Friday, October 24, 2008

Maida Biscuits ~ Deepavali Sweets!

I wish my readers a Very happy Deepavali!

I know Deepavali holds special moments for every kid. And I remember my childhood with vivid clearness. Its almost like just yesterday! And every season, Amma would plan for something new sweet or snacks along with the favorite old ones. These maida biscuits are something she did one season. And then we completely forgot about it. This time round, my Athamma was telling me of this biscuit and I was wondering remembering it from somewhere. This is normally done with eggs but since we make it for pooja, we replace it with ripe banana. And those ripe bananas were just what Athamma wanted to make these for Konda. There were done in jiffy and were a great hit with the kids. All three of them were taken in by the shape and the taste of these.

The heart and the car molds are Konda's playthings, which we thought would serve us better. The kids have a thing about eating snacks presented in lovable forms. Best thing about these biscuits are that they are easy to make and not consume lot of oil. The whole sugar adds a different taste as you get to munch on them.

Ingredients Needed:

Maida / All purpose flour - 1 cup
Wheat flour / Atta - 3 tbsp
Grated Coconut - 2 tbsp
Sugar - 1 cup
Sesame - 1 tsp
Oil for deep frying

Method to prepare:

Shift the flours in a bowl. Mix in sugar, sesame seeds and grated coconut. Slowly add the water to knead a stiff dough.

The roll it out in 1" thickness as chapati. Press the shape over it, until you complete the dough.

Heat oil for deep frying. Gently drop in to deep fry these. Turn on both sides and cook on sim.

Remove to a kitchen towel. Store in an air tight container.
Justify Full
These snacks are on the way to the following events!

Sunday Snacks: Fry it hosted by SnackoRama.
Yummy Festival Feasts hosted by Pallavi.
Festive Food: Diwali hosted by Priti
and JFI: Festival Treats hosted by myself!

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