Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunnundalu ~ Urad Dal Laddu!

Life is a circle of happiness, and many times it can also come in form of circles! Like this circle which is a ball of Urad dal and Jaggary flavoured with ghee is! Peddu says it's "Kircle Shhspe" for meaning "Circle shape". They are learning shapes now and one evening back from school, when we were playing, he suddenly said this word. It was the first time I was hearing it, so had tough time trying to figure out what it was. So asked them them the sequence of incidence and voila, he meant shapes. He said "Kabi Akka was showing him pictures of shapes" and he learnt Circle. Kabi Akka is actually Kabitha Akka for Chinnu, she is the girl who takes care of them in the creche.

Now coming back to these Sunnundalu, I can recollect many wonderful memories associated and I hardly think can fit a page here. Best be said that they coloured the sweetest memories of all. I remember eating these the first thing in the morning and even sneaky in the dark hours of night. Whatever time, I was keen on completing the box that Amma made for us. These are also called as Minapa Sunni Undalu. And tastes awesome.

I never really thought these were so simple, as I was mostly more concerned about eating them first hand. But I remember catching balls whenever Amma makes. These are very healthy and nutritious. Plus it has jaggary and ghee, what else can one ask for!

I made this for neivedyam and this goes for my Kid's Delight as this is surely all kids favorite sweet!


Sunnundalu - Urad Dal Laddu

Ingredients Needed:

Whole Black gram / Urad Dal - 1 cup
Grated Jaggary - 1 cup
Clarified Butter/ Ghee - 2 -3 tsp

Method to prepare:

Dry roast the Urad dal in low flame, till it turns golden brown and starts smelling like heaven.

Allow it to cool, while you grate the jaggary. When the Urad dal is cooled, powder it to fine texture, you can stop before it becomes too powdery. It is exactly one step before it can become fine powder, you can still feel tiny bits of dal in is whole texture.

Add the jaggary to the powder and pulse it for couple of times. The wetness in jaggary will blend to the Urad dal and the mixture will retain its shape when you gather as a ball.

Heat the ghee and pour over this mixture. If its too hot, mix it using a spoon, else mix well with hand. Now gather the mixture as balls and press tightly together so that it retains its shape.

This yielded about 12 medium sized laddos. Once done, these stay for about 10 days, though it gets over by next day if I remember!

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