Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Beaten Rice with Jaggary and Banana

I started this year with the intention of making more kids related posts and ones that are really favorite with them. I managed to do only handful of them. Atleast I am happy that what got posted were really their favorites. I enjoyed reading the feedback that whoever tried it with their kids, they loved it. What's more to it than this feedback right!

We have kind of settled to a pretty much decided menu for the kids lunch. So now that they like it, I fear to change it fearing if it was not liked by them, then what will they eat. So any experiment comes only for their snack time, which is at home. I am more free to try out new things to see if they like it or not. I know for sure they love beaten rice varieties.

With that in mind, this simple yet delicious healthy snack was an idea from Amma, who said its quick and yet great on taste. Doesn't really take much time for preparation.


Ingredients Needed:

Beaten Rice - 2 cups
Jaggary - 1 cup
Grated fresh coconut - 2 tsp
Ripe Banana -1

Method to prepare:

Wash and soak the beaten rice in water for 10 minutes. Meanwhile melt the jaggary and remove scum if any.

Drain the beaten rice from water over a colander. Keep it aside.

Then boil it again till you get a 1 thread consistency. Remove from fire, add the drained beaten rice and mix well.

Add in the grated fresh coconut and just before serving, add sliced banana.

This is a great filler for snack time, you can pack this for school along with full banana. The kid can scoop in the beaten rice alternate with the banana.

Else the sliced banana can be coated lightly with sugar to prevent browning from happening. But it is always best to pack in unpeeled banana with this for school.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Pomegranate, Indian Gooseberry and Fenugreek powder for Diabetics

This is yet another wonder powder that we can make from what we have at home for Diabetes care.

I have listed below some details on each of these three fruits that I have used, sourced from internet. I am not able to cite specific site for contributing these details, but in general the information is retrieved from researching on many sites available online. I would like to thank the individual authors for their contribution.

Apart from being healthy, pomegranate is delicious too. Pomegranate consists of antioxidant, antiviral and anti-tumour properties. It is said to be a good source of vitamins as it includes vitamin A, C and E as well as folic acid. This fruit consists of three times the antioxidants of wine or green tea. It is said to be the powerhouse of health. Pomegranates are known mostly for curing the problems related to heart and for maintaining effective and healthy blood circulation. Other health benefits include cure of stomach disorders, cancer, dental care, osteoarthritis, anemia and diabetes.

Indian Gooseberry

In general Indian Gooseberry is considered very healthy due to its high vitamin C content. Amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acid, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, supports the heart, strengthens the lungs, regulates elimination, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, is good for the skin, promotes healthier hair, acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, strengthens the eyes, improves muscle tone and it acts as an antioxidant.

The health benefits of amla include the following:

* Eye care: Taking Gooseberry juice with honey is good for improving eyesight. It improves nearsightedness and cataract. It reduces interocular tension.
* Diabetes: Gooseberry contains chromium. It has a therapeutic value in diabetics. Indian Gooseberry or Amla stimulate the isolated group of cells that secrete the hormone insulin. Thus it reduces blood sugar in diabetic patient.
* Heart disease: Gooseberry strengthens heart muscles. So heart pumps blood flawless throughout the body.
* Infection: Due t o its antibacterial and astringent attributes the Indian Gooseberry protects against infection. It improves body resistance.
* Hair loss: Amla is used in many hair tonics. It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens roots of hair , maintains color and luster. Eating fresh fruit or applying its paste on hair roots improves hair growth and color.
* Improving appetite: Consuming Gooseberry powder with butter and honey before meal improves appetite. It helps in balancing Nitrogen level and thus increases weight in a healthy way.


Due to its estrogen-like properties, fenugreek has been found to help increase libido and lessen the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause and PMS. In India and China it has also been used to treat arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, improve digestion, maintain a healthy metabolism, increase libido and male potency, cure skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils), treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux. Fenugreek also has a long history of use for the treatment of reproductive disorders, to induce labor, to treat hormonal disorders, to help with breast enlargement, and to reduce menstrual pain. Recent studies have shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and may be an effective treatment for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. Fenugreek is also being studied for its cardiovascular benefits.

What you see above is the final ball that is done by drying these skin of Pomegranate, pitted Indian gooseberry and dried fenugreek. All these are sun dried for a day or till they are really dry and powder to a fine powder.

Once a day, the diabetic patient can mix all three powders with little water and consume.

Sending this to Sadhana & Muskaan event on Home Remedies.

Earlier on Diabetes:

General Notes on Diabetes
Introduction to Diabetes ~ What Is Diabetes?
Why Early Diagnosis Is Important?
Diagnosing Diabetes ~ Different Types Of Diabetes
Dietary aspects in the management of diabetes
Dietary aspects in the management of diabetes ~ Glycemic Index!
Glycemic Index of different foods

Diabetes Diet:

Appey or Paniyaram with Jowar Four
Healthly Snack with Chickpea Salad
Gooseberry Rice
Guava ~ the Wonder Fruit
Jamun Seed Powder ~ Diet for Diabetics!
Stuffed Paratha with Greens

Monday, December 14, 2009

Chegodilu / Chekodi November Challenge for Indian Cooking Challenge ~ Step by Step!

Planning this month's challenge for Indian Cooking Challenge had in me a toss! I knew it had to be a savory. I planned for south Indian mixture, but since it was already made, it was dropped. Running pillar to post, finally hit on Chegodi or Chegodilu as it is called in Andhra. This is one of the most favorite snack items sold in shops and of course made at home.

The other thing I wanted to make were the Karasev, but Amma cautioned that it is kind of risky attempting them as there are possibilities of missiles shooting out, if one is not careful. So heading the warning, I decided against it. I simply love Karasev, so planning to take it sometime for ICC.

Meanwhile let's enjoy making these Ring Muruku as these are called in the shops in Tamil Nadu, for this month. I went specially to shop to check out the Tamil name. I have always known this as only Chekodi.

Chekodis I remember my relatives getting us every time they visit us. We have never bought it ourselves from our area. So my memories are so intertwine with guests visiting us.

Amma gave me two recipes, selecting two ways of making a dish always gives us much challenge. As usual with all challenges I attempt it at the last moment. First time I made, I thought I would just try it as I think it can be easy and ended up with a chekodi that was crisp to begin with and ended up being little soft.

So I again made it following the method of cooking the flour, it came out really very crispy and very crunchy.

I was discussing on this with Lataji and Nimi on the flour texture. Lataji used both shop bought rice flour and home made flour. Nimi tried with shop bought and thought it was breaking. I explained to her that this is primarily to do with the dampness that has to be there in the flour. So again for this one has to grind the flour at home for best results. Else should increase the moisture content.

You can follow this method for making rice flour at home. Most might feel it is laborious, but when you are making small quantity, it is really not.

I made the first recipe, will be trying the recipe 2 sometime later.

Enjoy these crunchy chekodi with a cup of tea or coffee!

Chegodilu,Chekodi,Indian Snacks,Tea Time snack

Chegodilu / Chekodilu - Recipe 1

Ingredients Needed:

Rice Flour - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup
Split Yellow Moong dal / Pesara pappu / Mung Dal / Pasiparuppu - 1 1/2 - 2 tblsp
Cumin Seeds - 1 tsp
Sesame Seeds - 1 tsp
Chili powder - 1 tsp
Ghee or oil - 1 tblsp
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying

Method to prepare:

Making the dough:

Soak moong dal in water for half hour to 1 hour.

In a deep bottom pan, boil water, then add salt, ghee and moong dal. Bring it to boil, simmer and slowly add the rice flour. Using a rolling pin or the ladle, mix the flour with water by stirring it well. When the flour is mixed and done, turn off the heat immediately. Cover with lid and keep aside for 10 to 15 mins.

Once the dough is cool, add chilli powder, sesame seeds, cumin seeds and mix well. Knead till you get a smooth dough. Adjust the salt and spice depending on your preference.

Frying the Chokodi:

Heat a pan with oil, enough to fry 3 -4 at time, if you conscious of not using too much oil. Simmer once it gets hot. The temperature should not be smoking hot.

Grease your fingers with oil and pinch out a small lemon size ball and roll between your palms to form a thick rope. Bring the two ends to together and press to form a rope. Ensure the ends are firmed pressed as not to give out during frying.

Continue with the rest of the dough until you are done with the entire batch. You can either cover it with a plate or a cloth to prevent the dough from getting dried.

Check if the oil is in the correct temperature, by dropping a tiny bit into the oil. Then gently slide the rings or the chakodis in batches of 4 -5. The flame has to be on high until the chakodis come up to the surface, then lower the flame to medium and cook till you get a golden colour on the chakodis.

When the chakodis are golden all over, using a slotted ladle, remove to a kitchen towel and cool. Store in an air tight container for longer shelf life.

Notes: Remember to turn the heat to medium to high and high to medium for getting the chakodis to golden colour and also to be cooked evenly. Only this way you get crispy chakodis. These should not be cooked on low flame as they will absorb more oil and can turn soggy also at times.

Variation: Instead of Cumin and Sesame seeds, 1 tsp of Ajwain or Omam can be used along with chili powder.

Chegodilu - Recipe 2

Ingredients Needed:

Rice flour - 3/4 cup
All purpose flour/ Maida - 1/4 cup
Ghee - 2 tbsp
Ajwain - 1/4 tsp
Red chilli powder - 1/4 tsp
Turmeric really a pinch
Salt as per taste
Oil to deep fry

Boil 1 cup water in a bowl, add salt to it.

When the water starts boiling, remove from stove, add ajwain, red chilli powder, turmeric and flours. Stir with a ladle to make sure it is mixed well. Pour ghee on it and cover.

Once it cools, knead it to form smooth dough.

Pinch out small balls of dough and roll them like threads between your palm, bring the ends together to form into small rings

Fry them in hot oil til they turn golden in colour. You can follow the same procedure as the first recipe.


To all my ICC members, please link your Chegodilu / Chekodi post to Mr. Linky.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pearl Millet Sprouts with Sesame Seeds and Jaggary Salad

I have always known these as Saddalu but after Internet and interacting with others, I came to know that Pearl Millit is referred as Sajjalu. The name doesn't really matter if you ask me. My first memories of this was when I was 6 years old. I vividly remember eating this at my paternal grandparents home, in our own cultivated land. I think even at that young age, I could feel the pride of growing something and eating it. Even though I hardly contributed to growing it myself.

The first memory reminds me of burnt millets directly on the coal. They taste awesome! Then of course Amma used to make the Roti with the Sadda flour, those mixed with onions, green chilies and served with peanut chutney. These were my evening snacks when I came back home. Imagine coming home to these heavenly smells. I wish my kids eat these. Of course I haven't introduced them to it anyways. But you know right that they may not like it. Maybe I should try it sometimes.


Coming to this raw sprouts, I have known Amma sprouting these when she gets it fresh. Then I have seen Athamma doing it. She specially asks me for whole ones. So when I got this, she ends up sprouting them.

These make a great snack or a quick snack for breakfast.


Sadda/ Sajja - Pearl Millet


There is really no recipe for this. Wash and keep the Millet in a muslin cloth overnight. Sprouts come out.

Then add grated jaggary and sesame seeds. Toss together and just eat.

The sprouted millet are very nutritious and when combined with jaggary, is a good source of iron, plus makes it a complete meal for breakfast.

Sesame seeds adds great taste to the overall effect.