Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Parathas with leftover Potato Peas Kurma ~ Quick dish for kids!

There are days when one feels there should be more hours for a day. The only pushing thought to make you accept that you can't sleep anymore, would be the child who has the early school. Try you may to escape this vicious circle, but you simply can't. The work looks very appealing at night and you are with so many ideas. Yet you keep an eye on the clock which is always tickling away. The moment you hit the pillow you are lost!

The next moment that comes to senses is the time well past the time for you to make something decent. The past few days have been like this. After many months of procrastination, I finally decided the pending work needs to be attended. Gosh work on the code and you never know where the time disappears. Recently I was working on implementing those fancy social network buttons on the blog, it took forever to do that. Anyway I love the result.

So when I overslept one of these days, I was so upset I hadn't planned for Konda's breakfast or lunch. I remembered the Potato Peas Kurma that was in the fridge and remember Aloo Peas Tikkis, yes when I had made these for burger, I had made them into parathas for Konda's lunch. Knowing how well she liked that, even said she didn't feel the peas in her parathas, I was tempted to make them again.

This time it was with the leftover sabji/kurma, which gave an altogether different and lovely taste.

The way I did with regular stuffing was, pressure cook potatoes and peas. mash them well together, sauté onions, little bit of green chili and salt to taste.

Blend this mix into the flour well and knead into a dough and make parathas.

The way I made these parathas with leftover Kurma was,
micro the kurma for 1 -2 mins.
skin the potatoes if they are left on.
remove the tomato skin or other things that your kid may not eat.
grate the potatoes and peas into the flour.
Add salt and bit of spice if you feel the need.
Add ghee and knead to a soft dough.
Heat a tawa and after rolling out, press with a small disc over the rolled paratha to get a small disc. Kids love to be given these small chapatis.

Serve with table butter or curds/yogurt.

I sent these to Konda's lunch and served as breakfast to the rest. It was really so enjoyable. I increased the spice when served to the adults.

Sending this to Suma who is hosting JFI : Breakfast, an event started by Indira

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