Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Penne Pasta with Onion, Tomato sauce, Quick Lunch for Kids!

This is another pasta that I recently made for Konda. I didn't want to try the usual way of making the Tomato Macaroni way. In fact this was my first time cooking with Penne pastas. These had such wonderful texture and looked very pretty after being cooked.

The best part unlike Macaronis, these didn't get dry after 4 hours of being cooked. And were quick to make and tasty. What else will I ask for! Only upsetting part for me was I ended up making it little spicy and I was upset until Konda assured me later in the evening that the heat was all gone when she ate it.

Update on Kid's Delight Wholesome Snacks - The round up will be done shortly, apologies for the delay!

Penne Pasta with Onion, Tomato sauce

Ingredients Needed:

Penne Pasta - 1 cup
Onions - 1 medium
Green Chili paste - 1/2 tsp
Ginger Garlic paste - 1/4 tsp
Tomato Puree - 1/2 cup
Red Chili powder - 1 /2 (opt)
Salt to taste
Oil - 1-2 tsp

Method to prepare:

Boil the penne pasta in 3 times its quantity and drain the water when the pasta is cooked. Keep it aside.

In a non stick pan, heat the oil. Saute onions till brown, add ginger garlic paste, then green chili paste, fry well.

Then add the tomato puree, salt to taste, if you are using the red chili powder, add now. Combine everything well.

Simmer for 5 mins with lid covered. Then add the cooked pasta to the sauce and mix well.

Notes: You can also use the ready made Tomato sauce if you don't have puree. Red chili powder is optional if your kid doesn't eat much spice.

Sending this to Sowmya's Pasta event!

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