Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Beaten Rice with Jaggary and Banana

I started this year with the intention of making more kids related posts and ones that are really favorite with them. I managed to do only handful of them. Atleast I am happy that what got posted were really their favorites. I enjoyed reading the feedback that whoever tried it with their kids, they loved it. What's more to it than this feedback right!

We have kind of settled to a pretty much decided menu for the kids lunch. So now that they like it, I fear to change it fearing if it was not liked by them, then what will they eat. So any experiment comes only for their snack time, which is at home. I am more free to try out new things to see if they like it or not. I know for sure they love beaten rice varieties.

With that in mind, this simple yet delicious healthy snack was an idea from Amma, who said its quick and yet great on taste. Doesn't really take much time for preparation.


Ingredients Needed:

Beaten Rice - 2 cups
Jaggary - 1 cup
Grated fresh coconut - 2 tsp
Ripe Banana -1

Method to prepare:

Wash and soak the beaten rice in water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile melt the jaggary and remove scum if any.

Drain the beaten rice from water over a colander. Keep it aside.

Then boil it again till you get a 1 thread consistency. Remove from fire, add the drained beaten rice and mix well.

Add in the grated fresh coconut and just before serving, add sliced banana.

This is a great filler for snack time, you can pack this for school along with full banana. The kid can scoop in the beaten rice alternate with the banana.

Else the sliced banana can be coated lightly with sugar to prevent browning from happening. But it is always best to pack in unpeeled banana with this for school.

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