Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Beaten Rice with Jaggary and Banana

I started this year with the intention of making more kids related posts and ones that are really favorite with them. I managed to do only handful of them. Atleast I am happy that what got posted were really their favorites. I enjoyed reading the feedback that whoever tried it with their kids, they loved it. What's more to it than this feedback right!

We have kind of settled to a pretty much decided menu for the kids lunch. So now that they like it, I fear to change it fearing if it was not liked by them, then what will they eat. So any experiment comes only for their snack time, which is at home. I am more free to try out new things to see if they like it or not. I know for sure they love beaten rice varieties.

With that in mind, this simple yet delicious healthy snack was an idea from Amma, who said its quick and yet great on taste. Doesn't really take much time for preparation.


Ingredients Needed:

Beaten Rice - 2 cups
Jaggary - 1 cup
Grated fresh coconut - 2 tsp
Ripe Banana -1

Method to prepare:

Wash and soak the beaten rice in water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile melt the jaggary and remove scum if any.

Drain the beaten rice from water over a colander. Keep it aside.

Then boil it again till you get a 1 thread consistency. Remove from fire, add the drained beaten rice and mix well.

Add in the grated fresh coconut and just before serving, add sliced banana.

This is a great filler for snack time, you can pack this for school along with full banana. The kid can scoop in the beaten rice alternate with the banana.

Else the sliced banana can be coated lightly with sugar to prevent browning from happening. But it is always best to pack in unpeeled banana with this for school.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Pomegranate, Indian Gooseberry and Fenugreek powder for Diabetics

This is yet another wonder powder that we can make from what we have at home for Diabetes care.

I have listed below some details on each of these three fruits that I have used, sourced from internet. I am not able to cite specific site for contributing these details, but in general the information is retrieved from researching on many sites available online. I would like to thank the individual authors for their contribution.

Apart from being healthy, pomegranate is delicious too. Pomegranate consists of antioxidant, antiviral and anti-tumour properties. It is said to be a good source of vitamins as it includes vitamin A, C and E as well as folic acid. This fruit consists of three times the antioxidants of wine or green tea. It is said to be the powerhouse of health. Pomegranates are known mostly for curing the problems related to heart and for maintaining effective and healthy blood circulation. Other health benefits include cure of stomach disorders, cancer, dental care, osteoarthritis, anemia and diabetes.

Indian Gooseberry

In general Indian Gooseberry is considered very healthy due to its high vitamin C content. Amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart, strengthens the lungs, regulates elimination, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, is good for the skin, promotes healthier hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, strengthens the eyes, improves muscle tone and it acts as an antioxidant.

The health benefits of amla include the following:

* Eye care: Taking Gooseberry juice with honey is good for improving eyesight. It improves nearsightedness and cataract. It reduces interocular tension.
* Diabetes: Gooseberry contains chromium. It has a therapeutic value in diabetics. Indian Gooseberry or Amla stimulate the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Thus it reduces blood sugar in diabetic patient.
* Heart disease: Gooseberry strengthens heart muscles. So heart pumps blood flawless throughout the body.
* Infection: Due t o its antibacterial and astringent attributes the Indian Gooseberry protects against infection. It improves body resistance.
* Hair loss: Amla is used in many hair tonics. It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens roots of hair , maintains color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color.
* Improving appetite: Consuming Gooseberry powder with butter and honey before meal improves appetite. It helps in balancing Nitrogen level and thus increases weight in a healthy way.


Due to its estrogen-like properties, fenugreek has been found to help increase libido and lessen the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause and PMS. In India and China it has also been used to treat arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, improve digestion, maintain a healthy metabolism, increase libido and male potency, cure skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils), treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux. Fenugreek also has a long history of use for the treatment of reproductive disorders, to induce labor, to treat hormonal disorders, to help with breast enlargement, and to reduce menstrual pain. Recent studies have shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and may be an effective treatment for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Fenugreek is also being studied for its cardiovascular benefits.

What you see above is the final ball that is done by drying these skin of Pomegranate, pitted Indian gooseberry and dried fenugreek. All these are sun dried for a day or till they are really dry and powder to a fine powder.

Once a day, the diabetic patient can mix all three powders with little water and consume.

Sending this to Sadhana & Muskaan event on Home Remedies.

Earlier on Diabetes:

General Notes on Diabetes
Introduction to Diabetes ~ What Is Diabetes?
Why Early Diagnosis Is Important?
Diagnosing Diabetes ~ Different Types Of Diabetes
Dietary aspects in the management of diabetes
Dietary aspects in the management of diabetes ~ Glycemic Index!
Glycemic Index of different foods

Diabetes Diet:

Appey or Paniyaram with Jowar Four
Healthly Snack with Chickpea Salad
Gooseberry Rice
Guava ~ the Wonder Fruit
Jamun Seed Powder ~ Diet for Diabetics!
Stuffed Paratha with Greens

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chegodilu / Chekodi November Challenge for Indian Cooking Challenge ~ Step by Step!

Planning this month's challenge for Indian Cooking Challenge had in me a toss! I knew it had to be a savory. I planned for south Indian mixture, but since it was already made, it was dropped. Running pillar to post, finally hit on Chegodi or Chegodilu as it is called in Andhra. This is one of the most favorite snack items sold in shops and of course made at home.

The other thing I wanted to make were the Karasev, but Amma cautioned that it is kind of risky attempting them as there are possibilities of missiles shooting out, if one is not careful. So heading the warning, I decided against it. I simply love Karasev, so planning to take it sometime for ICC.

Meanwhile let's enjoy making these Ring Muruku as these are called in the shops in Tamil Nadu, for this month. I went specially to shop to check out the Tamil name. I have always known this as only Chekodi.

Chekodis I remember my relatives getting us every time they visit us. We have never bought it ourselves from our area. So my memories are so intertwine with guests visiting us.

Amma gave me two recipes, selecting two ways of making a dish always gives us much challenge. As usual with all challenges I attempt it at the last moment. First time I made, I thought I would just try it as I think it can be easy and ended up with a chekodi that was crisp to begin with and ended up being little soft.

So I again made it following the method of cooking the flour, it came out really very crispy and very crunchy.

I was discussing on this with Lataji and Nimi on the flour texture. Lataji used both shop bought rice flour and home made flour. Nimi tried with shop bought and thought it was breaking. I explained to her that this is primarily to do with the dampness that has to be there in the flour. So again for this one has to grind the flour at home for best results. Else should increase the moisture content.

You can follow this method for making rice flour at home. Most might feel it is laborious, but when you are making small quantity, it is really not.

I made the first recipe, will be trying the recipe 2 sometime later.

Enjoy these crunchy chekodi with a cup of tea or coffee!

Chegodilu,Chekodi,Indian Snacks,Tea Time snack

Chegodilu / Chekodilu - Recipe 1

Ingredients Needed:

Rice Flour - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup
Split Yellow Moong dal / Pesara pappu / Mung Dal / Pasiparuppu - 1 1/2 - 2 tblsp
Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
Sesame Seeds - 1 tsp
Chili powder - 1 tsp
Ghee or oil - 1 tblsp
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying

Method to prepare:

Making the dough:

Soak moong dal in water for half hour to 1 hour.

In a deep bottom pan, boil water, then add salt, ghee and moong dal. Bring it to boil, simmer and slowly add the rice flour. Using a rolling pin or the ladle, mix the flour with water by stirring it well. When the flour is mixed and done, turn off the heat immediately. Cover with lid and keep aside for 10 to 15 mins.

Once the dough is cool, add chilli powder, sesame seeds, cumin seeds and mix well. Knead till you get a smooth dough. Adjust the salt and spice depending on your preference.

Frying the Chokodi:

Heat a pan with oil, enough to fry 3 -4 at time, if you conscious of not using too much oil. Simmer once it gets hot. The temperature should not be smoking hot.

Grease your fingers with oil and pinch out a small lemon size ball and roll between your palms to form a thick rope. Bring the two ends to together and press to form a rope. Ensure the ends are firmed pressed as not to give out during frying.

Continue with the rest of the dough until you are done with the entire batch. You can either cover it with a plate or a cloth to prevent the dough from getting dried.

Check if the oil is in the correct temperature, by dropping a tiny bit into the oil. Then gently slide the rings or the chakodis in batches of 4 -5. The flame has to be on high until the chakodis come up to the surface, then lower the flame to medium and cook till you get a golden colour on the chakodis.

When the chakodis are golden all over, using a slotted ladle, remove to a kitchen towel and cool. Store in an air tight container for longer shelf life.

Notes: Remember to turn the heat to medium to high and high to medium for getting the chakodis to golden colour and also to be cooked evenly. Only this way you get crispy chakodis. These should not be cooked on low flame as they will absorb more oil and can turn soggy also at times.

Variation: Instead of Cumin and Sesame seeds, 1 tsp of Ajwain or Omam can be used along with chili powder.

Chegodilu - Recipe 2

Ingredients Needed:

Rice flour - 3/4 cup
All purpose flour/ Maida - 1/4 cup
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Ajwain - 1/4 tsp
Red chilli powder - 1/4 tsp
Turmeric really a pinch
Salt as per taste
Oil to deep fry

Boil 1 cup water in a bowl, add salt to it.

When the water starts boiling, remove from stove, add ajwain, red chilli powder, turmeric and flours. Stir with a ladle to make sure it is mixed well. Pour ghee on it and cover.

Once it cools, knead it to form smooth dough.

Pinch out small balls of dough and roll them like threads between your palm, bring the ends together to form into small rings

Fry them in hot oil til they turn golden in colour. You can follow the same procedure as the first recipe.


To all my ICC members, please link your Chegodilu / Chekodi post to Mr. Linky.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pearl Millet Sprouts with Sesame Seeds and Jaggary Salad

I have always known these as Saddalu but after Internet and interacting with others, I came to know that Pearl Millit is referred as Sajjalu. The name doesn't really matter if you ask me. My first memories of this was when I was 6 years old. I vividly remember eating this at my paternal grandparents home, in our own cultivated land. I think even at that young age, I could feel the pride of growing something and eating it. Even though I hardly contributed to growing it myself.

The first memory reminds me of burnt millets directly on the coal. They taste awesome! Then of course Amma used to make the Roti with the Sadda flour, those mixed with onions, green chilies and served with peanut chutney. These were my evening snacks when I came back home. Imagine coming home to these heavenly smells. I wish my kids eat these. Of course I haven't introduced them to it anyways. But you know right that they may not like it. Maybe I should try it sometimes.


Coming to this raw sprouts, I have known Amma sprouting these when she gets it fresh. Then I have seen Athamma doing it. She specially asks me for whole ones. So when I got this, she ends up sprouting them.

These make a great snack or a quick snack for breakfast.


Sadda/ Sajja - Pearl Millet


There is really no recipe for this. Wash and keep the Millet in a muslin cloth overnight. Sprouts come out.

Then add grated jaggary and sesame seeds. Toss together and just eat.

The sprouted millet are very nutritious and when combined with jaggary, is a good source of iron, plus makes it a complete meal for breakfast.

Sesame seeds adds great taste to the overall effect.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Microwave Besan Ladoo!

You know I have always known it is easy to dish out of microwave but only after making Besan Laddo, I reconfirmed to myself how really easy it is. As usual I had to wait till the last moment to make for the Microwave Easy Cooking Event, and finally what, the microwave Besan Ladoo ends up as such a lovely recipe for keepers.

If you have a sweet tooth and craving for something nice, this is a dish that you can whip within 10 mins. There really can't be something quickly than this. And the ingredients are something so easily accessible that you don't have to fret about! I remember seeing this in Tee's space and saw it was almost the same way I do. Its lovely that she had sent her entry to the same event years back!

This is something you can make as quick treat to your kid and very healthy too.


Quick Besan Ladoo in Microwave

Ingredients Needed:

Besan/ Chickpea flour - 1 cup / 50 gms app
Ghee/ Clarified Butter - 3 -4 tsp or as required
Sugar - 3/4 cup - 1 cup of same measure.
Cardamom powder - 2 pinches

Microwave safe bowl
ar (Powdered or the regular fine variety that is found in the US)

Method to prepare:

Mix the besan and ghee in a microwave safe bowl.

Micro for 2 -3 minutes. Stir in intervals after a minute and continue heating.

Keep checking and stirring after a minute. At the end of 3 minutes, the mixture will be a nice reddish brown and will have a nice aroma to it.

If the mixtuer doesn't come together, add more ghee.

Add powdered sugar or fine variety if you have along with cardamom powder. Micro for another 2 minutes. The mixture should not look too dry, otherwise the ladoos will not hold up their shape.

When it is still warm, hold together to form ladoos.


Notes: If you like biting into sugar, use as such else powder it. If the balls are not holding shape, then add 1 tsp more of ghee.

Roasted nuts can be added to the mixture.

From the quantity I made, I got about 4 ladoos.

Sending this to Paru who is hosting MEC event for this month themed on Sweets 'n' Savories.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tips to make the food tasty, healthy and attractive ~ Guest Post by PJ!

Read the article on Nutrition for Children & Nutrients – Functions and sources by Padmajha Suresh.

We sure know that how much ever we talk about nutrition and other important facts about food for children, finally we have the task of getting them eat. So making the food more attractive helps.

Having said this, here are some tips to make the food tasty, healthy and attractive.

  1. Rice can be made interesting by adding vegetables to give a different color and flavor -like beetroot rice, coriander rice and children will never be bored.
  2. Adding oats to other dishes like dosa, Chapathi or in desserts is a definite way to assure that the cereal is consumed.
  3. If buckwheat flour is available, it can be mixed with wheat flour to make chapathis and buckwheat noodles will make the child more inclined to savor it due to its color. Addition of vegetables in it will make it healthier.
  4. Pulses/legumes can be included by preparing dishes like adai which are different and preparing them in interesting shapes will defiantly make them attractive to eat.
  5. If the child does not like to eat a single fruit then they can be given as a salad in an attractive bowl and adding honey to it for sweetness which is more healthier than adding sugar
  6. Nuts and dried fruits can be mixed to the breakfast cereals
  7. Children don’t like Popeye’s favorite spinach as much as they love him. Yet we can trick them to eating the greens by adding a handful of them to dhals, using them as gravy bases [Palak paneer], chutney [coriander,mint etc]
  8. Milk and milk products are the easiest to feed a child as they can be given in many forms and sometimes the little one doesn’t even realize what he is eating!! Adding a teaspoon of grated cheese to soups, mixing tofu with other dishes, and flavored milk like strawberry milk prepared with home made strawberry syrup, milkshakes, smoothies, adding a teaspoon of ghee to the rice dishes, serving raitas are all ways to ensure they get the proper nutrition.
  9. Mask eggs in other dishes, by sandwiching them between idlis or as omlettes, bhurji [scramble] with some coriander leaves/mint to mask the odor -if that’s what is preventing them from eating eggs.
  10. Whenever possible substitute jaggery/honey for sugar

The most important thing is that parents should not show their likes or dislikes towards a particular food during the meal time as children imitate the adults and it can form a bad impression on them!

Avoiding processed /preserved foods, instant foods –like instant noodles and too many servings of deep fried foods and chocolates will definitely pave wave for a healthy body. That does not mean they should be deprived of all the goodies but they can be given occasionally and substituting baked and roasted foods instead of deep fried foods all the time.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and many a times children tend to miss/avoid it. We must ensure that they have a cereal based dish,fruit and milk [or milk product] for breakfast as it will help them perform better in school.

Did you know that the child’s lunch box must provide 1/3rd of the daily nutrient requirement? So when packing a lunch box for the kids, it is better to keep a small portion of all foods groups so that they are not bored with a single item in the box and this way we can meet the 1/3rd need as well.

When the child is at home, it is better to serve small frequent meals that are nutrient dense so that they provide variety and also meet the requirements.

Many parents prefer to watch TV during the meal time especially during dinner time and hence neither the parent nor the child knows how much food is being consumed!!! It is best that the meal time environment is calm, relaxing and pleasant.

And last but not the least, here are some more Tips to make kids eat better

Thank you PJ for your wonderful post!

Finally check out what other bloggers have to share about cooking for children and their tips to make them eat well….

Harini of Tongue ticklers.
Nivedita of Nivedita’s Kitchen
Pallavai of All Thingz Yummy
PJ of Seduce Your Tastebuds.
Roma Sharma of Roma’s Space
Sailaja of Sailu’s Kitchen
Trupti of Recipe center
Sharmi of Neivedyam
Vidhas of Appetizing Recipes.
Vibaas of Delectable Vegetarian Recipes
Veena of Curry world

If you are interested to share your knowledge on food or other things related to Kids, please mail me at

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gulab Jamun Recipe for Indian Cooking Challenge ~ Step by Step

For this month's Indian Cooking Challenge, I decided on Gulab Jamun. Deciding on that wasn't very difficult. It is one of those delicious sweets that is so much a part of my childhood. Be it any festival or a birthday at home, Amma for sure makes this the previous night. However late it is, she makes it and only then sleeps.

But she has always made from the ready mix from MTR. I have always remember soft as a cotton, sweet as a sugar and tempting as the devil, if I think of Gulab Jamun. And it is always the same vessel that is used for making this sweet at home. Even if I didn't' know that Amma is making, seeing that vessel, I know immediately that a treat is in waiting. The number of jamuns that disappear thereof, one never knows. Amma never allows us to take it directly from the vessel and pop into our mouth. But I secretly know it is more sweeter when one disobeys. I know Amma doesn't read the blog, but if she gets to know if this secret, then sorry Amma, this is the only mischievous thing I have done..:)

We have always wanted to make it from scratch. And Indian Cooking Challenge present the perfect opportunity for me. I selected three recipes from Indo, Lakshmi and Alka. I tried from Lakshmi. I know for sure it is very tasty as I eat it at her home, when Lathamma had made it. Their blog is a versatile place for many different recipes, only sad that they are not blogging anymore.

I made modification to the measurements, though not the ingredients. The original recipe can be found here.

I thought I might as well make this a Step by Step post to make it more clear to all.

You can refer Homemade Khoa before proceeding to make the jamuns.

After slogging over the stove for over an hour and half, you get soft khova. Don't overcook the khoa, it should not become too dry. Take the sugar required, along with 1 cup of maida. 3 -4 pinches of cooking soda, saffron and whole cardamom.

In a thick bottom pan, take 3 cups of sugar and add 1 cup of water, bring to boil. Sieve for impurities. And put it back to boil, after 1 min, add the cardamom and saffron. Switch off the gas.

While the sugar was getting melted, you take the khova, add soda and knead well. Slowly add the maida and knead well.

I didn't use all the 1 cup of maida, half way through it I felt the thickness was enough. The consistency should be soft and well knead dough.

Pinch out small balls and quickly heat kadai with equal portion of oil and ghee.

Simmer the flame, gently drop in the balls and cook over low flame for the center to get cooked as well. Don't touch the balls, rather stir the oil so that the balls get turned and cooked on all sides.

They swell up after getting cooked.

Once they are golden in colour, immediately drop them in the hot sugar syrup.

When you are done with all the balls, cover the soaking jamuns and leave it aside atleast for half hour to one hour, before succumbing to the tempting of tasting it!

Gulab Jamun Recipe

Makes: around 25 jamuns


Khova – 1 & 1/2 cups
Maida – 1 cup (I used 1/2 cup)
Sugar – 3 cups (if you want excess syrup i.e floating jamuns increase by a cup)
Water – 1 cup (increase if you’re increasing sugar)
Cooking Soda – 3 pinches
Cardamom – 4 pods
Saffron strands – a few
Oil + Ghee – 1 cup (for deep frying)
Rose water - 2 drops


  1. Combine sugar and water in a thick flat bottomed broad pan and simmer on a low heat until sugar dissolves. Sieve to remove impurities Add cardamom powder, saffron strands and remove from fire. Finally add rose water.
  2. Knead khova, maida and soda and quickly shape into balls.
  3. Heat oil and ghee on a medium flame. Fry the jamuns till golden brown over a low to medium flame, keeping oil temperature uniform. Oil should not smoke.
  4. Drain the jamuns and soak in the warm sugar syrup.

  • You will achieve correct consistency for jamun syrup when 3 cups of sugar dissolves 1 cup water over low heat. There is no need to get any thread consistency.
  • Only when the syrup is ready, mix the jamun dough. Since the dough has soda, if its kept aside the jamuns will disperse while frying and will not hold well.
  • Right temperature of oil of utmost importance to get soft jamuns.
  • The khova consistency is also very important. It should not be dry, based on the touch add all the maida mentioned, otherwise little more than half of the maida is enough.
  • Never refrigerate jamuns. Jamuns when refrigerated will shrink and become hard. Jamuns will stay fresh for 4 days when stored in air tight containers.

My first attempt gave me little hard ones, I again made khova, this time with more softness, the jamuns were not hard.

To all my ICC members, please link your Gulab Jamun post to Mr. Linky.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nutrients – Functions and sources - A quick guide ~ Guest Post by PJ!

Read the article on Nutrition for Children part 1 by Padmajha Suresh.


In my previous article, I discussed on Nutrition for Children, with brief introduction to various aspects related to it.

Today I will focus on some facts that you may want to consider while planning a meal for the little one..

Nutrients – Functions and sources- A quick guide

1.Energy – It is required for the overall growth and development of the child and the sources include cereals, pulses, milk products, nuts, fats and oils.

2. Protein – It is the basis for tissue building and development of skeletal muscles. Sources – Pulses[lentils/legumes],milk and milk products[including cheese, yogurt etc], tofu, nuts, egg whites, soy products, meat, etc

3. Fats – These are the concentrates source of energy and are also the carriers of fat soluble vitamins- A,D,E,K. Major sources- Oil, Ghee, butter, margarine, nuts and egg yolk, cream

4. Fibre – As we are aware, fiber gives satiety and avoids constipation. Sources - Raw fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses.

5. Vitamins-We can classify them as Fat soluble and water soluble vitamins…

A] Fat soluble vitamins –

i] Vitamin A – Needed for good vision, immunity and an adequate diet with Vitamin A prevents night blindness. Green leafy vegetables are the best source, along with yellow/orange colored vegetables/fruits like papaya, mango, carrots, pumpkin, papaya, mango, sweet potato, winter squash, cantaloupe and spinach, eggs and milk.

ii] Vitamin D- It is needed to help the body assimilate Calcium from our diet and hence indirectly helps in building strong teeth and healthy bones. Milk and egg yolk are the best sources of this vitamin. It is also found in Fatty fish, liver and fortified milk. 5-10 minutes of exposure to direct sunlight 3-4 times a week also an additional way to get this vitamin.

iii] Vitamin E- It is an anti-oxidant and is required for proper cell functioning. Sources include vegetable oils, butter and margarine, broccoli, whole grains, peanuts, sunflower seeds, mayonnaise, wheat germ, yam and sweet potato.

iv] Vitamin K – This vitamin is vital for normal blood clotting and is found in Green leafy vegetables, fruits, potato, beets, fruits, dairy products, eggs, seeds, and meats.

B]Water soluble vitamins

i] Vitamin B – It is a group of vitamins, each one performing a crucial function in our body.

ii] Vitamin B1 –It is needed for energy production and also for transmitting the nerve impulses. It can be found in cereals, green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, sunflower seeds, whole grains, pork, and seafood.

iii] Vitamin B2 – It aids in the release of energy and promotes healthy skin and eyes. Its sources include milk, yogurt, milk, breads, green leafy vegetables, cereals, fruits, almond and chicken.

iv] Vitamin B6 – Its functions are to maintain the nervous tissue and regeneration of red cells and can be found in whole grains, fortified cereals, oats, chick peas, banana ,vegetables, baked potatoes, chicken and peanuts.

v] Vitamin B12 – Proper functioning of the cells are ensured by including adequate quantities of this vitamin by including a liberal portion of dairy products in the diet along with eggs, fish, beef, pork, yeast and fermented foods.

vi] Niacin – Helps to convert food to energy. It is found in breads, cereal grains, nuts, vegetables, peanut butter, brewers yeast, tuna, chicken breast, sunflower seeds and beans.

vii] Folacin- It is required by the body to use up the proteins and also to prevent blood disorders. Include dried beans, wheat germ, nuts, oranges, bananas, beets, beans, peas, , broccoli ,Popeye’s favorite-spinach, other green leafy vegetables and mushrooms.

Vitamin C-It is an antioxidant vitamin needed for the formation of collagen to hold the cells together and for healthy teeth, gums and blood vessels. It improves iron absorption and resistance to infection. Good sources of this Vitamin include citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime, lemons, guava, Indian gooseberry, strawberries, melons, broccoli, green peppers, Brussels sprouts, red peppers and cranberry juice, pineapple.

6] Minerals

A] Calcium, which is required for the formation of healthy bones and teeth, is also needed for blood clotting and proper functioning of the heart .It is found in milk and milk products, green vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, kale, tofu, sardines and salmon.

B] Phosphorus works with calcium to promote the formation of teeth and bones, maintain acid base balance in the body. Found in Milk and milk products, grains, nuts and legumes, lean meats

C] Sodium – It regulates the fluids in the body and thus regulates the blood pressure. It is also essential for the nerve function and energy production .It is present in Table salt and most processed foods and hence care should be taken when the diet has too much processed foods as higher sodium levels will lead to increase in blood pressure. Other sources include baking soda, monosodium glutamate (MSG), various seasonings, additives, condiments, meat, fish, poultry, dairy foods, eggs, smoked meats, olives, and pickled foods.

D]Potassium – It also balances the fluid level in the body and can be found in milk, yogurt,oranges, bananas, raisins, apricots, oranges, avocadoes, dates, cantaloupe, watermelon, prunes, broccoli, spinach, carrots, potato, sweet potato, winter squash, mushrooms, peas, lentils, dried beans, peanuts, lean meats.

E] Iron –This important mineral is necessary to prevent anemia and is an essential component of hemoglobin. A diet rich in leafy vegetables, dried beans, beaten rice, jaggery, dried fruits, nuts, lentils, meats, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains and enriched food products is a sure way to keep anemia at bay.

F] Zinc- It promotes the tissue growth and also helps prevent anemia. It is found in Eggs, milk, meat, seafood, and liver, whole-grains.

G] Iodine- It is essential for the proper functioning of thyroid gland and can be included in the diet by using iodized salt and milk.

There are quite a few other minerals like Magnesium, chromium which are needed a for energy metabolism. They can be found in whole grains, breads, vegetable oils, milk and cheese.

No single food can meet the total nutritional requirement for a day, hence the meal should be planned in such a way that at least a few foods from each food group are included and distributed in the menu.

Please note that Nutrition in itself is a vast topic and it has been consolidated here to provide the details in a nutshell.

In my next article, I will be talking about how to make food more interesting with the things we learnt from above.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kids Delight Round up!

I know this round up is way behind! My only excuse was I never expected such a good response and I was stumbled by it..:)

What a beautiful way to celebrate the first anniversary! I really enjoyed reading each of entries and knowing so many talented and creative kids. A well balanced child is a result of well balanced food both for physical and mental. That involves activities to arouse their creative thinking, plus have introduce them to all good food. Of course at a younger age, say about till 15 years, a child need not be restricted on the diet. They should be free to eat everything and anything.

I got 130 entries, with some great dishes and some cool art works for us to enjoy. Please do take time to check on the entries!

I missed few entries, so the count now is 145! Special thanks to all bloggers who had sent in multiple entries!


Art works from and for Kids!

Check out these cool activities that you can keep your kid occupied like Acqurium with Carton, Invitation card and PopUp Birthday Card from Avanthi

Art work based on Diwali from Deepika Jain
Another beautiful Painting from Esai Selvi

I was taken in by these beauties when I saw their pictures and even more impressed with their hand works! Nivedita's daughters are very creative. Check out this Multi purpose boxes from her daughter and these paintings

Next set of art work comes from Sireesha's daughter Sreeja. One can't but be impressed with such exquisite Jewellery sets and these drawings.

Then you have a pretty Tricycle from Soumya Arun Son's

Next comes from some delightful crafts from Vidhya Arvind twin daughters

Finally few from my daughter


Easy Breakfast Dishes for Kids!

Upma Pesarattu from Avanthi
Bread Utthapam from Indrani dhar
Scrambled Eggs and Sausages from Jisha Joy
Colourful Mini Idlis from Lata Raja
Alphabet Idli from Meera S
Tacos with Kidney Bean Salsa from Parita
Masala poori from PJ
Coriander Pesto Pasta and Mini Omelettes from Priya Suresh
Pasta Fusion from Radhika Vasanth
Homemade Pizza from Ramya Sankar
Taco with Kidney bean & Veggies from Sadhana & Muskaan
Banana Pancake from Saju Sharfu
Ghee Mini Dosa, Puris and Veg. Sandwich from Saraswathi
Ghavne from SE
Pasta Primavera from Spice Buds
Grilled Paneer Carrot Snadwich from Sree Vidya
Banana wheat pancake and Chocolate Milk Tasty Toast from Swarnalatha Vijayakumar
Wheat Rava Dosa from Uma Priya
Oats Sweet Puttu from Usha Nandini
Kids Friendly Chapathi and Lemon Poha from Vidhya Arvind


Delightful Drinks for the Little ones!

Chikoo Choco Shake from Kanchan Kamat
Gulab-e-aab from Lata Raja
Tomato-Garlic Rasam from Priya Srinivasan
Watermelon Peach And Plum Trio from Sadhana & Muskaan
Rose Milk from Saraswathi

Some Salads n Sauce!

Home made Apple Sauce and Mixed Fruit Raitha from Radhika Vasanth
Fruit Arrangement from SE
Tomato Basil Linguine from Shubha
Green Beans Salad from Supriya Natu


Sinful Snacks for all!

Crunchy Cheesy Potato Balls and Mini Mosa from Cool Lassi
Omapodi Sev from Divya Vikram
Peanut Sundal from EC
Sprouted Mong Sundal from Esai Selvi
Soy Wadi Fry from Gethan
Cajun style Potatoes from Humaira Khan
Mung/Moong Pakode from Kanchan Kamat
Muruku and Sweet Potato Fry from Priya Srinivasan
Black Channa Sundal,
Dry Green Peas Masala Vadai , Gramflour Murukku, and Oats Crackers from Priya Suresh
Mysore Bhajji from Raje
Paneer Puff Flowers from Rohini Vijay
French Fries from Saraswathi
Rice Krispy Treats from Shri
Capsicum Ring, Potato Murukku, Ribbon Pakoda and Spinach Paneer Balls from Usha Nandini
Candied Sweet Potato from Kamala Bhoopathy
Mani Kozhakkatai from Vidya
Finally Ribbon Pakoda and Muruku from me!

Handful of Rice!

Mint Ghee Rice from Ammu Madhu
Stuffed Acorn Squash from DK
Peas Pulao from PJ
Simple Carrot Rice from Priya Srinivasan
Rajma with Basmati Rice from Ramya Sankar
Chenna Pulao from Shanthi krishnakumar

Baked Goods!


Delicious Desserts!

Paala Aatukulu Poha from Avanthi
Fruit Trifle from Barnali
Ice cream lollipops from Cool Lassi
Aloo Halwa and Makhana Kheer from Deepti Srivastava
Coconut Suhiyan from Esai Selvi
No Bake Chocolate Pinwheel from Jayasree Satish
Choco dates from Lata Raja
Banana Halwa from Prajusha
Condesed Milk RAva Kesari from Priya Srinivasan
Moongdal Laddoos, Puran poli and Tapioca & Tutty Fruity Sweet Balls from Priya Suresh
Classic Oat Wheat Date Bars and Urad Dal Laddu from Renu Roy
Sweet-colourful-boondi from Usha Nandini
Urad Dal Laddu from me!

Update entries!

Nigella lawson's Chocolate Pistachio Fudge, Healthy Wheat Chocolate, Paneer Kaju Pasanda, Garlic Naan, Bread and Butter Pudding, Cheesy Bread Rolls, Stuffed potato bread rolls from Pari
Rekha's Mini Dosa Sandwich
Saritha's Sugar Paratha
Saritha's Crochet

Thank you everybody who participated! I really enjoyed reading through each and every entry, though for some entries I did not get around leaving a comment. Will do it shortly!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nutrition for Children ~ Guest Post by PJ!

I am pleased to introduce Padmajha Suresh, known as PJ in the blogging world. It is a pleasure having her here to share her knowledge as a dietitian and health educator!

PJ is a trained dietitian and a health educator. She started her career in a multi specialty hospital that gave her ample opportunity to apply and expand her knowledge.She is specialized in handling dietary needs for women, children, including other health conditions like diabetes, hypertension etc. Apart from this she also taught yoga for pregnant women and the elderly.

She is a multi talented lady with two Master Degrees, one in "Nutrition and Dietetics" and the other in Sociology. Not to mention her being graduated in Veena [Indian classical music]. Her hobbies include photography, philately and other forms of fine arts like Indian classical music, Rangoli.

Right now she is implementing what she learnt and taught to others, by being a full time mom to her lil one. So I can say practice makes a better teacher!

This will be a series of articles, today post will introduce us to the nutritional aspects we will have to think about.


A sound mind in a sound body can be achieved only by starting off with the right type of food from the very beginning.

During infancy, the nutritional needs are looked after the mother, i.e. by the breast milk. The mother however has to eat the correct food to pass on the nutrition to the baby which sometimes is not achieved.

The next stage comes the weaning. Weaning begins when supplementary foods are introduced into the baby’s meal. Different people have different ideas on this topic. Some suggest weaning at 3 months and some at 6 months.[My daughter’s pediatrician suggested that I start weaning my daughter at the 6th month and not earlier than that.]

Weaning is essential as the nutrients in breast milk alone are not sufficient to satisfy the nutritional needs. There will be an increase need for calories and protein which cannot be met by mother’s milk. Iron stores in the infant’s liver will last until the first 4-6 months of life and hence have to be supplemented by other foods later.

Sometimes, weaning foods are introduced too early and even if they are starting it in the right age, they are directly introduced to the adult foods. Bulky adult diets do not meet the nutritional needs especially the calories. Some mothers in their eagerness to provide the best food for their kids often end up force –feeding the child with dense foods that may not be suitable for them. It can results in the child falling sick or developing an aversion towards food. . A gradual pace has to be set when introducing new foods to the little one which not only meets the requirements but are also easy to digest. [Read more on weaning food here]

Children at any stage need a balanced diet and the mother of course tries her best to feed the child with all the nutritious foods so that her little darling grows up big and strong. She faces the daunting task of putting together a meal that will be attractive to the platter and the taste buds.

In my next post I will talk more about a quick guide on Nutrients – Functions and sources. So stayed tuned!

Part 2 - Nutrients – Functions and sources- A quick guide

Monday, October 26, 2009

Measured Values ~ How do you handle with your Kids!

The other day while nibbling on a treat a colleague brought from home, she happened to mention about how her mom used to give them measured quantities as kids. I was surprised hearing that, because my mom used to do the same thing. I told her that Amma also did the same thing, be it a biscuit or a muruku, it always used to be either 1 or 2! The reasons of course, we now know. If we eat too much of one, we refuse the other regular food.

Like it used to be only 2 biscuits with a glass of milk. We were able to eat our breakfast. But my boys eat about 3 - 4, sometimes even more. They refuse to eat anything after that. Maybe our stressed lifestyle makes us more hesitant to take efforts to accept otherwise? But whatever, I am exhausted end of it, to even try making them understand they should stop with some and have space for their breakfast.

The thought stayed back and I was wondering how will one combat these situations? With my 8 year old daughter, it has always been a case of picky eating habits. So even if she ate just biscuits, I was so relieved. But my 3 year old boys just refuse to listen to anything. I grew up adhering to the fact that even if there were 10 apples, I got to share with everybody at home. So I clean, chop and share with the family the 2 -3 apples that I cut. Now nobody wants to share!

I always believe being very measured teaches kids to share, to know how much one should take in and be receptive to all foods as they are not satiated.

Do you have the problem. How do you handle it with your child? I would welcome suggestions and ideas on improving children's habits!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Banana Halwa ~ Indian Sweet Step by Step!

There is really no need to talk more about the goodness of a Banana! But if you want, well let me tell you that a banana a day keeps a doctor away! Yes this is the new mantra. We ensure our kids eat a banana everyday, at least most of the times. They get fussy when we force them right. But we cojole them somehow. One big banana has enough to supplement your calorie needs.

Best way of eating it, of course is as such. But when you run out of ways to make the kids eat them, then chop them into circles, mix them in condensed milk and give your babies. I am sure they will love this. Another awesome way of eating banana would be with custards. Any flavour would do, just chop banana, top it on the custard, chill it and serve!

Few times when I had very ripe banana on hand, I made them as substitute for egg in cakes, especially those delicious brownies. Now baking, as I have already said is currently not in my agenda. So what else can I end up with? Sometime back, I read about these banana pieces sauteed in ghee and given as a kid's snack. Now that made me think further to one step more about halwas! Well anybody who knows about my Halwa series, knows that I end up with one too many variations at making Halwas.

So here comes the simplest way of making a halwa. Of course, if you don't want the ghee and sugar, you are welcome to eat as such, that is if you remember to eat the banana on time. Else you can end up with this twist!

Ok take about 3 long ripe bananas, peel them off like this! Of course you know that!

Roughly chop them into circles and take it in a pan or thick bottom kadai! Add about how ever ghee you want. Ok ok, I got to remember the health factor. Since you are not going to eat this , but for your kid, pls be liberal. But if you must eat, then add about 2 tsp of ghee/clarified butter!

Cook on high flame, you will find the bananas start cooking up and see lot of froth coming up. At this stage if you have the camera as I did, it is very tricky to get a good shot! Phew I managed somehow!

This takes about 5 - 7 mins, you need not keep stirring. It won't get burnt as there is lot of water content still. It really got to evaporate.

Meanwhile, get about 4 teaspoon of sugar with just enough water to cover over the stove. Once it is melted, remove any impurities that it has.

Then put it back on the stove and cook till it thickens a bit.

Now please don't forget the bananas cooking on the other stove! It would become this way almost. This is the stage you got to start stirring.

The sides will start leaving. Keep stirring till it thickens to a solid. The ghee would start coming out of the sides.

Since this is a halwa you need not bother about worrying if it crystallize! That is the beauty of a halwa, I tell you!

Now the final product once again!

Banana Halwa Recipe

Ingredients Needed:

Ripe Banana - 3 long
Sugar - 4 tsps
Ghee/Clarified butter - 2 - 3 tsp
Cardomon powder a pinch.

Method to prepare:

Peel and chop the bananas into small pieces.

Heat a pan, add the bananas with ghee. Cook on high till all the water content is evaporated and thickens.

Once it starts leaving the sides, keep stirring till you get a thick pulp.

Meanwhile, melt sugar with just enough water over high flame. Remove dirt if any. Cook again till it thickens a bit.

Transfer the sugar syrup to the banana and continue cooking till the halwa is shining and thick. Add in the cardomon powder, mix well and remove

Serve hot!

Notes: Sugar syrup need not very thick, but that shining thick syrup.
If you want you can puree the banana, but that will be very smooth paste.

Thanks to all the participants who had sent in their entries for Kid's Delight. I will check your entries soon and the round up will be out shortly! Thank you once again!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Gift to a child!

Some aeons ago, I remember somebody asking me if I ever wanted to relive some period of my life. I remember telling that I wasn't so old yet and I was happy with things as such. But then maybe not. Maybe I might answer differently this time. Maybe I would say wish I can rewrite the history of my most critical period in life. Maybe as most everybody, my answer might sound like I wanted to relive my childhood. Of course not!

Who would want to relive that period again, fearing which teacher is going to give a surprise test that I wasn't prepared. I am kidding of course. But then I think everybody feels they could have done better! I had the best childhood one can ask for. With the best parents one can ever wish for. I always say one can't comment or compare on this aspect. But I have seen what my friends have gone through. Though they were well taken care of, with all luxuries and the usual things a kid can expect, I always felt I had better examples of how one should lead, with special focus on what is good and what is bad, explained by being a role model.

What I would've wished for, is another chance to have been a better child. I had all my vices, yet I was ok to handle I think. But I knew I could have done better. Being a parent now, I can understand what a parent would wish for their child to be. To benefit the best of what was offered. But does the child really understand. I know it is very wrong to expect a child who is 10 years old to understand this. But maybe as they grow older, they must be expected to understand this.

Finally when I thought about this, I really wished every child be given an insight to understand what a parent wants! It is not what the parent want the child to become or achieve in their life. It is the wish of the parent to make the child understand and accept what they want to become and achieve in life. More than any wealth or material gains, the wish is to make the child better equipped to handle life in balance. To make the best of what they have to offer the child, with hard toil and full of expectations!

As a parent now, I know the sacrifice, the hardship a parent takes. A child need not feel indebted for it, but rather should benefit!

That would be a real gift to our child, one who can understand how to enjoy the time that is always flying away!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jantikalu or Muruku for Indian Cooking Challenge!

There are certain dishes that I can go on and on about for hours together. And Murukus are one among them! I have been in love with these since time immemorial and yet never got around learning to make them. Yes this was on top of my mind when I wanted to launch Indian Cooking Challenge.

So for the month of September I challenged my fellow bloggers to experiment making murukus and enjoy. This is yet another recipe from my Amma. Though I have helped her making this so many times, I have never done it myself. If truth be told, I called her again when I did this time too. She by touching the dough, said it was in the correct texture. Well that's experience I must say.


And needless to say, the box of Murukus got over within 24 hrs. I wasn't around when the boys came back home. They liked it so much that Chinnu asked his dad to pack this for their snacks. I was really trilled knowing it. But when I asked him if he liked the Muruku, he said with a sly look, "Muuruku Baale Amma" and seeing my fallen face he giggled. My naughty boy knows how to tease momma.

Members, please leave your Muruku URL in Mr. Linky and not your blog URL


Jantikalu or Muruku Recipe

Preparation Time : 20 - 30 mins
Cooking Time : 20 - 30 mins
Makes : app 250 kg of Muruku
Cuisine: Andhra & Tamil Nadu

Utensils needed:
Muruku /Chakli Press.

Ingredients Needed:

For the dough

Raw Rice - 4 cups
Urad Dal - 1 cup
Water - app 1/2 cup or more

For Seasoning

Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Sesame seeds- 1 tsp
Asafetida/ Hing - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Butter - 75 gms

Oil for deep frying

Method to prepare:

Wash and drain the rice. Shade dry the Rice for 1/2 hr. Dry roast the Urad dal to light brown. Allow it to cool.

If you are using more quantity , you can get it ground in rice mill, else use your mixie to grind both Rice and Urad dal.

First grind rice into a fine flour, keep it aside. then grind the urad dal to fine powder. Refer this post for making Rice flour at home.

In a wide vessel, take both the flours along with salt. Mix well. Add cumin, Sesame seeds to the flour, mix well.

Whether you use Asafetida powder or the solid ones, you got to mix it in water, make sure it is dissolved before adding to the flour. If its not dissolved properly, when deep frying the muruku, there are chances for the hing to burst our due to air bubbles.

Mix in the hing to the flour and finally add the butter. Gather everything well and you will get more of a crumbling mixture. Now slowly add water and knead a dough which is little more softer than the puri dough.

Heat a kadai with oil enough to deep fry. Once the oil is hot enough, simmer to low flame.

Take the Muruku Aachu, wash and wipe it clean. Then divide the dough into equal balls. Fill the Muruku maker with the dough. You can either press it directly over the flames or press over a paper or slotted spoon and gently slide it down the hot oil. But since the quantity mentioned here is less, you can press it directly over the kadai.

Cook over medium flame, using a slotted spoon, turn it over to other side to ensure both sides turn golden colour. You will know by seeing the colour that its cooked. Remove to a kitchen paper and store it in a air tight container.

This normally stays good for weeks, provided you forget about these which hardly happens!



  1. Things to remember for not making your muruku break into pieces. Its important to roast the Urad dal to just brown and not very brown.
  2. Rice used should have some starch to hold the shape, else it might crumble down.
  3. Adding too much butter can also result in the fried murukus to break. You can start with half and slowly increase by feel the dough. The dough with the right amount of butter, will be soft but not very soft.
  4. If you don't have a muruku aachu, you can use a plastic cover/ ziplock cover with thin hole to press out the dough or even icing bags with different heads can be thought of.

Lataji tried out two different methods, both seems to have turned out well

1 heaped cup of rice (to make it 250grams of rice)
1/4 cup (level) urad dhal.
1 tablespoon butter
yielded 420 grams murukku.

For Vegan option, use this instruction.

For 1 cup (240 ml), rice flour urad dhal flour mix if you add 1 tablespoon vegetable margarine/dalda it replaces butter in a vegan version. We can add hot oil too, a little more than 1 tablespoon will be required.

Indian Cooking Challenge Members, please leave your post URL in Mr. Linky! Links of only the members will be retained, other links will be deleted.