Friday, January 22, 2010

Poori with Bombay Chutney ~ Kids Menu Day 5!

I know I am going to be boring today! I am not here with a recipe, just a story to share. In all the hurry burry I forgot today's lunch plan and decided on pooris. It was going to be Sandwiches, and believe Konda these days has so much for Sandwiches that she doesn't want to miss. I had tough convincing her to eat that for breakfast.

Thing was, just before sleeping I thought I will make things easy for myself in preparing common dishes. But Konda being Konda, refused to have a change in the plan. I know it will backfire..:)

On top Athamma reminded me of a bunch of Methi leaves wilting in the fridge. Now that is something I can't ignore, so instead of what I planned I ended up making Dal and then Beets. Finally kids took the poori with Bombay Chutney. Actually I always remember eating Bombay chutney with Dosas, you got to wait for the book to come out as it's featured in it.

But Konda loves it with pooris. So thats what all three had!

I wanted to post another interesting dish but the picture all of a sudden looks bad! So I got to wait to take a better one and will surely enjoy sharing it with you.

Until then, have a great weekend. For me, my second week with planning was kind of successful and helpful as I was aware what to plan and cook. Hopefully should come with a new menu by Sunday!

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