Monday, November 30, 2009

Microwave Besan Ladoo!

You know I have always known it is easy to dish out of microwave but only after making Besan Laddo, I reconfirmed to myself how really easy it is. As usual I had to wait till the last moment to make for the Microwave Easy Cooking Event, and finally what, the microwave Besan Ladoo ends up as such a lovely recipe for keepers.

If you have a sweet tooth and craving for something nice, this is a dish that you can whip within 10 mins. There really can't be something quickly than this. And the ingredients are something so easily accessible that you don't have to fret about! I remember seeing this in Tee's space and saw it was almost the same way I do. Its lovely that she had sent her entry to the same event years back!

This is something you can make as quick treat to your kid and very healthy too.


Quick Besan Ladoo in Microwave

Ingredients Needed:

Besan/ Chickpea flour - 1 cup / 50 gms app
Ghee/ Clarified Butter - 3 -4 tsp or as required
Sugar - 3/4 cup - 1 cup of same measure.
Cardamom powder - 2 pinches

Microwave safe bowl
ar (Powdered or the regular fine variety that is found in the US)

Method to prepare:

Mix the besan and ghee in a microwave safe bowl.

Micro for 2 -3 minutes. Stir in intervals after a minute and continue heating.

Keep checking and stirring after a minute. At the end of 3 minutes, the mixture will be a nice reddish brown and will have a nice aroma to it.

If the mixtuer doesn't come together, add more ghee.

Add powdered sugar or fine variety if you have along with cardamom powder. Micro for another 2 minutes. The mixture should not look too dry, otherwise the ladoos will not hold up their shape.

When it is still warm, hold together to form ladoos.


Notes: If you like biting into sugar, use as such else powder it. If the balls are not holding shape, then add 1 tsp more of ghee.

Roasted nuts can be added to the mixture.

From the quantity I made, I got about 4 ladoos.

Sending this to Paru who is hosting MEC event for this month themed on Sweets 'n' Savories.

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