Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gooseberry Rice ~ Usirikai Annam!

I have been wanting to post some good recipes that are healthy and recommended for people who suffer from diabetes mellitus, but never seem to come around them. So when we made this rice, I thought yes, this is the chance I was waiting for. I have even roped in my Dad to help me with the project of getting a good exposure and awareness on Diabetics and how one has to handle it. Will be out with the notes soon!

Meanwhile here's the first in the series of dishes that are suitable for people diabetic. This is a simple rice dish made with Gooseberry which is a rich source of vitamin C and mostly recommended to be consumed.

Ingredients needed:

Rice - 100 gms
Gooseberry - 1 big
Garlic - 4 pods
Green Chillies - 4
Turmeric a pinch
Oil- 1 tbsp
Salt to taste

For Seasoning

Bengal Gram - 1 tbsp
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tsp
Urud Dal - 1/2 tsp
Ground Nuts - Hand full
Cashew Nuts - 5 - 10
Green Chillies - 1 slit
Curry Leaves a few

Method to prepare:

Soak rice for 10 mins and pressure cook it Once its done, transfer to a bowl and let it cool. The grains should be separate.

Meanwhile take Gooseberry, chillies, garlic and run it in a mixie to get coarse paste.

Heat oil, add all seasoning items, fry till they are light brown in colour. Add the gooseberry paste and Turmeric. Add salt and cook till the raw smell goes away.

Finally add the rice to the pan and mix well. Adjust the seasonings according to your taste.

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