Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Diet Solution Program

So just what is The Diet Solution Program? As you probably know most of the new fad diets focus on removing primary food composition categories; that is, fats, carbohydrates, or proteins. Even though most of these can reduce weight, disrupting your body's metabolism and nutrition can only lead to stress, hunger and fatigue. If you have found yourself starving when losing weight only to fall off and gain it back then The Diet Solution Program is the diet for you.

Weight loss answer for dietingThe author, Isabel De Los Rios, has found a refreshing answer to this problem - namely, a diet solution program that focuses on an easier lifestyle change with the added benefit of nutritional value. A certified nutrition, exercise and lifestyle coach, Isabel De Los Rios is owner of New Body – Center for Fitness and Nutrition in New Jersey. In her book, she has brought together the best of her background in sports nutrition and physiology with a focus on metabolism type to create an actionable natural weight loss guide that really makes sense.
So, how does her program work? Her basic dieting concept is that with the right foods, you can eat sizable quantities and lose weight at the same time. Most dieters decrease their overall food intake so much when they want to lose weight that they do lose some pounds, then quickly level off. At that point, they have no choice but to eat even less food, which triggers starvation mode and makes losing weight and feeling good very difficult, if not impossible.

The Diet Solution Program is a full 180 pages of background, inspiration, food & nutrition information - as well as menus, charts and journal templates. It is a complete guide that changes your thinking about food, metabolism and the simple preparation steps you need to lose weight naturally.

The basic breakdown of the book is this:
Section 1 - Focuses on meal planning in order to get the best results for your own metabolism diet type as well as a personal program for success describing the three steps to weight loss.

Section 2 - Specifically dives into very detailed information on what to eat and what to avoid - basically, good vs. bad foods. Plus, she has immediate action steps to remove or change your daily habits. Packed with over 50 recipes in 61 pages, she defines all of the requirements and recommendations for good food in your diet.

Section 3 - Encompasses all the tools to measure your own metabolism type such as Dietary charts (such as glycemic index, food portions) and data, meal journal templates, as well as full calendar example of menus for breakfast, snacks, lunch, and dinner.

Frankly, this book is a welcome relief to the current set of dieting guides on the market today. The only criticism of this guide is something that is, in my opinion, just a lifestyle choice - that is, as much as I know the author wants to promote good nutrition, there really isn't any section devoted to modern lifestyle choices you can make while at work or on the road.

It would be great to have some additional options such as less expensive non-organic market choices, fast food alternatives, and work-arounds when you can't get the recommended choices. Our busy lives make it difficult to get organic foods or plan out our lunches at work. It would have been nice to see a section of some options for those on the run. However, that kind of planning is really something you can easily develop on your own using this guide.

All in all this is a highly recommended dieting guide - it focuses on balanced foods, nutrition, and proper health to lose weight naturally. Order The Diet Solution Program today!

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