Saturday, November 19, 2011

How to make Chilli Flakes | How to roast peanuts in Microwave | Microwave Basics

One of the main attraction in eating a pizza will surely be sprinkling those chilli flakes on the top. Nothing beats that I tell you! Which reminds me that it's been a while since I actually ate at the Pizza Hut. My favorite has always been the Amritsari Punjabi Tikka Pizza and I sprinkle a good helping of Chilli Flakes on the top. There is that something elusive that evades us from recognizing what it is, however I satisfy myself saying it's ultimate would be the dose of Chilli flakes on the top. Trust me, it used to be HOT! 

Every time we ordered in pizza, I used to save those sachets of chilli flakes that accompany the pizzas. Though finally when I do make the pizza at home, I would search endlessly for those sachets and not end them anyway. Some of the wonderful things I learnt from Athamma would be those short cuts she follows in the actual cooking. She is a lady of many talents when it comes to quick cooking with loads of innovation involved. Of the many such tricks was this ground Dry Red chillis, she always has at hand. 
When I think of it, it's nothing but Chilli flakes, though it's ground a wee bit fine. She followed the traditional methods of sun drying during summers and dry roasting during winters. Would you believe Microwave is a God sent? Really all it took me was just 30 secs to get it roasted. When you dry roast it, you have the possibility of getting everybody out of the house with the fumes that come out. Using a microwave only you get to face it.

Took handful of Dry Red chillis and microwaved for 30 secs.

Do you notice how they are bloated out? Couple of the chillies were soft, so I took just them out and again mw for 10 secs.
Allow to cool for couple of minutes. Then pulse them in a mixer for couple of times.
Make sure you don't run it more than 3 -4 times, check and remove if the big ones don't get ground well.
After the second round. everything was ground to almost equal size.
We have this always stocked at home. You can use this for sprinkling on Pizzas. Spicing up Tomato Chutneys, spicing up Stir fries as I did in Snakegourd Stir Fry. Options are many.

Roasting Peanuts / Ground nuts in Microwave:

Recently when I had visited Amma's younger sister, she wanted me to show her how her Microwave works. She has been having it for a while, yet she hardly uses it other than roasting peanuts. Now as you know Peanuts / Groundnuts are used almost everyday at my home. So we always have a big dabba filled with roasted groundnuts. 

However it never struck me odd that I have not used it for roasting peanuts. I have known about it since the beginning and I have even made the Masala Peanuts. Still it was an accepted thing that roasting the peanuts over kadai gets you the best results. Rather it was a habit that was preventing us from using the microwave for this purpose. After seeing how well it turned out at my Aunt's place, I knew there was going to be no more Kadai at home for roasting. 

Roasting Time for Peanuts in Microwave - 4 -6 mins, depending on your mw and the nuts. After 4 mins, it was done for me. Though once it turned crispy only after 6 mins

Pick and take the peanuts in a microwave safe plate. Microwave for 4 mins. At 2 mins interval, stop and shake the nuts for making sure the peanuts are roasted on all sides. Once 4 mins is done, remove and allow to cool. Within minutes you will know if it needs more roasting, so based on that either continue or stop.

Even since I realized this method, it's become such an everyday affair.

Sending these quick basics made in Microwave to Vatsala, who is hosting this month's Microwave Easy Cooking Event.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#10

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