Saturday, May 28, 2011

Custard with Fruits | Fruit Salad with Custard Step by Step Recipe

Fruit Salad or Custard with Fruits is yet another blast from the past! This is one of those dishes I remember Amma making often during our school days. I am not sure since how long we had these custard powder available in our market, but it was during my high school that I first tasted it.

We lived in a colony and Dad used to arrange frequent get together with the colony folks. We used to meet ahead of the dinner date and plan. Then the aunties used to meet again to discuss the menu. Somehow I was always part of such discussions not really sure why. Guess most knew that I was always interested to be part of their discussion as much as they wanted me to be part of their discussion as well. Maybe it had to do with the fact that even then I used to listen to what they say while my friends would never want to do anything with aunties talks. I was most interested to hear how they cooked something, wanting to know more details.

Anyway the entire discussion would be so much fun, planning what each family will bring for the party. For the eve, we used to have loads of activities and all of us had so much fun. We used to plan games, singing etc and imagine all those aunties and uncles taking part in them. These parties used played to break the ice, and we start looking at the aunties, uncles in a lighter view. Thinking back, I realize I miss those occasions. It played a great role in forming memories and things I can now think back and feel happy. I feel bad that my kids don't have that kind of good memories for them to later think back.
Though Amma always opted to make biryanis or curries, Custard with fruits was one of those dishes that she used to opt along with a difficult dish. I was always there to cut the fruits and never trusted another one to do the job as neat as myself..:)

When I was wondering what to make for the last day of the BM#5, I had an option to share a dish I had already done or make something new. I preferred to make this vanilla custard with fruits. Konda had learnt to make this along with her friend K during this summer. K's mom took a cooking class for both of them this summer and taught them some simple dishes. When Konda made this first time, she was so excited and got her share of the portion for us to taste. Hubby dear thinking there was more, finished off the entire cup. He said it was so good that he didn't realize. So she made again for her daddy and rest of us. Knowing that she will love to make it again, I had got the packet for her. So I called her to make it. Seeing how we did it, she said she knew better and we let her make it.

Step by Step Recipe

Custard powder and milk
Boil the milk in a pan
Mix the custard powder in a bowl with milk separately

Mix well to form a lump less liquid
When the milk starts to thicken, add suger
 Bring the pan down, add the custard.
 Cook again to get thick custard.

Have the fruits chopped and ready when you want to serve the custard.
Vanilla Custard with Fruits | Fruit Salad

Ingredients Needed:

Milk - 1/2 lt
Vanilla Custard powder - 30 gms
Sugar - 3/4 cup


Apple, Banana, Grapes, Pomegranate, Papaya as required.

Method to prepare:

Bring the milk to boil. Simmer once it starts boiling. In a bowl take the custard powder and slowly mix with the milk to get a lump less liquid.

When the milk is still simmering, add the sugar and cook in high while you keep stirring.

After about 3 -4 minutes, the milk starts to thicken, remove from the stove, slowly add the mixed custard and combine everything well.

Again cook for 4 mins or till the liquid is thick enough.

Thickness of the custard is entirely on how we want to serve. Once done, allow it to cool and chill it.

When ready to serve, chop all the fruits and add to the custard and serve it chill.

Though the fruits is added along with the custard and chilled normally, I prefer adding the fruits before serving. This ensures you can store the custard as such and not spoil the fruits.  When you add the fruits, it's advised to complete the dish and not store further.
Always chop the fruits just before serving as apples, bananas tend to colour.

Sending this to Kid's Delight hosted this month PJ, themed on Cool Comforts

Check out the Blogging Marathoners doing BM#5 along with me

Curry in a hurry under 30 min: Aarthi, Divya, Jayashree, Kaveri, Pavani,  
Seven Days of Indian Sweets:Gayathri, Priya Suresh,  
Seven Days of Microwave Meals: Monika,  
Seven Days of Regional Specials:Harini, Vaishali, Suma, PJ  
Seven Days of Colorful Dishes Kid's Special: Kalyani  
Summer Coolers: Jayasree, Kamalika, Srivalli

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