Friday, September 16, 2011

Celebrating 3 years with Kid's Delight Party Event!

I like to do most things in my best known customary ways. Like doing something always in a similar pattern. Like forgetting to remember that this sweet little blog of mine turned 3 years few weeks back, then celebrating the occasion with the Kid's Delight event.

I still remember the morning when I was checking out my Cooking 4 all Seasons FB page, that also had Chinnu's picture. Peddu climbed up my lap, he was hardly 2 then, and asked where his picture was. I was taken aback realizing I never actually thought about it. That's when the idea to start a new blog came to mind. I expanded with it and wanted to select a blog name that can reflect the many things I want to share in this space. While the other site name and the Chinnu's picture, were accidental, I made sure I clicked a similar one of Peddu and I did. The first time I created and added his picture, his joy was ecstatic.

I celebrated the first anniversary with a new event that celebrated food for Kids. I know it's good and great if your kid can eat the food you make for the rest of the family, but that hardly ever happens right. Even at my home, most times if one kid eats something, the other two say no and the only one dish/ingredient all three say YES is for anything Chocolate! But one can't live on just chocolates right.

Thus came into existence the Kid's Delight, an event featuring all Kid Friendly Recipes. Since its inception, I have been hosting the event in this space, earlier this year I requested my blogger friends to guest host for me and it's been great interacting with them, brainstorming for ideas and thoughts that will make the little ones get happy.

I have been always happy with the way each of the dish that I had made for the kids was received. Even if one of them liked it, it was enough for me. Another twist in this event was the fact that, the entry you send need not just be for your kid, or other little ones in your family, neighborhood etc, it can also be something that you enjoyed as a kid yourself. There, doesn't that make it more exciting?

Coming to the event now, on the occasion of Spice your Life! completing 3 years, I invite you all to join me in celebrating with a Kid's party. When it's a kid's party, it naturally needs to be themed, including the food. I know kids love chats, pizzas, chocolates and ice creams. But a party needs to have other entries too, to make it complete.

So make something that will be fitting a party mood, approved by a kid, who is willing to eat at a party.

Guidelines for the event:

From now until Oct 15th, you are welcome to join me for the celebration with a party for the kids.

The entries have to be Vegetarian. (Eggs are allowed only in baked dishes)

Multiple entries are accepted.

I am not accepting entries from archive as I want us to think new ideas..:) But then if you have something that's very important like a list of items for a party etc, let me know.

Finally link back to the event's Announcement page or this page. If you can use the logo, it will be great.

Send me an email with the post details to, with following details

Subject: Kid's delight Party
Recipe Name
Post URL

Remember to send by Oct 15th!

I hope you will join me and make this grand.

I leave you with some ideas for themed dishes:

and for a general idea on what kids like you can check Kid Friendly Recipes 

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