Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jantikalu or Muruku for Indian Cooking Challenge!

There are certain dishes that I can go on and on about for hours together. And Murukus are one among them! I have been in love with these since time immemorial and yet never got around learning to make them. Yes this was on top of my mind when I wanted to launch Indian Cooking Challenge.

So for the month of September I challenged my fellow bloggers to experiment making murukus and enjoy. This is yet another recipe from my Amma. Though I have helped her making this so many times, I have never done it myself. If truth be told, I called her again when I did this time too. She by touching the dough, said it was in the correct texture. Well that's experience I must say.


And needless to say, the box of Murukus got over within 24 hrs. I wasn't around when the boys came back home. They liked it so much that Chinnu asked his dad to pack this for their snacks. I was really trilled knowing it. But when I asked him if he liked the Muruku, he said with a sly look, "Muuruku Baale Amma" and seeing my fallen face he giggled. My naughty boy knows how to tease momma.

Members, please leave your Muruku URL in Mr. Linky and not your blog URL


Jantikalu or Muruku Recipe

Preparation Time : 20 - 30 mins
Cooking Time : 20 - 30 mins
Makes : app 250 kg of Muruku
Cuisine: Andhra & Tamil Nadu

Utensils needed:
Muruku /Chakli Press.

Ingredients Needed:

For the dough

Raw Rice - 4 cups
Urad Dal - 1 cup
Water - app 1/2 cup or more

For Seasoning

Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Sesame seeds- 1 tsp
Asafetida/ Hing - 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Butter - 75 gms

Oil for deep frying

Method to prepare:

Wash and drain the rice. Shade dry the Rice for 1/2 hr. Dry roast the Urad dal to light brown. Allow it to cool.

If you are using more quantity , you can get it ground in rice mill, else use your mixie to grind both Rice and Urad dal.

First grind rice into a fine flour, keep it aside. then grind the urad dal to fine powder. Refer this post for making Rice flour at home.

In a wide vessel, take both the flours along with salt. Mix well. Add cumin, Sesame seeds to the flour, mix well.

Whether you use Asafetida powder or the solid ones, you got to mix it in water, make sure it is dissolved before adding to the flour. If its not dissolved properly, when deep frying the muruku, there are chances for the hing to burst our due to air bubbles.

Mix in the hing to the flour and finally add the butter. Gather everything well and you will get more of a crumbling mixture. Now slowly add water and knead a dough which is little more softer than the puri dough.

Heat a kadai with oil enough to deep fry. Once the oil is hot enough, simmer to low flame.

Take the Muruku Aachu, wash and wipe it clean. Then divide the dough into equal balls. Fill the Muruku maker with the dough. You can either press it directly over the flames or press over a paper or slotted spoon and gently slide it down the hot oil. But since the quantity mentioned here is less, you can press it directly over the kadai.

Cook over medium flame, using a slotted spoon, turn it over to other side to ensure both sides turn golden colour. You will know by seeing the colour that its cooked. Remove to a kitchen paper and store it in a air tight container.

This normally stays good for weeks, provided you forget about these which hardly happens!



  1. Things to remember for not making your muruku break into pieces. Its important to roast the Urad dal to just brown and not very brown.
  2. Rice used should have some starch to hold the shape, else it might crumble down.
  3. Adding too much butter can also result in the fried murukus to break. You can start with half and slowly increase by feel the dough. The dough with the right amount of butter, will be soft but not very soft.
  4. If you don't have a muruku aachu, you can use a plastic cover/ ziplock cover with thin hole to press out the dough or even icing bags with different heads can be thought of.

Lataji tried out two different methods, both seems to have turned out well

1 heaped cup of rice (to make it 250grams of rice)
1/4 cup (level) urad dhal.
1 tablespoon butter
yielded 420 grams murukku.

For Vegan option, use this instruction.

For 1 cup (240 ml), rice flour urad dhal flour mix if you add 1 tablespoon vegetable margarine/dalda it replaces butter in a vegan version. We can add hot oil too, a little more than 1 tablespoon will be required.

Indian Cooking Challenge Members, please leave your post URL in Mr. Linky! Links of only the members will be retained, other links will be deleted.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunnundalu ~ Urad Dal Laddu!

Life is a circle of happiness, and many times it can also come in form of circles! Like this circle which is a ball of Urad dal and Jaggary flavoured with ghee is! Peddu says it's "Kircle Shhspe" for meaning "Circle shape". They are learning shapes now and one evening back from school, when we were playing, he suddenly said this word. It was the first time I was hearing it, so had tough time trying to figure out what it was. So asked them them the sequence of incidence and voila, he meant shapes. He said "Kabi Akka was showing him pictures of shapes" and he learnt Circle. Kabi Akka is actually Kabitha Akka for Chinnu, she is the girl who takes care of them in the creche.

Now coming back to these Sunnundalu, I can recollect many wonderful memories associated and I hardly think can fit a page here. Best be said that they coloured the sweetest memories of all. I remember eating these the first thing in the morning and even sneaky in the dark hours of night. Whatever time, I was keen on completing the box that Amma made for us. These are also called as Minapa Sunni Undalu. And tastes awesome.

I never really thought these were so simple, as I was mostly more concerned about eating them first hand. But I remember catching balls whenever Amma makes. These are very healthy and nutritious. Plus it has jaggary and ghee, what else can one ask for!

I made this for neivedyam and this goes for my Kid's Delight as this is surely all kids favorite sweet!


Sunnundalu - Urad Dal Laddu

Ingredients Needed:

Whole Black gram / Urad Dal - 1 cup
Grated Jaggary - 1 cup
Clarified Butter/ Ghee - 2 -3 tsp

Method to prepare:

Dry roast the Urad dal in low flame, till it turns golden brown and starts smelling like heaven.

Allow it to cool, while you grate the jaggary. When the Urad dal is cooled, powder it to fine texture, you can stop before it becomes too powdery. It is exactly one step before it can become fine powder, you can still feel tiny bits of dal in is whole texture.

Add the jaggary to the powder and pulse it for couple of times. The wetness in jaggary will blend to the Urad dal and the mixture will retain its shape when you gather as a ball.

Heat the ghee and pour over this mixture. If its too hot, mix it using a spoon, else mix well with hand. Now gather the mixture as balls and press tightly together so that it retains its shape.

This yielded about 12 medium sized laddos. Once done, these stay for about 10 days, though it gets over by next day if I remember!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ribbon Pakoda ~ Treats for Indian Festivals!

As a child I always remember looking forward to this time of the year. The many festivals that are celebrated during these months are so many. As such there there is no dearth for festivals in Hindu custom and every festival is celebrated with much enthusiasm. Starting with Navaratri to Deepavali, the celebrations just go on. Deepavali or Diwali, might top the list. The reason or rhyme behind the festival is no longer relevant. Now what it all means that is we get rid of bad things and welcome new thoughts and so on.

For a child, I am sure food plays a vital role in colouring their mind about each festival and mine was no different. Amma made different dishes specific for each festival. But for deepavali, these are must on the list. When I attempted to make something else, I also managed to make these delicious Ribbon pakoda, one of my favorite snacks.

Until I did, I always assumed its quite tough. As all traditional savories of Indian cuisine. While I have always helped with making the dishes, this one I have never even helped. Somehow back home from school, Amma would have it all ready for us. So I have only remembered eating these endlessly. But after making them for the first time, I really wonder why I haven't attempted till now.

Though this dish works out best as the easiest dish to take care of the remaining ingredients. Its lovely to do it on its own too. And best of all it got over within hours of making it. Kids absolutely loved it and it was really so crunchy and delicious. I relived my childhood days enjoying a bite that I could manage for myself.

This year I am planning to recreate some of those treats I enjoyed as a kid and will try to record all during these few months.

Ribbon Pakoda

Making the Rice flour at home was first thing that helped me in making this delicious snacks. please refer this basic recipe to know how I made the Rice flour at home.

Ribbon Pakoda ~ Festival Snacks and Savories for Deepavali

Special Utensils needed: Muruku press with Ribbon Pakoda plate

Ingredients Needed:

Raw Rice flour - 2 cups
Besan / Gram Flour / Roasted Channa Dal - 1/2 cup
Fried Gram Flour - 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Butter - 1 tbsp

Method to prepare:

  • In a wide bowl, take the rice flour, besan, fried gram flour (Pottukadai, Pappulu), salt and butter.
  • Mix all the dry flour well and slowly add the water just enough to get a pliable dough. It should not be very loose though.
  • Heat a kadai with hot. Once its hot, simmer to medium flame.
  • Divide the dough into balls, fill the muruku achu and press over the hot oil. Since the dough is smooth, it will easily slide into the oil. Cook over medium flame to ensure equal cooking on all sides.
  • When its cooked and it turns golden colour, remove and allow to cool a bit.
  • Store in a container

Do make these and enjoy. This goes for my Kid's Delight event!

Monday, September 14, 2009

First Blog Anniversary with Kids Delight!

I really had this wish for a long time. The wish that I forget my own birthday. It hardly ever happened. But how could I forget my blog's birthday? Jeez that's really bad, especially one that I take so much time to create, its almost like I have nourished with so much care. And here I am, completely forgetting that its been a year since I started this space.

Everybody had this doubt on why I wanted to created another space. Why not talk about everything in there, but somehow I can only think about cooking and few related topics in my cooking 4 all seasons blog. I wanted to have a space where I could discuss parenting, about Kids and their activities and lot more. Unlike other time, I seriously thought through for the name and finally decided Spice your life meant everything for me. Be it Parenting, Health, Traditional Indian Cooking, or whatever, they get down to influence your life.

So on occasion of this Blog anniversary, I thought it's only apt that I celebrate this albeit being late, by having an event to run around the theme that's always on top of my mind.

This event is going to celebrate Kids and their likes. Kids run my life, quite literally, they colour our life in different hues. And what's more special than doing something for them, by them and celebrating it.

Photo Credits: MS Clip Art Library

So with that I announce Kids Delight, an event to focus on Kids.

By that I mean:

Dishes that are liked and eaten by Kids. The age limit is no bar, the kids can be yours, your niece/nephew or even neighbor's. It can be any course of meal.

Art work done by Kids/ Done for kids. Like Dolls, paper or otherwise. Meaning practically anything that a kid does and enjoys. I hope you get the draft. This can be online or hand done, everything basically.

Entries can be multiple and should be sent to Please note the email and send to this account. Should reach me by 15th Oct 2009.

Please link back to this announcement and send me a mail with the following details

Subject: Kids Delight

Your Name
Link URL

And yes you can use the logo created for the event!

Hoping you will all join me in this celebration!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Masala Poha, Poha Upma, Atukulu Upma ~ Kids Version!

I was sure it wasn't the maggi, but something got a tummy upset for Chinnu, which resulted in him throwing up his lunch. We got a call from the school to pick him for home. So I hurried up as soon as I could. Poor thing, he was fast asleep as it was his nap time. He was happy seeing me, when I said we are leaving for home, he asked with a question Peddu? I said he will come home later and hoped he won't cry for him. Together they always seem like two little puppies indulging in a fight and enjoying the game. Most times they are content with just their company. Of course most times they end up hitting each other and one of us always have our eye on them. But everything said, they miss each other so much. Konda at times feels so left out!

Back home, it felt strange yet fun to be at home by afternoon. As expected hubby dear came home too. So after a restful afternoon nap, Chinnu was feeling much better. When Peddu came home, he came running in to see Chinnu. I was happy seeing Chinnu at least eat something for his dinner. So as a treat I decided to make them Masala Poha. They simply love this dish and that makes it so much easy for me.

This is completely a kids version of Masala Poha or Poha Upma that's normally served. But cooking for them with extra attention to details!

Making this way, gets them not say they have "Tool" (skin) in their food!


Ingredients Needed:

Thick Poha / Beaten Rice/ Atukulu - 1 cup
Onions - 1 quarter, diced into big pieces.
Curry leaves - 3-4
Red Chili powder - quarter tsp or 1 Green Chilies chopped in middle
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Oil - -1- 2 tsp
Ghee/ Butter - 1 tsp
Mustard Seeds+ Urad dal - 1/4 tsp (opt)

Method to prepare

  • Wash and soak the thick poha for 10 mins. Drain to remove all water. Using a fork run through it make it fluffy.
  • Heat a pan with oil. Add in the mustard seeds if you are using. I skip this as last time the boys refused these!
  • Add in the diced onions chunks. Sauté well. Add in the salt and turmeric. Mix well.
  • Then add G. Chilies or R. chilies which ever you are using.
  • Simmer for 2 mins. Add in the drained poha. Combine everything well. Add in the ghee and cover the pan and simmer for 5 mins.


This is not only a Kids treat but quick for Bachelors too!

Will be back with a new Dosa soon, until then enjoy!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Easy Bachelor Cooking | Bachelor Indian Recipes


Dosa Varieties

Spiced Masala Dosa
Adai ~ Dosa with Lentils
Pesarattu ~ Andhra Special
Baby Corn Masala Dosa
Egg Dosa
Erra Karam Masala Dosa
Goduma Dosa ~ Chapdosa
Onion Podi Dosa
Karam Dosa (Whole Onions, Red Chili powder Mix)

Quick Tomato Chutney ~ for Bachelors

Upma ~ Rava / Rice / Vermicelli

Rava Upma
Semiya Upma

With Rice ~ Sevai, Poha, Kichidi

Mango Sevai ~ Rice Noodles with Raw Mango
Thenga Sevai ~ Coconut Rice Noodles
Masala Poha
Coconut Poha
Microwaved Mor Kali

With Bread ~ Indianised

Bread Sandwich with Karam Podi
Cheese Cucumber Sandwich
French Toast
Garlic Bread with Cheese
Onion Tomato Sandwiches
Quick Potato Sandwiches ~ made on the move!
Simple Veggie Sandwich

Other Special Breakfast/ Tiffin Dishes

Pepper Macroni
South Indian Omlette


Potato Cumin Bread Rolls
Vazhakai Bajji ~ Plantain or Banana fritters
Microwave Paneer Cheese Rolls
Masala Peanuts

Simple Dals , Kormas, Gravies

Dal Kandi Pappu (Toor Dal or Tuvar Dal)

Pappu Chaaru
Toor Dal with Tamarind
Masoor Ki Dal
Simple Dal
Cabbage Moong Dal
Toor ki Dal

Batatyacha Rassa ~ Potato Gravy
Aloo Chole Masala
Palak Paneer
Jeera Aloo Sabji
Aloo Mutter Masala
Aloo Tamatar Subji ~ Curried Potato in Tomato Curry
Gobi Aloo Subji
Kala Chana Aloo Sabzi ~ Black Chickpea Curry
Aloo Masala ~ Baby Potato curry
Cauliflower Sabji
Kerala Stew
Brinjal curry
Urllagadda gojju
Tomatoes in Coconut gravy
Carrot Kurma
Tomato Kurma
Simple Potato Masala ~ Quick Bachelor Cooking
Mixed Vegetable Curry for Bachelors ~ Guest Post

With Moong Dal
Pesarapappu Kura ~ Yellow Moong Dal
Musuri Dal
Palak Moong Dal ~ Spinach in Mung Bean
Moong Dal Curry

Quick Tomato Chutney ~ for Bachelors

Kid Friendly Recipes | Easy Snack Recipes for Kids | Quick and Simple Snacks for Kids

Try out these Snacks and Sweets for your Kids. I am sure they will love it!


Channa or Chole 65
Sada or Bajra Murukus ~ Snacks for Kids
Udhi Bondas ~ Urad Dal Bondas
Ribbon Pakoda
Bottle Gourd Tikkis
Popped Jowars
Paneer Palak Tikki
How to make Bhel Puri | Bhel Puri for Kids - Cooking with Kids!
Low Calorie Baked Potato Patty | Easy Aloo Cutlet
Mini Triangle Stuffed Paratha | Finger Foods for Kids


Maida Biscuits ~ Deepavali Sweets
Coconut Dates Boorelu ~ Quick snacks for Kids
Sunnundalu ~ Urad Dal Laddu
Banana Halwa
Besan Ladoo in Microwave
Beaten Rice with Jaggary and Banana
Peanut Fried Gram Chikki Balls

Quick and Simple Lunch Box recipes for Kids | Wholesome Meals for Kids

Lunch Box Recipes / Lunch Recipes

Pasta with Herbs and Veggies ~ Kids delight!
Masala Poha, Poha Upma, Atukulu Upma ~ Kids Delight
Idli Upma with Podi - Kids Lunch Box
Quick Paneer Parathas ~ Wholesome Meal for Kids
Quick Semiya Upma ~ Vermicelli Upma Recipe
Quick Macaroni in Tomato Sauce
Simple and Quick Macaroni with White Sauce Recipe
Parathas with leftover Potato Peas Kurma ~ Quick dish for kids
Penne Pasta with Onion, Tomato sauce, Quick Lunch for Kids
Bread Jam Pinwheels
Carrot mixed Idlis | Vegetable Idlis

Rice Recipes

Quick n Simple Tomato Rice ~ Kids Delight
Vermicelli Ppulao | Semiya Pulav

Homemade Baby Food Recipes | Indian Baby Food Recipes | Wholesome Homemade Baby Food Recipes

Introducing Pulses or dals to infants
Wholesome Homemade Baby Food for 11 months
Pappu Annam | Wholesome Lentil Rice toddlers

Image Source : Eversave Recipes


Different elements spicing our life!

Parenting and Kids
Diabetes and its management

Kid's Delight Event Details
Misc and Random

Recipes to Spice them each!

Ideas for Kid's Lunch, Menu Planning
Homemade Baby Food Recipes
Snacks and Sweets for Kids
Breakfast Recipes for Kids
Lunch Box Recipes for Kids
Bachelor Cooking
Diabetic Diet Menu
Indian Cooking Challenge

Diet Program for Weight Loss & Indian Diet Recipes

Easy Breakfast Recipes for Kids | Kid Friendly Breakfast Dishes