Monday, September 14, 2009

First Blog Anniversary with Kids Delight!

I really had this wish for a long time. The wish that I forget my own birthday. It hardly ever happened. But how could I forget my blog's birthday? Jeez that's really bad, especially one that I take so much time to create, its almost like I have nourished with so much care. And here I am, completely forgetting that its been a year since I started this space.

Everybody had this doubt on why I wanted to created another space. Why not talk about everything in there, but somehow I can only think about cooking and few related topics in my cooking 4 all seasons blog. I wanted to have a space where I could discuss parenting, about Kids and their activities and lot more. Unlike other time, I seriously thought through for the name and finally decided Spice your life meant everything for me. Be it Parenting, Health, Traditional Indian Cooking, or whatever, they get down to influence your life.

So on occasion of this Blog anniversary, I thought it's only apt that I celebrate this albeit being late, by having an event to run around the theme that's always on top of my mind.

This event is going to celebrate Kids and their likes. Kids run my life, quite literally, they colour our life in different hues. And what's more special than doing something for them, by them and celebrating it.

Photo Credits: MS Clip Art Library

So with that I announce Kids Delight, an event to focus on Kids.

By that I mean:

Dishes that are liked and eaten by Kids. The age limit is no bar, the kids can be yours, your niece/nephew or even neighbor's. It can be any course of meal.

Art work done by Kids/ Done for kids. Like Dolls, paper or otherwise. Meaning practically anything that a kid does and enjoys. I hope you get the draft. This can be online or hand done, everything basically.

Entries can be multiple and should be sent to Please note the email and send to this account. Should reach me by 15th Oct 2009.

Please link back to this announcement and send me a mail with the following details

Subject: Kids Delight

Your Name
Link URL

And yes you can use the logo created for the event!

Hoping you will all join me in this celebration!

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