Monday, June 28, 2010

Quick Recipes for Sandwiches Fillings | Ideas for Kid's Breakfasts

I have always loved Sandwiches. I don't actually remember since when. But these always made a dull morning very bright and an evening to look forward. I have always wanted to try out as many different fillings to go between those slices, no matter what.

I love cheese stuffing and including other interesting ingredients with this makes it more interesting. When my nephew and nieces visited us, I was specially asked for a sandwich breakfast, especially with cheese and paneer. So it was. I made them in sandwich maker, which really gives a cool look and makes it very crispy.

I made the tomato sauce for the spread for some, grated cheese. The other alternative fillings were curried potatoes, paneer, Plain cheese with green chilies, Cheese slices, Mixed Fruit Jam etc. Before I could even think of taking pictures, those disappeared. But I knew I would be making those again since Konda loves sandwiches.

This time round I make some more fillings to go with.

Potato Filling

Boiled Potatoes - 2 medium
Salt to taste
Cumin powder - 1 tsp
Red Chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Oil 1/2 tsp

Mash boiled potato well. Heat oil in a non- stick pan, add the potatoes, add all the spices, mix well. remove and allow it to cool.

Curried Onions

Onions - 1 medium

Salt to taste

Cumin powder - 1 tsp
Red Chili powder - 1/2 tsp

Saute everything in oil over medium flame till the onions are brown.

Grated Cheese with finely chopped Green chilies.

Curried Paneer

Grated Paneer - as required

Onions - 1 medium
Salt to taste

Cumin powder - 1 tsp
Red Chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Same as onions, add the grated paneer along.

Mint Potato Stuffing

Make a paste of the mint leaves. Saute it along with the above potato stuffing.

Assembling the Sandwiches

In the sandwich maker, grease both sides. Fill the bread with the stuffing, grease the sides with ghee/ butter and cook it.

Then if you want cheese over it, spread the filling on the slices, top it with grated cheese and then grill it.
It takes about 3-4 mins for the sandwiches to get done.

Serve with tomato ketchup!

Though these normally tastes good to be served right away, you can always send these for your Kid's snacks which might be earlier than lunch.

My kids enjoyed all the fillings, except the chili ones which I made for the elders at home.

Do share other fillings that you make.

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