Monday, October 24, 2011

Leftover Chapati Pizza | Cooking with Leftovers | Step by Step Recipe

For the third day cooking with leftovers, I finally made something I had forever wanted to make. I knew it will be awesome and it surely met the assumption. I had read about this idea during my initial years of blogging and loved it so much. I really wonder what made me wait for so many years to make it.

Somehow unlike all the previous dishes, I literally used leftover chapati and lentils that were made for the previous dinner. Amma had made these navarata sundal and had some leftover. I was happy that I was able to lay my hands on something so colourful.

I used Amul Cheese, I am sure mozzarella would have tasted even more delicious. There is really no recipe for this. You just do it as you go.

Pizza with leftover Chapati

Ingredients Needed:

Chapatis - 2
Navadhanya Sundal - 1 cup
Cheese - 2 cubes
Pizza sauce - 2 tsp
Tomato Ketchup - 1 tsp
Table butter - 1 tsp

How to make pizza with leftover chapatis.

Make the chapatis as you regularly make.

Make your navadhanya sundal.

For making the pizza, spread the chapatis, apply the butter on half of the chapatis., spread the pizza sauce then add grated cheese.

On this place the sundals. Sprinkle sauce. Add grated cheese again. Cover over this with the other half. Press well.

Microwave for a minute.

Cut and serve!

Sending this to Harini who is hosting Kid's Delight, themed on Dressing up Leftovers for Kids

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#9

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