixed at the many delicious recipes listed out. Ever since I came back from SFO with a big bag of John Scharffenberger chocolates, I have been meaning to visit the official site for recipes. I never did until now and I was so much in love with all those chocolate recipes. Though I am disappointed to see most had eggs in them, I am sure I will try making it eggless.

Coming back to the making of the dish, when the kids saw me walking up and down kitchen to the computer, with a pack of chocolates, they knew I was up to something. They came and parked themselves well in position and wanted to know what I was making. Each one came out with a word rhyming to how they heard me saying, which was funny. I tried telling them very sternly that they ought to simply sit and watch me cooking and not ask too many questions, which you know is quite impossible. Knowing that Konda will be interested to help me, I asked her to grate the chocolates and even click some pictures.

The recipe calls for a double boiler which I don't have. I resorted to using the method I have always followed when melting the chocolate for my Eggless Black Forest Cake. The whole process took very less time, much less than 20 mins as said. I immediately transferred to individual serving cups and covered with foil paper to prevent skin from forming over the top.

The Pudding set well within 15 mins or so. With the kids being so impatient to eat, I had no choice but to give up checking on the doneness. I got about 4 serving cups plus half. I asked Konda to take one cup for Amma. Peddu loved it so much that he said only one cup for Ammamma, rest all for him. I told him that the recipe is so ridiculously simple that I can make it again and many times too if he loves it so much.

Step by Step Recipe

Chocolate Pudding
Adapted from John Scharffenberger

Cornflour - 4 tbsp / 1/4 cup
Sugar - 3/4 (original says 2/3 cup)
Salt a pinch
Milk - 3 cups
SCHARFFEN BERGER 70% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate, shaved or chopped finely - 1/2 cup (4 oz.)
Vanilla extract - 1/2 tsp (original says 1 tsp)

Method to prepare:

To get the double boiler effect, heat water in a big Classic Sauce Pan, place another smaller pan over it. Make sure the water is filled in as required, else when it starts boiling, it might spill into the inner pan.

whisk cornflour, sugar and salt in the small pan and then place it on the boiling water. Slowly stir in milk, keeping whisking to make sure lumps don't form. If required reduce the flame and continue stirring over low heat.

When you find that mixture begins to thicken, check with a spoon to see if the mixture coats the back of the spoon. This took me about 10 mins or less. At this stage add the grated chocolate. Whisk again well. Continue stirring for about 2 -3 mins. You can switch at this stage or check if the pudding is smooth and thick.

Remove from heat and add in the vanilla. I wanted the natural flavour more, so added only half a teaspoon.

You can strain the pudding if you think it has lumps. But since I was constantly overlooking it, there weren't any lumps formed. You can either transfer into a large bowl or into individual serving dishes. I did the latter and covered with foil to make sure no pudding skin formed.

Refrigerate until chilled. Mine took less than 20 mins to set and chill. I can't verify if this stays good for 3 days as all bowls disappeared within 30 mins of making this. So will have to make it again and hide it to check this fact, but then that will be such a murderous thing right!

Notes: You can use 6 ounces 62% semisweet chocolate instead of 70%
I am not sure if we get cornstarch as cornstarch. I confirmed that what we get as cornflour is actually cornstarch.

This a great activity to involve kids if you they are old enough to help you grate the chocolates and mix the pudding. Such cooking activity helps to keep the kids occupied.

Sending this to Kid's Delight hosted this month PJ, themed on Cool Comforts

Check out the Blogging Marathoners doing BM#5 along with me   

Curry in a hurry under 30 min: Aarthi, Divya, Jayashree, Kaveri, Pavani,
Seven Days of Indian Sweets:Gayathri, Priya Suresh,  
Seven Days of Microwave Meals: Monika,
Seven Days of Regional Specials:Harini, Vaishali, Suma, PJ  
Seven Days of Colorful Dishes Kid's Special: Kalyani  
Summer Coolers: Jayasree, Kamalika, Srivalli

Mango Ice Cream Recipe | Homemade Mango Ice-Cream

If Paal Ice was something I made when I was 11, Mango Ice Cream was something I first made during my early 20's. It was during the Mango season that I thought I should make something different with the excess mangoes we had. During the season, everybody is seen eating only mangoes and nothing else. It's very typical for most folks to skip their regular breakfast, lunch and dinner for mangoes. I don't think you would find anybody who dislikes this fruit and I mostly prefer to eat it as such. But having started on baking and other such cooking activities, I was bent on making something with Mango. So naturally Ice cream comes to picture.
I had a cookbook featuring Ice cream recipes and I decided on a recipe featuring Mangoes. The recipe called for Gelatin. Till then I had never been shopping on my own. So when I decided to make Ice Cream, I went shopping to get Gelatin, I sure felt very grown up and acted smart saying I was going to make Mango Ice cream. Back home, I spent many hours tolling over making this decadent mango ice cream. It was such a hit, that I continued making the ice cream every season. I think I stopped all such activities when I started working.
Yesterday when I was making the Paal Ice, Athamma was telling me that couple of mangoes were over ripe. Though it's the Mango season here, we haven't really enjoyed a good season. These mangoes came from Andhra and were fine. Seeing the fruit, I said I will make something later in the evening. She was recollecting how she used to make mango ice cream herself. After that I really didn't pay attention to what she was saying as I was busy taking pictures.

Imagine my surprise when I went back home to find that she had made Mango ice cream and Peddu already completed most of it! I was jubilant finding that my task was reduced to just writing this post and clicking pictures! She said she forgot how she used to make back then. So she saw me using Condensed milk and thought Milk powder to be icing sugar and had used it also. I guess milk powder made a difference, because this mango ice cream was not having crystals.
I beat it couple of times and froze it again. After 5 -6 hrs, it was creamy and did not have those crystals formed. To avoid ice crystals, I had used cream in my Chocolate Ice Cream. Now with just Milk powder I find that it can be avoided. I will have to experiment with it again to confirm.
Meanwhile you can enjoy this Mango Ice cream.

Ingredients Needed:
Milk - 2 cups
Mango Puree - 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1 tsp
Milk powder - 1 tsp
Condensed Milk - 2 tbsp
Method to prepare:
Wash and peel the skin from the mangoes. Puree the fruit.
Boil milk to thick consistency, add mango puree, continue boiling. Keep stirring to make sure it doesn't get lumps.. Switch off after 2 mins

Cool, beat the mixture in mixer to get thick and frothy consistency and freeze for 6 hrs.

Remove and pulse for 2 mins and again freeze for 6 hrs.

Sending this to Kid's Delight hosted this month PJ, themed on Cool Comforts

Check out the Blogging Marathoners doing BM#5 along with me   

Curry in a hurry under 30 min: Aarthi, Divya, Jayashree, Kaveri, Pavani,  
Seven Days of Indian Sweets:Gayathri, Priya Suresh,  
Seven Days of Microwave Meals: Monika,  
Seven Days of Regional Specials:Harini, Vaishali, Suma, PJ  
Seven Days of Colorful Dishes Kid's Special: Kalyani  
Summer Coolers: Jayasree, Kamalika, Srivalli

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to make Milk Ice Cream | Pal Ice, Indian Style

I am not sure how many of you are familiar with Milk Ice Cream or Pal Ice as it is referred, but this was my favorite ice cream as a kid. My first memories of this Ice cream was when we lived in a small town, some 180 kms from Madras. We were there for a period of 18 months or so, and I was around 8 yrs at this time. Incidents during that period always remain so vivid in memory. Pal Ice was moulded and served in an ice cream stick. I had no clue beyond the fact that it was made with milk and sugar. We used to have an ice-cream factory in the neighborhood, and we were allowed to eat from that place. Daddy being a doctor, was always very strict about not eating food from carts or any road side shops.

Summers were always hot and come afternoon you will see the kids settling under huge trees and playing. Amma mostly never would let us out during afternoons. Afternoon naps were common, but restless kids were seen loitering around the compound. During those days we would see the Icecream vendor pushing around his cart, fresh with his ware, shouting at his top of the voice, Pal Ice! And as bees to honey we would run out to see him. I think it used to cost about 50 paisa - 1 Rs, not sure. But with a coin in hand and steel glass in another, Sree and I would barge out of the house, yelling at him to stop.

Panting we would reach the icecream wala, thrusting both hands forward. We will have one Pal ice dropped in the steel tumbler. With the scorching heat, the stick ice would already be melting. But mindless and heedless of anything, we will rush inside to settle down to lick on the stick. Better part of the ice cream would have melted already, but then we had the tumbler just for that, it will hold the melted milk and we will hurriedly drink that next. It still used to be very cold and icy.

Years later when we got our refrigerator, this was the first dish I ever made. I used to mix hot milk with sugar, allowed it to cool down and put it in a bowl and freeze. As I said all I knew was it had milk and sweet. Couple of hours later I would settle down with my very own homemade Milk Icecream. It used to taste so delicious. It used to be icy with crystals all formed, I used to munch down the crystals and enjoyed it thoroughly!. In the years to come, I leant that one has to beat the ice cream and I was seen doing that as well.

It's been one wonderful journey from a primitive way of making ice to the smoothy ice cream I landed myself in. But I have always remembered this Milk Ice Cream or Pal Ice and always wanted to make it. I might encourage Konda to do this, but on second thoughts maybe she should arrive at this idea herself. Making this has been on my cards for a while, yet I never came around making it. So I was really looking forward to this edition when I planned to make this.

Yesterday when I mixed milk with sugar and thrust into the freezer, and took it out later at night I was so excited! Imagine recreating something that you did in secrecy and being naughty, making it now in your own kitchen, yet not confessing to the kids the story behind this.

When I opened the box, I could see those crystals formed and it was so icy. I simply crushed it well with the Ice cream scoop the first time and after 2 hours added condensed milk to get more creamy  and pulsed it couple of times. Again froze for 6 hrs.

My ultimate step into heaven is always a dose of the chocolate syrup and couldn't wait for the pictures to be clicked. It was exactly as I remembered from my childhood and it was utter bliss!

This was after 7 hrs, crush with Ice cream scoop
After 2 hrs from the first mix

This is after 6 hrs.

Ingredients Needed:

Milk - 1 cup
Condensed Milk - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 2 tsp

Method to prepare:

Boil milk and add sugar. Make sure it is mixed well. Once it cools down, freeze it. It took about 6 - 7 hrs for it to freeze in our climate right now.

Remove, crush down well. Freeze again for 2 hours, remove and add condensed milk. Beat well. I pulsed it for couple of times. Freeze it again.

Enjoy after 6 hrs of freezing again.

Serve with chocolate sauce for ultimate bliss!

Peddu loved this so much that I was so happy. In the morning when I was clicking the pictures both Peddu and Chinnu said they don't want it. But when I came back home, Peddu said he wanted and ate an entire bowl!

Sending this to Kid's Delight hosted this month PJ, themed on Cool Comforts


Check out the Blogging Marathoners doing BM#5 along with me

Curry in a hurry under 30 min: Aarthi, Divya, Jayashree, Kaveri, Pavani,  
Seven Days of Indian Sweets: Gayathri, Priya Suresh,
Seven Days of Microwave Meals: Monika,
Seven Days of Regional Specials: Harini, Vaishali, Suma, PJ  
Seven Days of Colorful Dishes Kid's Special:  Kalyani  
Summer Coolers: Jayasree, Kamalika, Srivalli

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Make a Chocolate Banana Smoothie | Step by Step Recipe

With summer being at its peak, I am sure we can do with lots of liquids in different forms. Smoothies come to rescue by being more creamy and rich. And if you want to use up any fruit, this is the best choice. I do this regularly with banana and it turns out great. When I decided on Summer Coolers, I thought I should make at least one smoothie and nothing like a chocolate added to it.

I finally settled down with Banana Chocolate Smoothie. This hardly takes time and suits best for breakfast if you are not conscious about including banana in your diet. But imagine my surprise when the kids refused to have this. They simply love Chocolate milkshake, which is an everyday affair. They love banana but they said they won't have because banana is added to chocolate. I couldn't understand the logic. I was thinking because they like both, putting them together should excite them. But the opposite happened.

Because they refused to drink, hubby dear and I had it for our breakfast and it was really very delicious. When I think my kids will like something, they surprise me by not even touching it. Maybe I haven't done a good PR job..:)

Step by Step Pictures to make

Chocolate Banana Smoothie

Ingredients Needed:

Chocolate Syrup - 3 tbsp
Banana - 1 big
Milk - 1 cup
Sugar - 2 tsp
Ice cubes as required
Finely chopped almonds for garnish (opt)

Method to prepare:

In a mixer, take all the ingredients and pulse it for couple of times. If required you can add some ice cubes at the final stage also.

Finally garnish with almond flakes.

Sending this to Kid's Delight hosted this month PJ, themed on Cool Comforts

Check out the Blogging Marathoners doing BM#5 along with me 

Curry in a hurry under 30 min: Aarthi, Divya, Jayashree, Kaveri, Pavani,
Seven Days of Indian Sweets:Gayathri, Priya Suresh,
Seven Days of Microwave Meals: Monika,
Seven Days of Regional Specials:Harini, Vaishali, Suma, PJ
Seven Days of Colorful Dishes Kid's Special: Kalyani
Summer Coolers: Jayasree, Kamalika, Srivalli

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to make Watermelon Granita Step by Step Recipe

The last and the final group for the 5th Edition of BM starts today. We have some new members along with some old members doing this week with me. The themes are the same and it makes it more exciting because I chose something completely different from the regular one for me.

With the theme Summer Coolers being there to help me get over our hot climate, it’s also a push for me to send entries to PJ who is hosting Kid’s Delight this month themed on Cool Comforts. I really had tough time deciding on what to make. I finally wrote down what I wanted to make and that really helped. I was also discussing the recipes with Champa, who greatly helped me hitting on these simple coolers done quickly in my hectic schedule right now.

For the day one, I decided on watermelon granite as it’s watermelon season here. I did a quick search on google and landed on many sites giving me what granita is all about. I quickly read on it on the wiki and decided I was going to simple mix all methods together.

How to make Watermelon Granita Step by Step Recipe

Sugar melted in water
 Lemon Juice
 Watermelon juice
 After 2 hours in freezer
Fluff with fork.
After 7 hrs

Watermelon Granita

Ingredients Needed: 

Watermelon chunks, finely chopped – 5 cups, 
Sugar – ¾ cup, 
Lemon juice – 2 tsp
Water – ¼ cup

Method to prepare: 

Scoop out the watermelon, remove seeds and chop finely. Measure out 5 cups and pulse for couple of times to get a smooth liquid. Sieve if required.

Meanwhile boil the water in a saucepan and add the sugar. Keep stirring for the sugar to melt. Allow it to cool and when the watermelon juice is ready, add the sugar along with lemon juice.
Adjust for sweet and lemon.

Transfer to a bowl and freeze. All sites said to fluff after 30 mins. But guess they didn’t talk in reference to my place where it is extremely hot.

Only after 2 hours it was forming crystals. Fluff through the liquid using a fork for the crystals to form. Freeze it back.

This process is to be repeated every 30 mins. I happily left it overnight to repeat the process after 6 hrs.

When it is all set, you will see those flakes formed on top.

The taste was fantastic. You will have to make sure that you scrap the granite really well; else you will still have ice chunks.

I made sure I take the pictures early morning, as I knew otherwise it will melt within minutes. Even then it was melting pretty fast. Hubby dear felt it was too icy for him and it was best suited for kids.

I loved the way the lemon juice rendered itself to watermelon.

Sending this to Kid's Delight hosted this month PJ, themed on Cool Comforts

Check out the Blogging Marathoners doing BM#5 along with me 

Curry in a hurry under 30 min: Aarthi, Divya, Jayashree, Jayasree, Kaveri, Pavani,
Seven Days of Indian Sweets:GayathriPriya Suresh,
Seven Days of Microwave Meals: Monika,
Seven Days of Regional Specials: Cool Lassi(e), Harini, Vaishali, Suma
Seven Days of Colorful Dishes Kid's Special: Kalyani
Summer Coolers: Kamalika, Srivalli