Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dry Yellow Peas Masala Vadai | Pattani Paruppu Vadai | Peas Fritters

There is no denying my love for deep fried snacks. If they come in round circles, with dal and crunchy bites in between, I am sold! Imagine such a delicious treat taking shape from the thought of doing away with excess stuff on hand. This recipe originally came into being because Amma had lots of Whole White Peas / Yellow peas with her. Not knowing how to use it up, she thought she might make Vadas with them. I know I love the idea.

These delicious vatana vadas make a great appetisers for the Kid's party. Of course you got to tweak the recipe a bit if you are serving it for below 5 yr olds. But otherwise the recipe is prefect and tastes simply too good. You can imagine how good if I am planning to have excess of white peas on hand..:)

The first time I actually got these peas and read about them or rather realized that there is a different type of peas all together, was when I made the Ragda Patties. The night I was to make it, I realized I didn't' have it and bought it the next day. I am still not sure if these are called white peas or yellow peas. It's called the Yellow peas in English, while called White Vatana in hindi. Now don't ask me what it's called in Tamil, I tried hooking a conversation with the salesperson and asked the name, she simply replied it's "yellow patani", can't beat the simplicity of that statement right!

Patani Vada

Yellow dried Peas / White Peas - 1 cup
Mint leaves - handful
Coriander leaves handful
Curry leaves - handful
Salt to taste
Gram flour / Besan - 1 tbsp
Red Chili powder - 1 tsp
Onion - 1 medium.

Grind to paste:

Garlic, 2- 3 cloves
Green chilli - 2 medium
Ginger  1"

Oil for Deep frying
Water just enough to make the batter

How to make the Patani Vada / Vatana Vada:

Wash and soak the peas in water overnight. Then drain water and grind the peas coarsely.

Take in a bowl, add the ginger garlic chili paste, finely chopped mint, coriander and curry leaves, besan, salt, red chili powder, onions, and mix well. The batter will have some water by now, if required sprinkle little water.

Heat oil for deep frying, take out small balls and flatten them as vadas and gently drop into hot oil.

Cook on both sides and drain on kitchen towel.

These make a lovely add on for a party table - Kid's Delight Party

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