Saturday, December 27, 2008

Activities for Kids ~ Doll Dresses!

I remembered my childhood days when I made dresses for my dolls and wanted to make them for my daughter. It was some months ago that I thought that I should do. But Konda's vacation got over and another one has also come. Now I thought I should surely make else the vacations would go waste without me not teaching her anything.

I finally came around making them for her Barbie dolls. Since almost a week she has been asking me. Every evening when I get back home, the first thing she asks me is to make those dresses. And every time I tell her Saturday! So I thought I will be able to make only if I take off a day and when morning came, She was ready with the question.

I finally sat down making these. Gosh I really wondered how I managed to make so many all those years ago!

Konda was patiently sitting with me, watching me cutting and hand stitching these. I even gave her a piece and asked her to complete. I still have some frocks and shirt in mind.

I had another type in mind, but taking a needle after almost many years, I was struggling to get going. This took me some 3 hours of labour! I guess most experts would get this done in 10 minutes time. But well I was happy remembering all those years back when I had made similar dresses and I was happy I could make these again for my daughter.

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As I thought about not letting our kids experimenting with scissors, i think if you explain and show them how one should handle, they will do fine. I have overcome the fear that she might hurt herself.

As far as activities for girls, there is nothing more interesting than playing with Dolls. Will have to see what to plan when it comes to my boys!

Infact I showed her how to get the needle going. Anyway long way to go for us to learn each other!

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