Thursday, October 22, 2009

Banana Halwa ~ Indian Sweet Step by Step!

There is really no need to talk more about the goodness of a Banana! But if you want, well let me tell you that a banana a day keeps a doctor away! Yes this is the new mantra. We ensure our kids eat a banana everyday, at least most of the times. They get fussy when we force them right. But we cojole them somehow. One big banana has enough to supplement your calorie needs.

Best way of eating it, of course is as such. But when you run out of ways to make the kids eat them, then chop them into circles, mix them in condensed milk and give your babies. I am sure they will love this. Another awesome way of eating banana would be with custards. Any flavour would do, just chop banana, top it on the custard, chill it and serve!

Few times when I had very ripe banana on hand, I made them as substitute for egg in cakes, especially those delicious brownies. Now baking, as I have already said is currently not in my agenda. So what else can I end up with? Sometime back, I read about these banana pieces sauteed in ghee and given as a kid's snack. Now that made me think further to one step more about halwas! Well anybody who knows about my Halwa series, knows that I end up with one too many variations at making Halwas.

So here comes the simplest way of making a halwa. Of course, if you don't want the ghee and sugar, you are welcome to eat as such, that is if you remember to eat the banana on time. Else you can end up with this twist!

Ok take about 3 long ripe bananas, peel them off like this! Of course you know that!

Roughly chop them into circles and take it in a pan or thick bottom kadai! Add about how ever ghee you want. Ok ok, I got to remember the health factor. Since you are not going to eat this , but for your kid, pls be liberal. But if you must eat, then add about 2 tsp of ghee/clarified butter!

Cook on high flame, you will find the bananas start cooking up and see lot of froth coming up. At this stage if you have the camera as I did, it is very tricky to get a good shot! Phew I managed somehow!

This takes about 5 - 7 mins, you need not keep stirring. It won't get burnt as there is lot of water content still. It really got to evaporate.

Meanwhile, get about 4 teaspoon of sugar with just enough water to cover over the stove. Once it is melted, remove any impurities that it has.

Then put it back on the stove and cook till it thickens a bit.

Now please don't forget the bananas cooking on the other stove! It would become this way almost. This is the stage you got to start stirring.

The sides will start leaving. Keep stirring till it thickens to a solid. The ghee would start coming out of the sides.

Since this is a halwa you need not bother about worrying if it crystallize! That is the beauty of a halwa, I tell you!

Now the final product once again!

Banana Halwa Recipe

Ingredients Needed:

Ripe Banana - 3 long
Sugar - 4 tsps
Ghee/Clarified butter - 2 - 3 tsp
Cardomon powder a pinch.

Method to prepare:

Peel and chop the bananas into small pieces.

Heat a pan, add the bananas with ghee. Cook on high till all the water content is evaporated and thickens.

Once it starts leaving the sides, keep stirring till you get a thick pulp.

Meanwhile, melt sugar with just enough water over high flame. Remove dirt if any. Cook again till it thickens a bit.

Transfer the sugar syrup to the banana and continue cooking till the halwa is shining and thick. Add in the cardomon powder, mix well and remove

Serve hot!

Notes: Sugar syrup need not very thick, but that shining thick syrup.
If you want you can puree the banana, but that will be very smooth paste.

Thanks to all the participants who had sent in their entries for Kid's Delight. I will check your entries soon and the round up will be out shortly! Thank you once again!

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