Thursday, April 14, 2011

dieting principles

To achieve maximum weight loss in a short period of time while retaining maximum potential lean muscle mass we must carefully plan our caloric intake. Sound like too much? Realize that this is a short term effort in order to reach a goal and that a maintenance diet is much less restrictive and far more enjoyable.

While weight loss can be difficult, emotionally taxing, and exhausting it can also be a very uplifting empowering experience. It is certainly gratifying to look in the mirror and see your new found physique poke through and feel the sinew of muscle fiber where before there has only been pudge.

If you make the decision to pursue weight loss and make the commitment to yourself that you are going to stick with it until you achieve your goal you are half way there.

First rule
Your diet must be focused around your workout with the majority of carbohydrates being taken in within an hour of exercise before and after. Keep it reasonable, a piece of fruit and a protein snack before your workout and protein and something healthy after your workout.

Rule two
The rest of your diet must be focused on lean protein. The list is short. Lean chicken, turkey, beef, fish, etc. you get the idea. Tofu, in moderation, cheese in moderation, eggs are good, but while the whole egg is good for you the yolk is where the bulk of the calories are located. When eating a deficit I discard all yolks when in maintenance I eat some yolks.

Rule three
Eat a small salad with healthy dressing at least every other day. You need to nutrients and fiber.

Rule four
Eat some more fiber. As bland and tasteless as it is fiber cereal is the best source of this scrubber material. A fairly low carb diet can cause some difficulty in the restroom department, a couple doses of fiber cereal will solve this problem before it ever develops.

Rule five
Eliminate, bread (or anything that resembles bread), pasta, cereal(except for fiber cereal), juice (not as healthy as you think), sodas (duhhh), and any other junk snack that you even think may be a bad choice.

Rule six
Don't go too long without eating or you will develop cravings that are almost uncontrollable.

Rule seven
Keep a journal, write everything down, weigh your food, measure your food, count all of the calories. Until you have a good feel for what it feels like to eat a certain number of calories and until you have a good idea of how many calories are really in food. Rule of thumb, those who write it all down lose nearly twice as much weight as those who don't. This can be tedious but it can also be a fabulous learning experience and only needs to be utilized when you are very serious about dropping weight quickly.

To sum things up.
Figure out what you your base caloric level is. There are various web sites that make this simple. Use this estimate to set your caloric intake.

Shoot to eat a gram of protein for pound of lean body weight, this can be a challenge when eating in a deficit, so that is why I say shoot for this amount.

Cycle your calories, meaning if you eat 1200 calories one day eat 1700 the next and 1400 the following day. Confuse your body and do not allow it to set its metabolism at one level.

On low carb days, keep it as low as possible under 50 carbs if possible. This can be a pain but fortunately protein is filling.

Lastly, eat a cheat meal once a week and go easy on yourself the rest of the day. Don't overdo it but refeed your body. Dieting is hard work and your body and mind need a break and a reward. Make this a big workout day and enjoy the indulgence.

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