Friday, November 7, 2008

Simple Veggie Sandwich!

I am sure there are many takers for Sandwiches. Especially those that take very less time to get fixed. These were in matter of 10 mins, where the major time was spent on sautéing the veggies. This makes it a perfect breakfast, with added advantage of vegetables in it. Of course, I couldn't imagine my daughter would've wanted to eat, so I didn't' make for her. But this was a quick fix for hubby dear, when he was in a hurry to leave. So I thought this makes it a perfect one to made by Bachelors. When I think of sandwiches, I can't but think of the many options, one has to choose.

If you have ever lived in Madras and gone around the city, I am sure you would be familiar with the famous Sandwich shops in Egmore. Those are just road side stalls, where the innovative chef, cooks up hundreds of sandwiches for his ardent customers. Those stalls are famous by its clientèle. If you happen to visit by evening, you will find huge crowd, waiting patiently for their order to be made. I was really surprised by the many varieties they had to offer. The customers, mostly college students, stand in tons, chatting, laughing, and spending hours without a care but venting their hunger with sandwich or two. And how hygiene it is, you can see for yourself, unlike in other places. He does it right in front of you and you can customize your orders too.

So when I was making this, I was only thinking of those yummy sandwiches that get done and devoured in tons!

Ingredients Needed:

Beans and Carrot - 1/2 cup
Tomato - 1 small
Onion - 1 small
Ginger garlic paste -1 /2 tsp
Chili powder - 1/2 tsp
Green Chili - 1
Salt to taste
Ghee for roasting

Method to prepare:

Par boil the vegetables. Saute the onion till pink along with chillies and ginger garlic paste, then add the tomatoes. Saute till it gets mushy.

Then add the cooked vegetables. Chili powder and salt. This takes about 5 -7 min.

Roast the bread slices over pan, stuff the filling and press firmly.

Serve with ketchup!

This serves as a quick breakfast fix!

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