Monday, March 8, 2010

Diet Program ~ Weekly updates

I know I haven't updated for the entire week last. Except couple of times that I cheated, I tried following the regime.

Breakfast is mostly soup with bread slices
Lunch mostly phulkas with dal/sambar with vegetables.
Two times buttermilk and lemon juice when I can squeeze which was about two times in a week. This is bad I know.
Evening 1 fruit either Apple/ 1 big bowl of pomegranate
by 7.30 pm - legume salad
by 8.30 pm- bread slices

Twice in the last week I eat Banana for breakfast.
Twice I had paneer for protein.
Once I made Goduma Dosa and another time Sadda Roti which was very filling.
I even had a chapati for dinner last night.

Of course I cheated on the weekend as I was not able to manage otherwise.

Athamma made a new soup with Jowar, which was excellent and very filling. Will make it again and post it.

I guess overall I have managed to control my calorie count. Will have to increase my exercise factor.

Sorry I haven't been able to check on everybody who have got on this diet, do share how your diet program is going on?

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