Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bread Pizza ~ Quick Delicious Treat!

Bread Pizza has always been a childhood delight, ok teenage delight. I started my cooking with making pizzas and there were times I used to make almost every other day. Those pizzas will for ever remain fresh in memory. The aroma that comes out while its baking in the oven, while I was eagerly waiting out it, checking for the time. Peeping inside to see if its done. Wow, wish those days are back here again. Anyway when days turned fast, making them from the scratch was not anymore possible, I found the next best thing possible. I made pizzas from bread. It turns out in flat 1 min, when you have the cheese grated and sauce ready on hand.

And I was very happy when I knew that Konda loves this. This has come to my rescue many a hurry mornings, when I had to make breakfast for her. She is bored with the usual stuff and I am challenged to find the right one. When once I introduced this to her, she was simply elated. So I try to make these atleast once a week. It makes a real healthy breakfast for a growing child. Of course, she likes this any time I give her. So this gets made quite a number of times. When a glass of fresh lime juice there is nothing better than this combination!

Ingredients Needed:

Bread Slices - 4
Grated Cheese - 1 cube.
Tomato Sauce - 4 tsps
Pepper for garnishing

Method to prepare:

You can use any type of bread you have. I normally use the sliced bread.

Fresh slices can be used as such. Or you can toast it with butter.

Heat a pan with little butter. Toast the slices on one side till its crispy.

Remove and spread the tomato sauce all over it.

Grate the cheese cube and spread the cheese over the sauce.

Microwave the slices for a 1 min or till the cheese gets melted.

Remove and sprinkle a wee bit of pepper, since its for kids, make sure its just a wee bit.

Make a great one for a quick breakfast or anytime of the day!

Serve with any fresh juice for a perfect and healthy breakfast.

Konda was elated that she was given this treat for a evening snack. Am sure every kid will love this.

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