Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Potato Cumin Bread Roll!

The Ninjas decided that they are going to bake something on account of the World Bread day. And this Ninja not being in a position to bake nor do anything else, could only come up with this teenage fantasy, that gets done in a jiffy. This was something I used to make so very often and completely forgot about it, until faced with a challenge!

Its very simple to make and its a kid's delight. Well as I kid I loved it. Beauty of it was, I used to make it myself with sweet and spicy versions. I can still remember the jam that used to go into it most often. I used to roll out and then freeze and then roast! Wow, I was able to bring back those lovely memories by making it again. And I should thank my fellow ninjas for initiating this.

Ingredients Needed

Potatoes - 2 medium
Cumin Powder - 1/2 tsp
Chili flakes/ Chili powder - 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Bread Slices - 4
Ghee for roasting

Method to prepare:

Boil Potatoes till tender. Peel the skin and allow to cool.

Then add cumin powder and chili flakes/ chili powder, Salt and mix well.

Trim the sides of the bread and roll it out flat using the rolling pin. You will get a thick, thin slice.

Place the potato filling on one side and roll it tightly towards the other side. Apply some water to the fag end that you are going to cover and stick together.

This is ready to be roasted but if you want, you can freeze it for 5 mins or so. I used to freeze the sweeter versions but not the potato filled ones.

These are ready in flat 5 mins. Then heat a pan with ghee and roast this till crisp on both sides.

This is my simplest way of appreciating the goodness of bread to mankind! But this is something that works magic on kids and very simple to be made by Bachelors too.

But be sure to check out the awesome creations that my fellow ninjas are going to dish out!

Lakshmi, Divya Vikram, Anu, Raaga, Dhivi, Siri, Ranji, Bhags and Swati are sure going to charm you with their creations!

Since this will be a great party food, sending this to WYF:PArty Food hosted by EC

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